Code and classification of education: 7M08-«Agriculture and Bioresources»
Code and classification of training areas: 7M083-«Forestry»
Qualifications: Master of Agricultural Sciences
Duration: 1,5 years
The purpose of the educational program "Bioresources management " - educational program was created based on employers' request, and in connection with the growing demand for specialists who can develop and implement projects of forest reclamation, control of forest management works and forestry works on forest maintenance, reforestation and protective afforestation.
Objectives of the educational program:
- forming ability in terms of science and changing social practice revaluation of experience, acquire new knowledge, using modern information educational technologies;
- develop a holistic view of the processes and phenomena occurring in animate and inanimate nature, an understanding of the capabilities of modern scientific methods of knowledge and possession;
- to form a system of knowledge, skills and experience necessary for the implementation of professional competences in the field of forest management;
- to form a graduate readiness to implement and use the results of modern science, innovative technologies, techniques and projects;
- to impart skills in the use of regulations and professional rhetoric, foreign language in the professional field of activity;
- the ability to shape the planning and organization of professional activity based on the rule of law, economic and social policy of the state.
General characteristics of the education program
The educational program " Bioresources management ", that is Kazakhstan territory is set to landscape complexes from deserts to highlands and inland seas ecosystems. In terms of increasing the pace of economic development and enhance the use of natural resources becomes more urgent question of the further improvement of the system of territorial protection of nature. Those conditions determine the need for further development of specially protected natural territories of Kazakhstan (PA) as an effective system of conservation of biological diversity of the state.
Personnel potential employees environmental institutions has always been one of the most important, since environmental institutions are not only the environmental function, but are also academic institutions. The variety of landscapes and ecosystems, protected areas, permanent work with local communities requires new methods and approaches to natural resource management.
The project SUSDEV sustainable education throughout their lives developed the master's program " Bioresources management " in order to create a talent pool of employees and managers of environmental institutions.
Areas of professional activity
The sphere of professional activity is forestry. Management in the development of protected areas and biological resources; research work in the field of management of protected areas and biological resources; design and production activities in bodies of forestry and environmental management, the Ministry of Agriculture and other environmental agencies and institutions (bureaus, firms and others.).
The objects of professional activity of graduates are: the state forestry agency, national and natural parks, nature reserves, natural sites, ecosystems, people and relationships with the environment; environmental impact assessment and environmental impact assessment; the resource base of the territorial organization of society, natural and territorial and natural-economic complexes in the field of wildlife monitoring, management system and conservation of biological resources of nature.
Professional competence
to know and understand: monitor compliance with the requirements of legislation on environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, carrying out preventive, health-improvement, forest protection, fire protection and other activities in the specially protected areas.
be able to: use knowledge about the nature of the forest with a view to planning and conducting forest management activities aimed at sustainable, permanent, sustainable use of forests, increase of productivity of forests, conservation of environmental, water protection, sanitary-hygienic, improving and other useful functions of forests; use knowledge of technological systems, tools and methods in solving professional problems of forest regeneration, forest tending, protection, forest protection and utilization;
master skills to: organize the conduct of by forest uses and use of areas of the State Forest Fund for cultural and recreational, recreational, tourist and sports purposes; to collect baseline data for the granting of forest fund plots for use, conducting rounds audit sections and check the status of forest protection.
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.