Main / Faculties and Departments / Bayguzova Janyl Zhaksylykovna
Bayguzova Janyl Zhaksylykovna

Bayguzova Janyl Zhaksylykovna


Assistant, master

of the department of  electric power supply

Cabinet 1218,

тел. +7 (7172) 38-88-36


Research interests

Renewable energy (Wind energy, solar power, Basing of renewable energy)


Electric lighting industrial enterprises, Information – measuring Technology, safety basics in electrical installations, electrical drawings


2001 –  2006  KazATK in the name M. Tynyshpaev, 210440 - The electric power supply (on the transport) qualification "Engineer"

2013 – 2015 Master in Kazakh university of transport communications, the academic degree of master technical sciences a specialty 6M071800 – Electroenergetics.

Work experience

2006 – 2007  head of the department laboratories «Electric power industry» in the KazATC by M. Tynyshbaev

2007 – 2008гг assistant of the department «Electric power industry» in the KazATC by M. Tynyshbaev

2008 –2010гг theacher of the department  of «Electric power industry» KazATC by M. Tynyshbaev

2011 – 2012 гг «TVS Innovation 2020» LLP, the engineer - operator of the production line

2013 until now assistant of the department « Electrical supply » in KazATU by in both  

Awards, diplomas

"Methods of lecture seminars under a credit system of education", in 2008, the certificate of "Compass Computer Graphics", 2010.


7 scientific and methodical publications