Main / Faculties and Departments / Aubakirov Baibek Uatayevich
Aubakirov Baibek Uatayevich

Aubakirov Baibek Uatayevich


Lecturer of  technical mechanics department

Candidate of technical sciences

office 4413, phone 8(7172) 39-74-09



Delivered disciplines

Descriptive geometry andengineering graphic, automatization drawing, computers graphis



Moscow State University of Technology “STANKIN”. Specialist in Mechanical Engineering

Work experience


Teaching assistant of the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics in Tselinograd Institute of Civil Engineering


Service in the Soviet Army


Teaching assistant of the Department of Civil Mechanics in Tselinograd Institute of Civil Engineering


Senior-instructor of the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Graphics in Tselinograd Agricultural Institute


Senior-lecturer of the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Tselinograd Institute of Civil Engineering and Eurasian National University since 1996


Senior-instructor of the Department of Technical Mechanics in S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University


Senior-instructor of the Department of Automobile Transport in Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov


Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov

since 2012

Senior-instructor of the Department of Technical Mechanics in S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Awards and Honours

- Medal after "S.Seifulllin KATU for 55 anniversary ", 2012

Advanced training courses

Certificate of participation in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Valikhanov Readings - 17" April 24-26, 2013

"Distance educational technologies and platforms for the implementation of educational services", KATU named after. S. Seifullin 2020

Published works

Published 10 scientific works, including 2 textbooks.

  1. Механизмдер және машиналар теориясы. С. Сейфуллин атындағы ҚазАТУ, 2017, 140 с.
  2. Инженерлік механика. Оқу құралы. С.Сейфуллин атындағы ҚАТУ баспасы, Астана, 2016 ж.
  3. Материалдар кедергісі. С.Сейфуллин атындағы ҚАТУ баспасы 2013, 143с.
  4. Машинатанудың теориялық негіздері. Оқу құралы. С.Сейфуллина атындағы ҚАТУ баспасы, Астана, 2012 ж.