Main / Faculties and Departments / Adilbekova Elmira Kalybayevna
Adilbekova Elmira Kalybayevna

Adilbekova Elmira Kalybayevna


PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department

of Microbiology and Biotechnology

Office: 8502, phone. +77079365056


Sphere of scientific interests

Agricultural biotechnology (genotyping, marker selection, molecular genetics)


Delivered disciplines

General genetics, breeding, biometrics and molecular genetics




M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Bachelor in speciality

5B070100– «Biotechnology»


M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Master engineering in speciality6M070100– «Biotechnology»


M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University,6D070100- 

«Biotechnology» Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Work expirience



M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University,research Institute "Agricultural Biotechnology", Junior Researcher


S.Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical university, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Senior Lecturer


Published works

Author of more than 30 scientific papers. More important among them close to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are

  1. Adilbekova E.K., Alybaev N.,Esimova A.,Abuov G. High-milk genotype Arvana breed camels, raised in the Caspian lowlands and Mangistau peninsula, identification and certification according to the profile alleles//Research Journal of  Biotechnology. Vol.13 (8), August 2018. SCI Impact Factor 0.233. Р.11-15.

  2. Adilbekova E.K., Alybaev N., Abuov G.S. Dairy productivity of genetic sources of selection camel stock in the south of Kazakhstan.Bulletin of the Karaganda university. Biology, medicine, geography Series. №3 (91)/2018ж.70-76 б.

  3. E. Adilbekova, N. Alibaev, G. Abuov. Identification and certification of high-dairy effective genotypes of camels of arvana breed and kazakh dairy effective bactrian camel owing to DNA-technology.Bulletin of the State University. Shakarim of the city of Semey. №3(83)2018 y. – P.154-160.

  4. Adilbekova E.K.,  Alibaev N., SvitojusA. Identification andcertification of Bactrian and Arvan camels of Kazakh population using DNA technology. «Fundamental and applied scientific research». International scientific and practical conference. Berlin, Germany.December, 2018. – Р.44-56.

  5. Zh.K.Iskakova,N.N.Alybaev,  D.O.Beketauova, Adilbekova E.K. Characteristics of microsatellite loci of ordabasy and karakul sheep. News of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Series of biological and medical. ISSN 2224-5308. Volume 1, Number 331 (2019), P. 90-97.

  6. N. Alibaev , E.K. Adil’bekova, L. Tashimov , Zh. E. Aimenova , S. Nurbaev. Molecular-genetic monitoring of camels of arvana breed of arys-turkestan population with the usage of DNA-technology.News of the National academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan of the Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnolog.1 (325) January – February 2018,–Р.58-64.

  7. Adilbekova E.K., Alybaev N., Svitojus A.,Abuov G. Genetic typing of South Kazakhstan populations’dairy camels using DNA technology. Journal Animal Biotechnology. Taylor & Francis Online. Volume 6, Issue 31. P. 547-554

  8. Adilbekova E.K., Аlibaev N.,Rysbaeva G.,Abuov G. Condition and prospects of development of the use of DNA technology in camel breeding. Proceesing V International Conference «Industrial technologies and engenering»ICITE - 2018, Vollume II. M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University.Shymkent, Kazakhstan. –Р.112-115.