Main / Faculties and Departments / Alpyspaeva Galya Aitpaevna
Alpyspaeva Galya Aitpaevna

Alpyspaeva Galya Aitpaevna


Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

Date of birth: 06/27/1959

Phone: +7 (707) 704 80 07





E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University, Faculty of History, specialty "Teacher of History and Social Science


Correspondence postgraduate study, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University,

Specialty: 07.00.00. “Domestic history (History of the Kazakhstan Republic) "


Work experience


Senior lecturer of the department “The History of the USSR” S. Seifullin Tselinograd Pedagogical Institute


Senior lecturer of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Akmola Agricultural Institute


Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Akmola S. Seifullin Agrarian University


Director of the Registrar's Office, S.Seifullin University


Deputy Director of the Department for Academic Affairs - Head of RO, S.Seifullin University

Since 2018

Professor of the Department Kazakhstan History, S.Seifullin University


Awards,Certificates of honour

  • Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Information of the Kazakhstan Republic (2006).
  • Badge "Y. Altynsarin "(2007).
  • Commemorative medal “Academician A.I.Baraev.100th Anniversary of Birth "(2008).
  • Medal "55 years of S. Seifullin KATU" (2012).
  • Badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Kazakhstan Republic" (2013).
  • Honorary employee, S.Seifullin KATU (2017).
  • Medal "60 years, S.Seifullin KATU ”(2017).
  • Holder of the scholarship of  MES RK, 2019

Professional Skills Improvement

V Eurasian Forum of Higher Education Leaders ", Astana, NasarbayevUniversity, 2016 

International seminar"Strategy for the development of national qualification systems", Astana, 2015

ThomsonReuters Resource Workshop, Astana, 2016

Springler Link User Training Seminar, Astana, January 2016

Seminar "Taylor and Francis presentation". Astana, 2017

"Agriculture Faculty Exchange in Agronomy and Animal Science", Missouri State University, USA, 2016;

"Professional Development Program for Higher Education Leaders of Kazakhstan", Nazarbayev University, 2016;

"Research University", Chinese University of Hog-Kong, 2016;

"Recognition and Transfer of Credit Allocation and grading Systems". MiddlesexUniversityLondon, UK, 2017.

72-hour Training for Textbooks and TLMs Evaluation Experts. Astana, 2021.


9 Articles in SCOPUS (percentile 89) and Web of Science (coefficient - Q1, Q2)Databases. Hirsch Index in SCOPUS - 2, in Web of Science – 1.


1. G.A. Alpyspaeva,S.N. Sayahimova. The Role of the Merchant Class in the Development of the Provincial City of Akmolinsk (the second half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX th centuries) // BylyeGody. 2018. Vol. 48. Is. 2. pp. 688-698.DOI: 10.13187/bg.2018.2.688

2.Galya A. Alpyspaeva,Sholpan N. Sayahimova, LazzatТ. Jumaliyeva. Organization of Medical Service in the External Districts of the Middle Zhuz in the 20-60s of the XIX century // BylyeGody. 2019. Vol. 51. Is. 1: 176-187.DOI: 10.13187/bg.2019.1.176

3. Galya A. Alpyspaeva,GulmiraZhuman, LazzatТ. Jumaliyeva, SholpanТ. Abdykarimova.Legal Status of a Kazakh Woman in the Family and Society in the XIXth – early XXth centuries from the Point of the Russian Contemporaries’ View // BylyeGody. 2020. Vol. 55. Is. 1: 370-381.  DOI: 10.13187/bg.2020.1.370

4.Galya A. Alpyspaeva,ZhumanGulmira, Saule A. Bagdatova, Sholpan N. Sayahimova. Discussions on the Christianization of the Kazakhs of Turkestan Region (the second half of the XIXth – early XXthсenturies) // BylyeGody. 2019. Vol. 52. Is. 2: 655-667.DOI: 10.13187/bg.2019.2.655

5.Galya A. Alpyspaeva,GulmiraZhuman, LazzatТ. Jumaliyeva,Sholpan N. Sayahimova. Failed Draft Laws on the "Muslim Issue" in the Steppe Regions and Turkestan Region (late XIX – early XX centuries) // BylyeGody. 2021. 16 (2). 799-819.

6. Galya A. Alpyspaeva, Gulmira Sametova, Lazzat Т. Jumaliyeva. The Confessional Dimension of the Resettlement Policy of the Autocracy in the Kazakh Region at the beginning of the 20th century: the Fight against Sectarian Proselytism // Bylye Gody. – 2022. – 17 (2). – Р. 975–985. DOI: 10.13187/bg.2022.2.975 URL:

7. Galya A. Alpyspaeva ,  Sholpan Т. Abdykarimova. Muslim Educational Institutions in Kazakhstan under the Anti-Religious Policy of the Soviet State in the 1920s // European Journal of Contemporary Education. 2022. 11(1): 314-324.  DOI: 10.13187/ejced.2022.1.314 URL:  

8. Alpyspaeva, Galya A. History of Activities of the Akmola District Union of Cooperatives (1917-1922) // TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL. 2021. №464. Рр.113-121.  DOI: 10.17223/15617793/464/13


Articles in scientific journals recommended by the Committee on Control in the field of education and science of MES RK:

