Main / Faculties and Departments / Akhmetova Bigaisha Zeinullievna
Akhmetova Bigaisha Zeinullievna

Akhmetova Bigaisha Zeinullievna


Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor Department of Kazakh and Russian languages

Cabinet 2603, phone  +77015516337

"Best University Professor" 2011


Member of the National Scientific Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NNS)

h-индекс- 7


Scientific interests

Language Studies, dialectology, ethnolinguistics

Disciplines taught

Russian language

Contrastive grammar 


1982-1988 Tyumen state University-teacher of Russian language and literature.

2014-2016 KSU named after A. Baitursynov-bachelor's degree in Kazakh Philology.

Work experience

1981-1982–  senior pioneer teacher at Stepnovskaya Secondary School of the Tyumen region (Russia);

1982-1988.- studying at   the Tyumen University

1988-1990.- pioneer leader in secondary school No. 30 in Omsk;

1990-1993.- учитель рус.языка и литературы в СШ№5 г. Ноябрьска Тюменской области;

1993-2003- teacher of Russian language and literature in secondary school No. 5 in Noyabrsk, Tyumen region;

2003-2004- Scientific Secretary of the KSU named after A. Baitursynov;

2004-2006 -Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of KSPI (Kostanay);

2006-2009– Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the A. Baitursynov KSU;

2017-Professor of the KSU named after A. Baitursynov

2009-2021- Head of the Department of Theory of Languages and Literature of the NAO "Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov"

2021-Department Kazakh  and Russian languages  of Kazakh Agrotechnical university named after S. Seyfulin


Awards and Achievements:

  •  Winner of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Best University Professor» ,2011;
  • Winner of research projects competitions for grant financing by the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan ;
  • Certificate "For Contribution to the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan";
  • Certificate of Merit “For Contribution to the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2014;
  • Certificate of Merit “For Contribution to the Development of Education and upbringing of young people of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016;
  • Winner in the nomination "Best Researcher in Social sciences" (Scopus) for the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2018.
  • Member of the National Scientific Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NNS) in the direction of "Research of Social and Humanitarian Sciences", Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 290 dated May 13, 2020.


Advanced Studies

  • Pre-Intermediate Level English courses, 2021.
  • Certificate "Strategic Management and Risk Management", Kostanay, 2021.



         Author of more than 80 scientific papers. The most significant of them, published over the past 5 years (h-index: 7):

  1. Problems of ethno cultural vitality of modern Russian settlements of the former Gorky Line in Northern Kazakhstan. All-Russian scientific-analytical journal "Scientific Review." - Series 2.-Issue 4.-Moscow, 2015

  2. Issues of ethnocultural vitality of Cossack settlements of the former Gorky Line in Northern Kazakhstan.-

  3. Bulletin of RGD. Series of Humanitarian Studies.-Issue 5 (46) .- Oryol, 2015.

  4. Characteristics of Social-Cultural Vitality of Modern Russian Settlements of the Former Gorky Line of Kazakhstan. Mediterranean Journal of Social Science. Scopus. Vol 6, No3,S4, Italy Rome, 201May2015. – pp.201-206.-IF-1,4

  5. Regional ethnolinguistics: based on the toponymy material of the Kostanay oblast. - Monograph. Scientific publication - Kostanay: Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, 2016.

  6. Tension around the problem of the South China Sea as a factor of geopolitical confrontation and transformation of the present world order//Central Asia and Journal of Social and Political Studies. Scopus/ Vol.17, Issue 4, 2016, 49-58.

  7. Features of the ethno semantics of toponymy of the Kostanay oblast. Vestnik of the West Kazakhstan State University.-Issue 4.- Uralsk: West Kazakhstan State University named after M. Utemisov, 2016 (Dec.) .- pp.258-263 (351p). (The Control Committee in Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

  8. Shaping positive identity in the context of ethnocultural information security in the struggle against the Islamic State (Scopus) Central Asia and   Journal of Social and Political Studies. Vol.17, Issue 1, 2016 pp:84- 92. (Scopus)

  9. Regional sociolinguistics: based on the toponymy of the Kostanay oblast. - Scientific publication. Monograph .-- Kostanay: Kostanay State University  named after A. Baitursynov, 2017 -168p.

