Specialty: 5В070400 - «Computer Engineering and Software»
Qualification: Bachelor of Engineering and Technology
Training period: 4 years
Mode of study: Full-time.
4thsubject: Physics
The main advantages of the specialty "Computer Engineering and Software" comprise the following feature: designing of architecture components of software and hardware system and the basic principles of the organization of the user interface;making choice of tool technology, software and computer equipment in the organization and development of software creation process for effective problem solving in professional activities; using methods and techniques of aggregation of hardware and software to create computer systems, networks, and systems; configuration and maintenance of system, tool and application software, computer equipment and computer systems, software support and their application for various tasks in information processing and management.
The main skills that graduates acquire include the ability to:
develop and maintain programs to carry out the installation and repair of technical equipment, create a database and Web-sites in different areas of science, technology, economy and production;
carry out the development and operation of mathematical, information and technical support with the use of computers, software packages, technical and technological systems and different types of networks;
use modern programming languages for simulation, research and design of computer systems and their sub-system of data processing and management.
The educational program is designed in accordance with modern requirements for IT-skilled labor market. According to employers, the educational program is aimed at training specialists with expertise in the design, administration, and software testing:
formation of basic professional competence of future specialists-programmers of computer technology and automated systems;
creation of preconditions for independent research activity of students in the framework of the experiment at all its stages;
ability to work with scientific and technical information, to use domestic and foreign experience in professional activities, organize and summarize the information.
Short overview of the program: The educational program "Software of computer facilities and automated systems" with specialty code 5B070400- "Computer Engineering and Software" is developed in accordance with the national qualifications framework, agreed with the Dublin descriptors and the European Qualifications Framework. The educational program is designed on the basis of a modular system of studying disciplines and contains 12 modules, forming a comprehensive and professional competence. The program includes theoretical study of 131 credits and practical training of 21 credits
Advisor: Toleuova Saule Khamitovna, phone: +7(7172)38-39-58, e-mail:Toleuova1972@mail.ru
Specialty:6М070400 - “Computer Engineering and Software”
Qualification: Master of Technical Sciences
Training period: 2 years / 1.5 years / 1 year
Mode of study: Full-time.
The Master in Computer Engineering and Software is a high-level specialist in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) who can solve research problems, develop new software and support existing software products and work at the intersection of technologies, perform pedagogical work, and have pronounced engineering and scientific thinking, a high level of general cultural development, a foreign-speaking professional with a pronounced civil and ethical position.
The objects of professional activity of masters of engineering and technology in the specialty computer equipment and software are:
Program summary:
The educational program is designed in accordance with modern requirements for IT-specialists in the labor market. According to employers, the educational program is focused on training professionals with knowledge of software design, administration and testing:
Advisor: Toleuova Saule Khamitovna, phone: +7(7172)38-39-58, e-mail:Toleuova1972@mail.ru
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.