  1. Алпыспаева Г.А., Саяхимова Ш.Н. Разработка недр в Восточном и Центральном Казахстане в Х1Х веке//  Отан тарихы .  2017. №2.  С. 86-93. 
  2. Алпыспаева Г.А., Саяхимова Ш.Н.  Коренизация в 1920-ые годы как тактика большевиков по деколонизации национальных окраин и воспрепятствованию роста национализма  (на материалах Акмолинской области) // Хабаршы-Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая. Серия: исторические и социально-политические науки.№1 (60). 2019.  С. 341–349.
  3. Алпыспаева Г.А., Саяхимова Ш.Н. Судьбы немецких семей в Казахстане (вторая пол. XIX-XX вв.) // Отан тарихы. ISSN: 1814 – 6961. №3 (75). 2016. С.80–89.
  4. Алпыспаева Г.А. Ярмарочная торговля в Акмолинской области Степного края во второй половине XIX – начале XX века // Вестник Тамбовского университета. Серия: Гуманитарные науки. Тамбов, 2020. Т. 25, № 185. С. 239-248. DOI: 10.20310/1810-0201-2020-25-185-239-248
  5. Алпыспаева Г.А., Саяхимова Ш.Н. Повседневная жизнь первоцелинников северных регионов Казахстана в 1950-1960-е годы // Хабаршы-Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая. Серия: истор. и социально-политические науки. №1 (56). 2018 ж. С. 9-16.
  6. Алпыспаева Г. А. Архивные источники о реализации Декрета «Об отделении церкви от государства и школы от церкви» в Казахстане в 1920-е годы (на материалах Акмолинского уезда) // Вестник ПСТГУ. Серия II: История. История Русской Православной Церкви. 2019. Вып. 90. С. 39-54.DOI: 10.15382/sturII201990.39-54
  7.  Алпыспаева Г.А., Саяхимова Ш.Н., Зейнуллина Ж.Р. Государственно-конфессиональные отношения в Казахстане (начало XX в. – . – конец 1930–х гг.): обзор и систематизация архивных источников // Вестник ЕАГИ. 2020. №4. С.18-25.
  8. Алпыспаева Г.А., Жуман Г. Г.А. Джумалиева, Ш.Н. Саяхимова. Указ от 17 апреля 1905 г. «Об укреплении начал веротерпимости» и христианский прозелитизм в Казахстане в начале ХХ века // Вестник Карагандинского университета. Серия: История. Философия. – № 4 (104) / 2021. – С. 14–27.
  9. Алпыспаева Г.А., Жуман Г. Туркестанская Епархия – проводник политики духовной колонизации мусульман Туркестанского края в начале XX века // Вестник КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби. Серия: Религиоведение. – 2021. – Т. 28. – № 4 (21). – С. 37–45.
  10. Алпыспаева Г.А., Жуман Г. Исламский дискурс в государственно-конфессиональной политике советской власти в Казахстане в 1920-1930-е гг. // Вестник ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева. Серия Исторические науки. Философия. Религиоведение. – № 1 (138) / 2022.  – С. 7–24.
  11. Алпыспаева Г.А., Саяхимова Ш.Н. Гендерное измерение антирелигиозной политики в Казахстане в 1920-1930-е годы // Вестник КазНУ. Серия. Религиоведение. –2022. – № 3 (31). – С. 29–35.
  12. Alpyspaeva G.A., Bekmaganbetov O.Zh., Baigoshkarova M.I. Activities of the Union of Militant Atheists in Kazakhstan in 1920–1930s // Turkic Studies Journal. – 2022. – Vol. 4. – №3. – P. 44-57.  DOI:

Scientific projects

2012-2014 –The manager of the project "Innovative approaches to the modernization of the system of agrarian education for the development of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan." GF of MES RK. Following the results of the scientific project of the monograph: Actual problems of personnel training for AIC of Kazakhstan: mechanisms and ways of modernization. Kokshetau: Private Publishing House "Starkov", 2014. 150 p

2015-2016 –Scientific manager of the project on the theme "History of Astana: problems of preservation and transformation of cultural space" in the framework of the program PCF "People in the flow of history for 2014-2016." Following the results of the scientific project issue of the monograph: Cultural space of Akmola, Tselinograd, Astana: history of formation and development. Astana: S. Seifullin KATU Publishing House. 2016. - 206 p.

2015-2017- Co-manager of the project "Social processes (transformations) in the northern regions of Kazakhstan in virgin years and their impact on the socio-cultural environment in the region." Following the results of the scientific project of the monograph: Social processes in the northern regions of Kazakhstan in virgin years and their impact on the socio-cultural environment in the region. Astana: S. SeifullinKATU Publishing House. 2017. - 280 p

2020–2022 - Supervisor of the scientific project “State-confessional relations in Kazakhstan: the beginning of the XX century - the end of the 1930s” within the framework of the grant financing program of the MES RK for 2020-2022. (27 months).

Research and educational projects:

2015-2017 -project “Implementing quality management system of E-Learning in Central Asia HEIs”. EU TEMPUS program.

2016-2017 - project “Enhancing capacities in implementation of institutional quality assurance systems and typology using Bologna process principles”. Erasmus + program