Main / Faculties and Departments / Ashimov Sagyndyk Аmerzhanovich
Ashimov Sagyndyk Аmerzhanovich

Ashimov Sagyndyk Аmerzhanovich


Candidate of Veterinary science, Associate professor,

Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology

Office 2114, Phone: +7(7172)38-39-01


Sphere of scientific interests

Natural resistance of animals` organism (immunological aspects of the protection of animals` organism)


Delivered disciplines

Physiology of fishes with fundamentals of water toxicology, physiology of animals and birds, physiology of agricultural animals



1976 – 1981 Tselinograd agricultural institute, Veterinary faculty

1984 - 1987 Postgraduate study at Tselinograd agricultural institute


Work experience

1981 – 1983 Veterinarian at educational-experimental farm of TAI;

1983 – 1984 Lecturer of the Department of zoohygiene and microbiology of veterinary faculty at TAI;

1984 – 1987 Postgraduate of TAI, Tselinograd;

1998 – 2007 Vice dean of Technological faculty, Dean of Biological faculty;

2007 – 2010 Head of chair of microbiology and biotechnology

2010 – 2014 Director of college;

2014 – S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Associate Professor


Awards and Honours

Honorary certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2004

Letter of gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2006

State grant «The best lecturer of the university», 2008

Honorary certificate of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2011

Anniversary medal «The 55th anniversary of S. Seifullin KATU », 2012

Commemorative medal «The 100th  anniversary of M. A. Gendelman's birth», 2013

Commemorative medal "S.Seifullin ҚATU- 60 years", 2017


Advanced training courses

Career development courses, professional training at Xinjiang agrarian university, Urumqi, China, 2008.

Оmsk medical academy. Russia, Оmsk, 2008.

Institute of professional training of the teaching staff «Оrleu»  Аlmaty. 2010, 2012.

Seminar on «Thomson Reuters for scientific research», S.Seifullin КАТU, 2012.

The seminar "National system of qualifications – as a  tool for the promoting human capital development and the formation of labor resources" within the project "Modernization of technical and Professional education system", "KAZENERGY", Astana, 2014.


Published works

Author of more than 130 scientific papers. More important among them close to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are

  1. Ашимов С.А. Чувствительность организма стельных коров к общему плодному антигену.// Межвузовский  сборник науч. Трудов Став.СХИ  - Ставрополь. 1998, С. 107-110;

  2. Ашимов С.А., и др. VicobacteriumTuberculosis ДНК-н полимераза тізбекті реакция аркылы аныктау. // Материалы научно-теоретической конференции «Сейфуллинские чтения - 5» Т.Н.,часть 1., - Астана, 2009, С. 96-98;

  3. Ашимов С.А. Естественная резистентность организма половозрастных групп овец // Сборник научных трудов  III международной научно-практической конференций. Актуальные вопросы современных сельскохозяйственных наук. - Екатеринбург, 2016. - С.48-49 (РИНЦ).

  4. Ашимов С.А., Ашимова К.К., Калашинова Л.К., Жунусова Э.С. Дуальное обучение в системе технического и профессионального образовани. Вопросы современной педагогики и психологии: свежий взгляд и новые решения: Сборник научных трудов по материалам международной научно-практической конференции, выпуск № 3, 10 марта 2016 г. ИЦРОН, Екатеринбург, С. 112-113.