Main / Faculties and Departments / Ayapbergenov Bulat Kabidenovich
Ayapbergenov Bulat Kabidenovich

Ayapbergenov Bulat Kabidenovich


Candidate of Philology

Heard of the Kazakh and Russian languages department

Cabinet 2602phone +77172389715


Scientific interests

Sociolinguistics  cognitive linguistics

Readable disciplines

Main areas of research –Sociolinguistics problems functioninglanguage  in the market.

Current research projects

Undergraduates and doctoral students led by


1979-1984 Poltava State Pedagogical Institute named after V.G.Korolenko – Specialty - Russian language and literature,   and pedagogy.

1989- 1991 Scientific internship at the Russian language department of  Leningrad State University.

Work experience

1984 – ArkalykPedagogical Institutenamed after I. Altynsarin:  Senior Laboratory Assistant Russian language Teaching Department in  Kazakh school

1984 -1986  Military  service in  the USSR

1986 -1991 Trainee Researcher Russian languagedepartment of  Leningrad State University.

1991 – 2002 Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin:

Teacher, HeadTeacherof the Russian language  Department in  Kazakh school , Deputy Dean Faculty of  Philology, Assistantof Dean Faculty of  Philology,  vice rector for educational work and social issues,  Deputy Head of  DepartmentRussian language  and Literature.

2002-2018 University  «Turan  - Astana»:  Associate Professor of the Department

«Linguistic disciplines», full-time Dean, Dean of the Faculty of  social humanitarian, Vice –rector for educational and methodical work,Deputy Head of  Department  SHF,Vice –rector for educational and social work of  University  «Turan  - Astana »

2018 until now - Head of  Department Kazakh  and Russian languages  of KazakhAgrotechnicaluniversitynamed after S. Seyfulin

Awards, Certificates of  Honor

*Letter of Thanks from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan,  2012

*Anniversary medal «20 years of  Independence of Kazakhstan», 2011

* Honorary worker of  Education Republic of  Kazakhstan, 2013

*Badge «I. Altynsarin»  Ministry of Education and  Science the Republic of Kazakhstan,  2018

*The Letter  «Курмет» MES RK,  2017

*Letter of Thanks from  secretary of the central office  «NurOtan»  Party

*Letter of Thanks from Akims of Astana,Saryarka district of the city of Astana

*Certificates of  Honor andthe Letters of Thanks of rectorsofArkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin and University  «Turan  - Astana »

Republican and international meetings

Making presentation in the  Republic of China  -SangyUniversity February –March 2012

Taught Courses (at this time and over the last  five years) Russian,  modernRussian language,  communication in business, history of Russian literary language,Russian style, Old  Slavonic language.


  1. Course « Modern educational technology» . The center of Pedagogical masteryAOO «NIS», 2018Registration number №096
  2. Course «Leadership and management».The center of Pedagogical mastery AOO «NIS», 2018   Registration number №068
  3. Course«Distance learning technologies».Training center and retraining KRU, 2010
  4. Seminar « Autonomy of  Higher Education as a  promotion mechanism competitivenessof  Higher Education in Kazakhstan»IAC ( Information Analysis  Center)Ministry of  Education and  Science the Republic of Kazakhstan,  EUA ( European University Association)
  5. Course
  6. CoursePlatform Republican training seminar and Course


Author of more than 70 scientific labors

Some of scientific labors

Understanding and  comprehension information scientific text

Conceptual organization and categorization economic terms//

Materials of  International conference  «Kazakhstanavedenie-10»

Dedicated to the 550 anniversary Kazakh Khan  (statehood) and  10 –thanniversary science center «Kazakhstanavedenie-» University «Turan- Astana».Astana, 2015. p.64-67

3.Tourist – geoarchaeological potential  KungyeTarbagatay s rock paintings

(Co authored).Vestnic  KazakhNationalUniversity, Almaty, 2016, № 1/2 (42), p.233-238

4.General and specialized  translation methods//International Scientific Practical Conference

5. Linguoecology and problems of translation Bulletin of S. Toraighyrov PSU, No. 1 (2024). pp.70-83.;