Main / Faculties and Departments / Amangeldi Aynur Amangeldikyzy
Amangeldi Aynur Amangeldikyzy

Amangeldi Aynur Amangeldikyzy


Candidate of Philology

Senior lecturer of the department of

Kazakh and Russian languages

Cabinet 2618, Mobile phone. +7 705-763-99-92


Readable disciplines: Kazakh language

The main directions of research:

ethno linguistics, cultural linguistics, cognitive linguistics

Higher education

1992-1996. - East Kazakhstan State University, philological faculty, teacher of Kazakh language and literature

2000-2002. - Master's program at the VKGU, specialty: linguistics (Kazakh);

2002-2005. - postgraduate studies at the VKGU, specialty: Turkic languages;

26.05.2008. - protection kand.diss. Scientific adviser Ph.D., professor Mankeeva Zh.A.

Work experience: general pedagogical - 20,

of them scientific and pedagogical - 18 years

1992 - educator in the north. "Shekarashy" (East Kazakhstan region, Zaisan river);

1996-1997gg. - teacher №29 (Ust-Kamenogorsk city);

1998-1999. - Secretary of the Ust-Kamenogorsk branch of RSE "Kazaeronavigation";

2000-2013. - teacher, senior lecturer of the practical Kazakh language course at the East Kazakhstan State University named after S. Amanzholov (Ust-Kamenogorsk city).

2012-2013 g. - the executive secretary of the scientific journal "Regional Vestnik Vostoka" at the VKGU them. S. Amanzholova;

2013-2015. - the senior teacher of the Kazakh language and literature department. EKGU them. S. Amanzholova (Ust-Kamenogorsk city);

2015-2018 the senior lecturer of the departments "Design, Service and Tourism", "Social and Humanitarian Disciplines" ("Turan-Astana" University, Astana).

Since 2018, the senior lecturer of the Kazakh and Russian languages ​​department of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University. S. Seifullina, Astana).


  • holder of the university grant "The Grant of a Young Scientist" (2003, U.S. Amanzholov Vocational College, Ust-Kamenogorsk);
  • III place in the nomination "The best work in the field of social, economic and humanitarian sciences" at the university competition among young scientists "Zhas Talap" (2008), VKGU them. S. Amanzholov, Ust-Kamenogorsk;
  • a letter of gratitude from the rector of the VGSU named after. S. Amanzholova (2012);
  • the diploma of the military part 6638 (2009), Ust-Kamenogorsk;
  • Letter of thanks, city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, Department of Culture and Language Development, (2013);
  • Certificate of Honor, East Kazakhstan Regional Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn", Ust-Kamenogorsk, (2013);


  • 2008 - advanced training courses "Kazakh language", Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Abay, Almaty (certificate №686 dated April 25, 2008).
  • 2011 - training courses "Memlekettik tildi megeru deңgejin baлаlau zhyuesi - ҚAZTEST-ke arnalғan test tapsyrmalaryn әzіleleudі theoryyқ zhәne әdіstemelik nigizderi", National Testing Center, KAZTEST, Astana.
  • 2013 - advanced training courses "Kazakhstan Republic Respubliki" LLP pedagogicals "mamandyataryny oyytushylarynyi biliktiligin artyrou (240 h)", JSC National testing center "Fireleau", Almaty (certificate No. 0124928 dated 12.10.2013).
  • 2016 - "Bilim Berudegi Innovations" Technology Jnane Akymda Museleler "Seminar (72 hours), University of Gazi (Turkey, Ankara), University" Turan-Astana "(RK, Astana);
  • 2017 - methodological seminar-training "Leadership and Management" (NIS), (72 hours);
  • 2017 - methodical seminar-training "Modern pedagogical technologies" (NISH), (72 hours).


  • "Ethnolexic related horse in the Kazakh language (based on the materials of the novel" Nomads "by I. Esenberlin) (scientific monograph). - Ust-Kamenogorsk: Publisher of EKSU named after Amanzholov - 2012. - 219 p.
  • Professional Kazakh language (textbook for students of the International Relations Department of the University) // Almaty: Everest publishing house. - 2015. - 224 p.
  • "Onyms in horses in the Kazakh language: Linguistic cultural aspect" (article). Sh. Aitmatov Institute of Language and Literature, magazine "Language, Literature and Culture", October, 2014. - Bishkek city (Republic of Kyrgyzstan).
  • «Ethno-linguistic characteristics of names of horses in the trilogy Esenberlina "Nomads"». «Даяаршил монгол туургатан» олон улсын эрдэм шинжилгээний бага хурлын илтгэлүүдийн эмхэтгэл, Монголия. 2013. ХІІ. №10-11. С. 204-207.
  • «Cognitive aspects of knowing a second language» («Когнитивный аспект усвоения второго языка»)/ «Science and world» International scientific journal, № 12 (40), 2016, Volgograd. III. 51-55 рр.
  • «Linguocultural communication: the role of poetry Mogilevskogo period»// Materials of the International Conference “Scientific research of the SCO countries: synergy and integration”, June 14-15, 2018. Beijing, PRC, 91-95р.
  • The ethical concept of shame as a social regulator of the students behavior Analele Universitatatiii din Craiova. Seria Stiinte Filologie.  Anul XLV Nr. 1-2. 2023.hh. 506-523.https||\ 10.5284\ aucssflingv.v45iI-2.119;
  • Еffective ways to form students ' language skills in the Kazakh language (article). Collection of ISSP" science and educational system of Kazakhstan: path and prospects of development " № Almaty, 2024.P. 876-880. https: / / cloud. mail. ru / public / RjNd / nx23rHyaU;