Specialty: 5B120200-Veterinary sanitation
Name of speciality: Veterinary Sanitation
Qualification: Veterinary expert
Training period: 5 years
Form of education: full-time
4 subject: Biology
The brief description of knowledge application: educational program "Veterinary-sanitary examination of livestock products" specialty 5B120200- "Veterinary Sanitation" is designed according to the changes in the legislative framework of veterinary services activities in the country, and the influence of the EAEC and entrance to the World Trade Organization, as well as employers' recommendations ( state veterinary organizations and of private veterinary service).
The purpose of the educational program aims to explore issues concerning the biological and food safety, prevention and extermination of infectious animal diseases. In this regard, the content of the educational program is aimed at the acquisition of knowledge and practical skills for the implementation of biological and food security in accordance with the requirements of the RK veterinary legislation and the recommendations of international veterinary organizations (OIE, FAO, WHO and others.).
Brief description of skills
The veterinary sanitary examination of livestock products" plans a clear orientation on the future professional activity, which is shown in the possibility of the construction of their education, taking into account the success in the personal and professional activity.
This program is made up according to the requirements of potential employers who need experts to work at the enterprises engaged in the state and production of veterinary supervision. The educational program will allow graduates to carry out activities in the field of the organization of preventive and antiepizootic activities of veterinary sanitary examination bodies and carcasses of animals, meat and meat products, milk and dairy, seafood, eggs and egg products, honey, vegetable products in the markets in the veterinary laboratories.
Brief content program
The educational of program "Veterinary-sanitary examination of livestock products" is developed in accordance with the national qualifications framework and professional standards, taking into account the Dublin descriptors and the European Qualifications Framework. This program is designed based on a modular system of studying of disciplines and contains 19 modules forming the general cultural and professional competence. The content of the educational program, implemented in the framework of this specialty, established by the State obligatory standards of education.The catalog of elective disciplineswas developed that provides students the opportunityof alternative choice of elective disciplines.
Program place in the national ranking of the ААR
In 2015, specialty 5B120200 - "Veterinary Sanitation"S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical University is among higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan implementing educational activities in this specialty, won first place in the ranking of the ААR,
Senior Advisor`s name: Abdrakhmanov Sarsenbay Kadirovich, Email: S_abdrakhmanov@mail.ru
Phone: + 7-7172-297-252
Specialty: 6М120200-Veterinary sanitation
Qualifications: Master of Veterinary Sciences.
Training period: 2 years
Form of education: Full-time
The Brief description of the application of knowledge: educational program "Veterinary-sanitary examination of livestock products", specialty 6M120200- "Veterinary Sanitation" is designed according to the changes in the legislative framework of activities of veterinary services in the country, and the influence of the EAEC and entrance to the World Trade Organization, as well as the recommendations of the employers (the state veterinary organizations and of private veterinary service).
The main purpose of the educational program is development of master program issues of food quality and safety of animal products. In this regard, the content of the educational program is aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills for the implementation of veterinary and sanitary examination of the quality and safety of animal products in the Customs Union and upcoming entrance to the World Trade Organization in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of international veterinary organizations (OIE, FAO, WHO and others.).
Brief description of skills
Basic skills of educational master program on specialty 6M120200 - "Veterinary Sanitation" is to teach master students to the modern methods and practical organization of the work on veterinary-sanitary examination of foods.To develop students' ability to self-improvement and acquisition of new knowledge, as well as to promote the acquisition of skills to participate in research activities at various levels, the continuation of scientific training postdoctoral.
The educational program takes into account the requirements of potential employers who require professionals to work in the laboratories of veterinary-sanitary inspection and food safety.
Brief content program
Educational program on the specialty 6M120200 - "Veterinary Sanitation" was developed in accordance with the national framework of qualifications and professional standards, agreed with the Dublin descriptors and the European frame of qualifications, on the basis of the State educational standards of higher education, doctoral, approved by the RK Government, September 2006 (№779) and the model curriculum specialty 6М120200 - "Veterinary sanitation". The educational program is designed based on a modular system of studying of disciplines and contains 7 modules, forming a special and professional competence.
Since 2015 the department prepares trilingual frames in the specialty 6M120200 - "Veterinary sanitation" Four lecturer conduct classes in English.
Program place in the national rating of ААR
Specialty 6М120200" - Veterinary sanitation" of the Kazakh agrotechnical of the University named after. Seifullin is among the higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, implementing educational activities on this specialty, took the second place by rating of ААR.
Senior advisor`s name Abdrahmanov Sarsenbai Kadyrovich, Email: S_abdrakhmanov@mail.ru
Phone: +7-7172-297-252
Specialty: 6D120200-Veterinary sanitation
Qualifications: PhD Dr.
Training period: 3 years
Form of education: Full-time
The Brief description of the application of knowledge: educational program "Veterinary-sanitary examination of livestock products" specialty 6D120200- "Veterinary Sanitation" has been developed in accordance of changes in the legislative framework of veterinary services activities in the republic, and EAEC`s influence and entrance to the World Trade Organization, as well as theemployers` recommendations (the state veterinary organizations and private veterinary service).
The main purpose of the educational program is to teach doctoral students to assimilate the experience on food quality and safety of animal products. In this regard, the content of the educational program is aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills for the implementation of veterinary and sanitaryexamination ofquality and safety of animal products at the Customs Union and the upcoming entrance into the World Trade Organization in accordance with the requirements and recommendations of international veterinary organizations (OIE, FAO, WHO and others.).
Brief description of skills
Basic skills of educational doctorate program on specialty 6D120200 - "Veterinary Sanitation" is to teach doctoral students to the modern methods of practical organization of the work on veterinary-sanitary examination of foods. It is necessary to provide the individual educational training path according to the selected doctoral specialization. To develop students' ability to self-improvement and acquisition of new knowledge, as well as to promote the acquisition of skills to participate in research activities at various levels, the continuation of scientific training postdoctoraldegree.
The educational program has been made in accordance with the employers `requirements, they want the experts to work in the laboratories of veterinary-sanitary inspection and food safety.
Brief programcontent
Educational program in the specialty 6D120200 - "Veterinary Sanitation" was developed in accordance with the national framework of qualifications and professional standards, agreed with the Dublin descriptors and the European frame of qualifications, on the basis of the State educational standards of higher education, doctoral, approved by the RK Government from September, 2006 (№779) and the standard curriculum model on specialty 6D120200 - "Veterinary sanitation". The educational program is made on the base of a modular system of studying disciplinesand contains 7 modules forming the special and professional competence.
Since 2015 department has prepared polylingualexperts on the specialty 6D120200 - «Veterinary sanitary". Four lecturers of the department conduct English classes.
Place of the program in the independent rating of ААR
Specialty 6D120200" - Veterinary sanitation" of S.Seifullin KATU is among the higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, implementing the educational activities on this specialty, took the second place in the rating of ААR .
Name of senior advisor Abdrahmanov Sarsenbai Kadyrovich, Email: S_abdrakhmanov@mail.ru
Phone: +7-7172-297-252