Main / Faculties and Departments / Abdygalikova Gulnar
Abdygalikova Gulnar

Abdygalikova Gulnar


Senior lecturer of the Department of

Information Systems,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Office 2415, +7(7172)38-39-58



Scientific direction

Analysis, modeling and design of information systems (by industry)

Subjects taught

Statistical methods of data analysis, Simulation modeling

The main direction of research

Information technology


1976-1981 St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Higher education

2007-2010 Eurasian Humanitarian Institute Astana, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Department of "Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education"

Work experience


electronic engineer of the department "Automated enterprise management systems" of mine No. 22 Karaganda


Software engineer City Information and Computing Center St. Petersburg


Junior researcher of the Research Laboratory "Design Automation Systems and Scientific Research" of Karaganda State Technical University


postgraduate student, teacher of Karaganda State Technical University


Programmer of the Department of Information Technology and Technologies of the Karaganda Regional Diagnostic Center


Senior lecturer of Karaganda State Technical University

since 2017

Senior lecturer of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S.Seifullin



Letters of thanks and diplomas of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S.Seifullin 2019, 2022

Letter of thanks from the National Agrarian Science and Education Centre. 2022

Professional development

Simulation modeling and applied statistics. 72 hours. 2022.

Data analysis based on Python object-oriented programming. 72 hours. 2023.


Author of more than 70 scientific and methodological works, including:

1.Абдыгаликова Г.А., Джумагалиева А.М., Толешев      А.Т. Основы проектирования автоматизированной системы принятия управленческих решений по вопросам персонала в современных предприятиях // Вестник Казахстанско-Британского технического университета №1 (52). – Алматы, 2020. - С.101-104

2.Omarkhanova D., Zakirova A., Abdygalikova G., Serikbayeva A. Modeling of the Interpretation Problem by the Radar Research Method // Journal of  Theoretical an Applied Information Technology. 15 oktober 2022. Vol.100. No 19. 2022 Little Lion Scientific. (2022) 5639-5647

3.Муталова Ж.С., Қасымова А.Х., Сулейменова Р.З., Абдыгаликова Г.А., Исакова Г.О. Ашық кодты DSpace, Koha және Evergreen кітапхана жүйелеріне салыстырмалы талдау // Вестник Торайгыров университета. Энергетическая серия. №2. – Павлодар, 2023. С.212-223

4. Мименбаева А., Калдарова М., Абдыгаликова Г., Сулейменова Р., Нурбекова А. Оценка растительности с использованием нормализованных различных индексов растительности в ARCMAP // Актуальные исследования и инновации в науке и технике: сборник статей VI международной научно-практической конференции. М.: МНИЦ «Твоя наука», 2023. - С.26-32

5. Mimenbayeva A., Nurbekova A., Yusupov A., Suleimenova R., Abdygalikova G. Time Series Analysis of the Normalized Difference Water Index of the North Kazakhstan Region // XXXIV International Multidisciplinary Conference «Innovations and Tendencies of State-of-Art Science». Rotterdam, Nederland. 2023. – P.29-33