Candidate of veterinary sciences, Senior lecturer, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology Office 8502, Phone: 8-(7172)-39-38-01 e-mail: |
Sphere of scientific interests
Diagnosis of infectious diseases based on monoclonal antibodies. Immunology, microbiology, virology and genetic diagnosis
Delivered disciplines
Biotechnology of microorganisms, Microbiology and Virology, Food Biotechnology, Laboratory diagnosis of particularly dangerous animal and human diseases (Master’s degree)
1997-2000 |
Medical School, Department of "Medicine" |
2001-2006 |
Kazakh Agro Technical University S.Seifullin, specialty "Veterinary Medicine" |
2006 |
Postgraduate, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University. specialty "16.00.03-Veterinary microbiology, virology, epizootiology, mycology and immunology with mycotoxicology" |
Work experience
2007-2013 |
Morphology, microbiology and biotechnology Department, Senior Lecturer |
Since April 2013 |
Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Senior Lecturer |
Awards and Honours
- Letter of Appreciation "KazAgroInnovation"
Advanced training courses
English Courses «Elementary», 2008
Internship, "Mastering the techniques of molecular biology and diagnosis of viral infections," ASE "Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems" in 2009
Courses "Modern Information Technologies. distance learning methods ", 2011
Courses of pedagogical skill, 2012
Training "Diagnosis of infectious diseases," KazNIVI 2011
Certificate, scientific internship in universities of the Slovak and Czech Republic, International Association of Development Education, 2012
Published works
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.