Main / Faculties and Departments / Baitukenova Sholpan Baidildaevna
Baitukenova Sholpan Baidildaevna

Baitukenova Sholpan Baidildaevna


Candidate of Technical Sciences,

acting Associate Professor

Office 3224 б, tel. 8 (7172) 39-73-27



Sphere of scientific interests

Technique and technology of food products (functional meat products, improvement of technology of meat products, technology of combined meat products). 

Scientific qualification

Academic degree - in 2007, Candidate of Technical Sciences, 05.18.04 – "Technology of meat, dairy, fish products and refrigeration industries". 

Subjects to be read

Technology of meat and meat products, Equipment and technology of meat production industries, Principles of formulation development of new types of food products, Design of food industry enterprises.

Undergraduates and doctoral students working under the supervision of

Protected under the guidance of:



PhD doctors - 2

Undergraduates - 1 


1992-1997      Semey State University, specialty "Technology of meat and meat products", process engineer;

2001-2007      Postgraduate course Shakarim Semipalatinsk State University, Faculty of Engineering and Technology. 

Work experience


lecturer of the department "Technology of meat, dairy and food products", Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim;


senior lecturerof the department "Technology of meat, dairy and food products", Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim;


Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim;


head of the educational department,Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim;


head of the Career Guidance Department, Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim;


deputy Executive Secretary of the admissions Committee, Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim;


associate professor of the department"Technology of meat, dairy and food products",Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim;


Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SemipalatinskStateUniversitynamedafterShakarim;


senior lecturer of the department "Technology of food and processing industries", Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken Seifullin

from 2019 to thepresent

acting Associate professor of the department"Technology of food and processing industries", Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken Seifullin


Awards, certificates of honor

Diplomas and letters of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Rector of the University 2010, 2015. 

Professional development

  1. 1. Seminar of "VC "SAPA" LLP, Training of internal auditors of the QMS (ISO 9001) 2015
  2. Electronic textbook: new technologies in education. Almaty city, "Epigraph", 11.04.2019. Registration number No. 0001321.
  3. Certificate. Web of Science Group: A Clarivate Analytics company. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 28.11.2019;
  4. Certificate. Teaching English in Higher Education. Macmillan Education in Kazakhstan. April 23, 2020;
  5. Certificate. "Biotechnology in the food industry" 36 h. No. 663100797336 dated 12/24/2020 of the Russian Federation Yekaterinburg;
  6. Certificate. NAO KazATU named after S. Seifullin "Innovations in the educational process of higher education" 120 h. BA No.04334 dated 05/17/2021. 


Author of more than 100 scientific papers, including 1 book, 3 textbook, 1 monograph and 6 innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The most important in the areas presented:

Publications inWebofScience,Scopus:

1.KostadinovBalev, N. StefanovNenov, S. GeorgievDragoev, K. Petrov Vassilev, D. BorislavovaVlahova-Vangelova, S. BaydildaevnaBaytukenova, F. HaripovnaSmolnikova./Comparison of the Effect of New Spice Freon Extracts Towards Ground Spices and Antioxidants for Improving the Quality of Bulgarian - Type Dry-Cured Sausage. Polish Journal Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2017, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 59-66. DOI: 10.1515/pjfns-2016-0021

Publicationsinthe RSCI:

  1. Baytukenova, M. Kakimov, S. Baytukenova, K. Bekbayev, Zh. Tokhtarov, and A. Igenbayev. Development of the technology of combined meat product using biomass from the spleen of horses. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. ISSN: 0975-8585. January – February, 2017. RJPBCS 8(1) Page No. 272-276.
  2. Mayorov A., Kapshakbayeva Z., Moldabayeva Zh.K., Baytukenova Sh.B., Utegenova A., Okuskhanova E. Hullumi type cheese production technology and its nutritional value. Polish Journal Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2018, Vol. 77, No. 1, pp. 70-78.
  3. Baitukenova Sh.B., Boranbai A.ZH. The use of vegetable-protein additives in the production of boiled sausage. FOOD. ECOLOGY. QUALITY Collection of materials of the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference IN two volumes VOLUME 1 Barnaul, June 24-26, 2019, pp. 87-90.
  4. Baitukenova Sh.B., Valentov R.I. Improving the technology of production of meat chopped semi-finished products for functional purposes. FOOD. ECOLOGY. QUALITY Collection of materials of the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference In two volumes VOLUME 1 Barnaul, June 24-26, 2019 pp. 90-95.
  5. Baitukenova Sh.B., Rakhimzhanova A.M. The use of vegetable and animal raw materials in meat chopped semi-finished products. FOOD. ECOLOGY. QUALITY Collection of materials of the XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference IN two volumes VOLUME 1 Barnaul, June 24-26, 2019, 95-99.

Publications in COXON:

  1. Baitukenova Sh.B., Beisenova M.M. The use of non-traditional plant cultures in the production of meat-growing boiled sausages for functional purposes. Bulletin of GU im. Shakarima G. Semey. No.4(76), 2019, pp. 33-37.
  2. Baytukenova Sh.B., Kairbekova M.T. The use of rennet enzyme in the production technology of semi-smoked sausage. Bulletin of GU im. Shakarima G. Semey. No.2(86), 2019, pp. 37-40.
  3. Baitukenova Sh.B., Rakhimzhanova A.M. Formulation development and production technology of boiled sausage using vegetable-protein additives. Bulletin of GU im. Shakarima G. Semey. No. 1(89), 2020, pp. 27-31.
  4. Baitukenova Sh.B. Valentov R.I. Combination of animal and vegetable raw materials in the production of minced meat semi-finished products. Bulletin of GU im. Shakarima G. Semey. No.1(89), 2020, pp. 24-27.
  5. Baitukenova Sh.B., Boranbai A.Zh. Formulation development and technology of production of minced meat semi-finished products based on meat and functional ingredients. Bulletin of GU im. Shakarima G. Semey. No. 1(89), 2020, pp. 20-24.

Received innovative patents:

  1. Baitukenova Sh.B., Rakhimzhanova A.M. Method of preparation of minced meat semi-finished products. Patent of utility models of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 4195, 23.07.2019, RSE "National Institute of Intellectual Property".

  2. Baitukenova Sh.B., Boranbai A.ZH. Method of production of boiled sausage. Patent of utility models of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 4196, 23.07.2019, RSE "National Institute of Intellectual Property".

  3. Baitukenova Sh.B., Kundyzbayeva N.D., Baitukenova S.B. The method of production of kurts.. Patent of utility models of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 4760, 13.03.2020, No. 10. RSE "National Institute of Intellectual Property".