Main / Faculties and Departments / Baidalina Gauhar Shakerbekovna
Baidalina Gauhar Shakerbekovna

Baidalina Gauhar Shakerbekovna


The senior lecturer of the

Department of Economics

Office №1423, phone: +7(7172)31-75-88



Sphere of scientific interests

Constitutional law, business law

Delivered disciplines

Fundamentals of law,business law,financial law,environmental law in management and marketing


1997 - 2001

I. Altinsarin Arkalik State Institute, specialty  "basis of economy and right" 


Karaganda Economic University Kazpotrebsoyuz Occupation: Lawyer specialization of legal regulation in the sphere of economy


University "Turan-Astana", Master, specialty: "Jurisprudence", Master of legal Sciences.

Work experience


Socio-Humanitarian College


S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro technical University, senior lecturer, chair of economic theory and law department

Advanced training courses

  1. Advanced training courses on "Tax law" of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 2008 г.
  2. Electronic methodological guidelines for practical classes and independent work of students No. 147 "Fundamentals of law" of S.Seifullin KazATU 2008 г
  3. Business seminar supported by the ExxonMobil Foundation. Right. Turan Is a Pro.2011 г
  4. Business seminar supported by the ExxonMobil Foundation. Taxes and law. Turan Is a Pro  2011 г.
  5. Egov. Electronic government and electronic communications. Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2011 г.
  6. Publishing Connect. How to get published in scientific journals. ELSEVIER.2013 г.
  7. PECSI TUDOMANYEGYETEM. Jurisprudence. Quinqueecclesiensis. Universitas. 2013 г.
  8. "Innovative Technologies in Education", Scientific and Methodological Center "ZIAT", 2017.
  9. Anti-corruption management system of KazATU Nursultan 2019
  10. "Innovative approaches and methods of teaching legal disciplines" (volume 72 hours) Scientific and Methodological Center "ZIAT" Astana 2021
  11. University 4.0. Digital Transformation of the RIH Republican Institute of Higher Education Belarus 2021
  12. Modern methods of teaching legal disciplines. The Center for the Development of Entrepreneurs is a consulting company. Astana 2023

Awards and Honors

«Letter of apprecation» to the 60thAnniversary of S. Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical University, Astana 2017

«Letter of apprecation» to the 65thAnniversary of S. Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical University, Astana b 2022

Published works

  1. Специфика лжепредпринимательства.Мaterialy ix mezinarodowej naukowi-praktycznei konferencji «europejska nauka x xi powieka -2013» Volume 11 Pravo 2013 (63-64 стр).
  2. Особенности и причины преступности несовершеннолетних. Материали за IX   международна научна практична конференция: Ключиви въпроси в  съвременната наука-2013 София 2013 Том 13 (68-70 стр).
  3. Штраф в системе уголовного наказания. Материали за ix международна научна практична конференция: Ключиви въпроси в съвременната наука-2013 София 2013. Том 13 (70-73 стр).
  4. Специфика правовой природы ценных бумаг. Мaterialy IX mezinarodowej naukowi-praktycznei konferencji  «europejska nauka X- IX powieka - 2013» Volume 11 Pravo 2013 (61-62 стр ).
  5. Воспитание патриотизма у молодежи. Ключиви въпроси в съвременната наука-2013  София 2013 Том 14 (17-19 стр).
  6. Особенности развития правовых основ системы управления государственных органов. Международная научно-практическая конференция IV Дулатовские чтения – 2012 Республика Казахстан и Евразийское экономическое сообщество: сотрудничество во имя прогресса том 3 Костанай 2012 (16-18 стр).
  7. Правовые аспекты развития предпринимательства в Казахстане. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции ПРАВО И ПРЕДПРИНИМАТЕЛЬСТВО Караганда( стр141-144).
  8. Death penalty: for and against (RINC) Penza - 2016 g
  9. Features of legal development of production cooperatives in Kazakhstan. (RINC) Penza - 2017 g
  10. Development of youth anticorruption education in Kazakhstan. Bulgaria, Sofia 2018.
  11. "Factors of innovative development of agricultural cooperatives" Almaty, 2018 g
  12. International scientific-practical extra-mural conference "Innovative approaches to economic development, management and marketing January 26, 2018 g
  13. Creating the Appropriate Social and Economic Agriculture:An Investigation into the Prospects for Engaging Young Specialists. International Journal of Engineering & Technology. 2019.
  14. Features of strengthening the law enforcement in the state. Collection of materials of the international conference for undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists. On the topic "Actual problems of socio-economic development of society: the view of young people" Astana 2019
  15. Materials of the International scientific and practical online conference "Modern problems of natural sciences and interdisciplinary research" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 65th anniversary of the professor of Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedova Doctor of Biological Sciences Sagyndykova Sofia Zulkharnaevna Atyrau 2021
  16. SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AS ONE OF THE WAYS TO SOLVE SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF SOCIETY. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference No. Volume 5. England. 2021
  17. Formation of the legal culture of university students. Herald. Instituteculture of childhood. No. 23 collection of scientific articles on the results of the All-Russian cientific and practical conference "Theory and practice of culture formation and development of socialization of personality. Chelyabinsk CHGIK 2022

Training development works:

  1. The foundations of law and anti-corruption culture. / textbook / S. Seyfullin KATU Astana 2019
  2. Fundamentals of Law / practicum / KATU named after S.Seifullin, Astana, 2020.
  3. Fundamentals of anti-corruption culture /practicum / KATU named after S.Seifullin, Astana, 2021.