  10. From the history of Russian dialects of the Kostanay oblast. Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute.- Issue No. 1.- Astana: AEGI, 2018.- pp.166-171 (The Control Committee in Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

  11. Basic association based on the material of toponymy of the Kostanay oblast. Vestnik of the West Kazakhstan State University.-Issue No. 2 (70) .- Oral-Uralsk, 2018 .-- pp.176-183. (The Control Committee in Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

  12. Political orientations of the youth in Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan Central Asia and Caucasus. Journal of Social and Political Studies. Vol.18, Issue 2, 2017 pp:85- 93. (Scopus)

  13. Characteristics of the Social-Cultural Vitality of Modern Russian Settlements of the Former Gorky Line of Kazakhstan. Mediterranean Journal of Social Science. Scopus. Vol 6, No3,S4, Italy Rome, May2015. IF-1,4 (Scopus)

  14. Actual problems of the humanities: history and modernity. Joint monograph (B.Z. Akhmetova, N.B. Kaliev: Section 2. Philology and journalism. Chapter 14. Problems of the functioning of a transcultural linguistic personality in the conditions of the Russian-Kazakh border. - pp.214-229) .- Moscow (Russia), 2018 – p. 456.

  15. Regarding the issue of the linguistic dialect personality evolution in the territory of the Kostanay oblast. Bulletin of the Kokshetau State University.-Kokshetau, 2018. (The Control Committee in Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

  16. The Cognitive Analysis of Turkic Ethnonyms “Kazakh” and “Tatar” in the Linguistic Space of the Russian frontier in the context of ethno-confessional dialogue: , 2018.

  17. The specifics of modern educational migration in the countries of the Customs Union (Russia, Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan) .-Am a z o n ia- Vol. 8 Núm. 19: 130-137/ Marzo - abril 2019 (Web of Science)

  18. Head of the research projects topics awarded in the competition for grant financing by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  19. Linguistic Units witha Colorative Componentin Nation Mentality World View // Kurdish Studies Apr 2023 Volume: 11, No: 2, pp. 6005-6015 ISSN: 2051-4883 (Print) | ISSN 2051-4891 (Online) www.KurdishStudies.netReceived: February 2023 Accepted:

  20. March 2023  DOI:    ;

  21. Features of the linguistic norm from the stylistic norm international scientific and practical online conference on the eve of the 100th anniversary of Katerina A. Pavlodar Margulan University.  2023, September;

  22. On the issue of treatment of people and their prirodobiological environment . "Current issues of humanitarian science" // VIII Intergovernmental Council. scientific and practical conference.- G. Tyumen (Russia), November 2023.

  23. On the specifics of the distribution of common vocabulary of residents of Northern Kazakhstan.- VIII international scientific and practical conference conference.Tyumen November 2023.

  24. Methods of teaching phraseological units in the context of polylingualism XLinguae, Vol.16 Issue 2, April 2023 DOI: 10.18355/XL.2023.16.02.16 , 2023;  

  25. According to the definition of the term "ecology linguistics".- Promising scientific research: theory, methodology and practice of applying the laws of the United States. scientific conference (St. Petersburg, October 2023). - SPB.: MIPI im.Lomonosova, 2023. 44 P. URL: 

  26. Linguoecology and problems of the transition of the Vestnik PSU im. S. Toraigyrova, №1 (2024). P.70-83. https://doi. org / 10.48081 / QZXY9517;

  27. Scientific descriptive foundations of style in linguistic Ecology International Scientific and practical online conference on the eve of the 100th anniversary of A. Katerina Pavlodar University named after K. A. Margulan.  2023.