Main / Faculties and Departments / Agumbayeva Assiya Yerlikovna
Agumbayeva Assiya Yerlikovna

Agumbayeva Assiya Yerlikovna


Candidate of Economic Sciences,

Associate Professor,

Department of Economics

Astana, Zhenis av., 62

Room 1408, .: +7 (7172) 39 - 59 – 27



Sphere of scientific interests

Innovative development of the regions of Kazakhstan: theory and practice.

Delivered disciplines

  1. Business planning of innovative projects
  2. Professionally oriented foreign language
  3. Sustainable development of agriculture


1992-1997 - Karaganda State Technical University (Specialty - “Economics and management in the mining and exploration sectors”)

1994-1999 - Kazakh State University of World Languages ​​and International Relations named after Abylai Khan (Specialty - English)

2014-2015 - The Bolashak Program - Scientific Internship (INTO UEA., Reading University)

2019 - Bolashak Scholarship Program (Master)

Work experience

1999 - 2000 - laboratory assistant of the department "Informatics and OED" of the Karaganda Institute of Actual Education "Bolashak".

2000 - 2003 - Assistant, Department of Statistics and OED, Karaganda Economic University of KAZPOTREBOYUZ.

2004-2007 - Graduate School of SSU named after Shakarim.

2007-2017 - acting assistant professor of the Department "Management" of the Shakari State University of Semey.

2017- to the present, Associate Professor of Department of Economics of S.SeifullinKazATU


  1. Internship in the German science center, 2019
  2. Certificate of participation in KERA Summer School 2019 (Nazarbayev University)
  3. The best university teacher of 2018
  4. Certificate of attendance on workshop “Low carbon Future: Efficient Management of Resources and Energy” (Newton-Al-Farabi, Cranfield University), 26-28.09.2016
  5. Certificate of attendance on 8 hour professional development workshop conducted by American EL instructor Mark Dorr, 20-21.06.2016
  6. Certificate of attendance on 5 days course dedicated to modern trends in Technology, manufacturing and healthcare, taught by RoyeTzezana, 10-14.10.2016
  7.  Scientific internship, research center as part of grant funding for the competition “Best University Teacher 2018”, 72 hours 07/15/2019-07/27/2019, Dusseldorf (Germany) (Certificate dated 07/27/2019).
  8. • Advanced training “International experience in the development of the agro-industrial complex in the conditions of the Eurasian Economic Community.”, 72 hours, 12/2/2019-12/12/2019. (Certificate No. 26241035399 dated December 12, 2019)
  9. • “Zhanartylganbilim take bagdarlamalary: tauekelder; mүmkindikter; theories and practices”, Almaty, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 04/15/2019-04/28/2019 (Certificate No. 19-178 dated 04/28/2019)
  10. • International Summer School “Agribusiness” KazNAU, 72 hours, 02/15/2021-02/27/2021 (Certificate No. 276 dated 02/27/2021)
  11. • Academic leadership program 03/10/2021-03/19/2021., NARKHOZ.
  12. • International online internship “University 4.0. Digital transformation.”, 3) Online educational platform SKLAD, Republican Institute of Higher Education, Republic and Belarus., (72 hours) April 7 – 23, 2021, Certificate No. 00154 from April 7 – 23, 2021
  13. • Online courses “International Economics”, at RGSL (Riga, Latvia). 01/5/2022-01/29/2022
  14. • Online courses “Project management in public sector”, at RGSL (Riga, Latvia). 7.03.2022-31.03.2022
  15. • Language courses at Extension language school (Bolashak program), 08/26/2022-03/4/2023, USA., San Diego

Republican and international meetings

  1. Azerbaijan, Baku. International scientific-practical conference "Delivering of sustainable development in resource rich countries" (February 20-25, 2015),
  2. Germany, Berlin. International scientific and practical conference “Berlin Conference of International Management” (December 18-19, 2016).
  3. Greece, Athens. International conference "Geolinks - 2019".


In journals of SCOPUS base

  1. Ziyadin, S., Khamitova, D., Khassenova, K., Suieubayeva, S., &Agumbayeva, A. Economic factors influencing the development of China’s foreign trade policy with Kazakhstan // Economic Annals-XXI (2015), 155(11-12), 14-17.
  2. Kuchukova, M. Turarbekov, A. AgumbayevaInfluence of Fiscal and Monetary Policy of Kazakhstan on Modernization and Economic Growth in condition of Globalization //Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics.Volume VIII, Issue 5(19), Fall 2016.
  3. Mukhamadiyeva A., Agumbayeva A. et al. Gender development in Kazakhstan // Space and Culture, 2019, issue 6, p. 345