Main / Faculties and Departments / Amerhanova Indira Kulataevna
Amerhanova Indira Kulataevna

Amerhanova Indira Kulataevna


Master of Law, lecturer of the

Department of Economics, PhD

Office № 1423, tel: +7 (7172) 31-75-88



Sphere of scientific interests

Easement. Land law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Delivered disciplines

Fundamentals of law, business law, environmental law, management and marketing



academic year of Shakarim Semipalatinsk state University, specialty "history, economics and law"


Eurasian Institute of Humanities, Master of Educational Sciences


Alikhan Bokeikhan University, PhD

Work experience

2008 lecturer of the department "Economic theory and law" S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Astana

Advanced training courses

  1. Refresher courses "Modern information technologies. Methods of distance learning". S. Seifullin Kazakh agro technical University;
  2. «Повышения педагогического мастерства преподавателей» 2009 г.
  3. Электронное УП «Құқық негіздері» ЭОҚ, 2009 ж.
  4. The English language course Pre-Intermediate at Tamos Educational Language Centre Astana, 2013.
  5. «Безопасность и охрана труда» 2013 г.
  6. Courses "Modern information technologies. Methods of distance learning". S. Seifullin Kazakh agro technical University; 2009
  7. «Повышения педагогического мастерства преподавателей» 2009 г.
  8. NCPC "Orleu" PKI 2013.
  9. The English language course, Pre-Intermediate level at Tamos Educational Language Centre Astana, 2013.
  10. Formation of effective learning skills in the 21st century: the experience of innovative educational technologies. KAZGYU, Astana 2017.
  11. “Innovative approaches and methods of teaching legal disciplines” Scientific and Methodological Center “ZIAT”, 2021
  12. “New technologies and innovative methods in teaching economic disciplines” LLC TI “Education and Career” 2022.
  13. Courses “New methods and technologies in teaching legal and economic disciplines” 72 hours, “Kazln Astana” Training Center. No. 0609 Astana 2024

Awards and Honours

  • «Letter of apprecation» to the 60thAnniversary of S. Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical University, Astana
  • Medal «Үздік педагог – 2023» Society of Teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2023

Published works

The author of more than 50 works. The most significant works on the mentioned sphere of the scientific interests are:

  • Legal regulation of the process of internal migration in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University №3 (140)/2022
  • Legal assessment of internal migration of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan from the southern region to the northern region. Bulletin of the «Alikhan Bokeikhan University», №3 (54), 2022
  • Main factors, reasons and motives of educational and labor migration of youth of Kazakhstan abroad. Interaction of society and science: problems and prospects. London, England, 2021
  • Legal aspects of regulating internal migration in Kazakhstan and foreign countries. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. Volume 24, Special Issue, 2021
  • Көші қон үдерісін құқықтық реттеудің ұлттық және халықаралық тәжірибесін салыстыру. Bulletin of the «Alikhan Bokeikhan University», №1 (56), 2023