And classification code of education: 7М05 – «Natural Sciences, mathematics and statistics»
Code and classification training areas: 7М051 – «Biological and related Sciences»
Code in the International standard classification of education: 0510
Qualification: master of natural Sciences the educational program «Veterinary biotechnology»
Duration of training: 2 years
Objectives of the educational program:
2 General characteristics of the educational program (relevance, characteristics, competitive advantages, uniqueness, stakeholders, etc.)
With temporary biotechnology occupies a leading position in the biological, medical, veterinary and zootechnical research and represents a progressive form of industrial technology, which is based on biological objects – people, animals, plants, microorganisms, cells and viruses. The modern concept of education in the field of biotechnology involves the need to develop knowledge and practical skills future professionals. General orientation and knowledge students in the use of biotechnology in pharmaceutical manufacturing, in the production of biological products in veterinary medicine are extremely important, because according to expert estimates, the share of drug drugsobtained by biotechnological methods in the near future will be over 50%.
Educational program "Veterinary biotechnology" developed in accordance The educational program "Biotechnology" was developed in accordance with The NQF and professional standards, in accordance with the Dublin descriptors and the European frame of qualifications on the basis of the State obligatory standard of higher education, approved by order of the Minister of education and science of Kazakhstan from October 31, 2018 (no. 604) and in accordance with the classifier of areas of education and training with higher and postgraduate education (Approved by order of MES RK №569от 13 Oct 2018
The peculiarity of the educational program:
The uniqueness of the program is development of various methods, techniques, schemes proceedings aimed at obtaining valuable substances on the basis of biological objects. Biotechnology is a synthesis of basic science and practices, so this program for the training of students in the direction «Veterinary biotechnology» it is directed on preparation of experts of biologists biotechnologists, capable of conducting fundamental biological research and implementation of obtained results into production.
The major stakeholders of EP are: agricultural enterprises, laboratories veterinary, food and processing, microbiological, pharmaceutical industries, research institutes and Universities of biotechnological, biological, medical, veterinary, agricultural fields; agricultural enterprises; selection station; laboratory for monitoring the quality and safety of agricultural products; environmental services and organizations.
3 Competence model (portrait) of the graduate
3.1 areas of professional activities
Professional area of graduate educational program "Veterinary biotechnology" in the direction of training "7М051 – Biological and related Sciences" is a production of biotechnological products for veterinary purposes and the development of modern biotechnological processes, for obtaining diagnostic, therapeutic, preventive, and fodder preparations of new generation for veterinary and livestock; selection of microorganisms and animals; scientific and scientific-pedagogical activity in the sphere of education and science.
Professional competence
to know and understand: moderne trendsand development scientific knowledge; actual methodologically and philosophy callye problems science; methodology of scientific knowledge; the principles and structure of organization of scientific activity, basic concepts they are biotechnology and bionanotechnology used in modern veterinary medicine and biology; technological variety of biotechnology of target products (biomass, primary and secondary metabolites), the methods their separation and purification; the principles the main biotechnological equipment, classic and modern methods of selection of strains of microorganisms; the main achievements in the generation and use of strains-producers in various branches of economy, medicine, science.
to be able to: use knowledge of basic Sciences in scientific work to solve specific research, information retrieval tasks; to choose methods and techniques of research (biotechnology, diagnostic, bacteriological, virological, chemical, Toxicological, and other research methods); knowledge and methods molecular biology and genetics in scientific research to know the methods of electrophoresis and chromatography isolation and purification of DNA and RNA to own the principles of performances: with serological reactions –AR, MAR, LAR, CBR, immunochemical reactions – ELISA, IHA, molecular genetic – different variants of PCR.
to have skills: team work in a team, to analyze and interpret the obtained results based on research, by integrating knowledge of fundamental or applied areas of biotechnology. Using practical skills of organization of research and design work with the use of objects to operate basic biotechnology equipment and instruments and the basics of biotechnology onto achievements the world of science and advanced technology in the field of molecular biology and genetics and genetic engineering molecular biotechnology; independently organize and conduct scientific research using modern methods of analysis at the molecular, cellular, organismal and population levels.
4 Base the apprenticeship
Teaching practice
1. Microbiology and Biotechnology Department, Biological Sciences Department, S.Seifullin KATU;
2. Universities and colleges of biological direction;
Research practice
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.