Doctor of Economic Sciences
Professor of the Department of Economics
Office №1423, phone: +7(7172)31-75-88
E-mail: m.bauer@kazatu.edu.kz
Sphere of scientific interests
Social entrepreneurship, problems of attracting young specialists to agriculture, labor migration
Delivered disciplines
Economic theory, microeconomics, macroeconomics, economic security firms, micro-macroeconomic analysis, economy of Kazakhstan, state regulation of the economy
Current research projects
1. Development of recommendations for creating the conditions necessary to attract highly qualified specialists to the agriculture of Kazakhstan (based on materials from the Akmola region), 2015-2017, (Supervisor).
2. Study of the relationship between the ethnic migration flow and the development of agriculture and the development of recommendations for attracting and retaining ethnic migrants in agriculture (based on materials from the Akmola region) 2015-2017 (Executor)
3. Study of the program for the relocation of labor resources from the southern to the northern regions of Kazakhstan and the development of recommendations for regulating relocation from the southern regions to the north (using the example of Akmola and North Kazakhstan regions), 2018-2020. (Co-leader)
Master and doctoral students working under supervision:
Candidate of Science - 1, Doctors of PhD – 2, more than 20 Masters
At present there are 2 undergraduates
1985 - 1992
Tselinograd agricultural Institute the faculty of land management Economics
1997 - 2000
full time postgraduate study at Akmola agricultural University, the faculty of economics
Work experience
1993 –1994
Intern researcher at Akmola agrarian University;
assistant, senior lecturer in economic theory department of Akmola agrarian University
Нead of economic theory and law department S. Seifullin Kazakh agro technical University
From 01.09.
2020 to present
Professor of the Department of Economics, S. Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnical University
Awardsand Honours
- Included in the Encyclopedia dedicated to the «20th anniversary of Astana». 2018
- Award «Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan» by MES RK. 2017
- Included in the international encyclopedia «Best in Education», Medal and diploma. Mosсow. 2017
- Medal to «The 60th anniversary of S. Seifullin KATU». 2017
- «Certificateof Honor» the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2016
- Medal to «The 55th anniversary of S.Seifullin KATU». 2012
- «Certificateof Honor» the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2011
- Grant «The best lecturer of the year» MES of RK. 2009
- Certificate of Merit of the «Alumni Club of S. Seifullin KATU». 2009
- «Letter of appreciation to the 50th anniversary of S.Seifullin KATU» from the akim of Astana. 2007
Advanced training courses
There are 26 in total, of which the main ones are:
- Summer training seminar. J. Liebig University of Giessen, Germany. 2010.
- International training seminar on innovative technologies and agricultural equipment “BigIron” State of North Dakota (USA), 2010.
- Scientific and pedagogical internship. IGPI. China. Kulzha, 2010.
- Scientific internship. Yuludag University (Türkiye, Bursa), 2010.
- Scientific internship. Georg-August-University Gottingen. Germany, 2012.
- English courses. EnglishLanguageCompany. Malaysia. 2013
- Anti-corruption management system manager. Nur-Sultan, 2019
- “The experience of innovative development of the Japanese education system in the era of globalization”, International certificate, Tsukuba, May, 2019
- Distance educational technologies in training. KATU named after S.Seifullin, 2020
- "English" Intermediate. Nur-Sultan, 06/23/2020
- Innovative approaches and methods of teaching economic theory, microeconomics, macroeconomics. NMC "ZIAT", 02/13/2021
- International internship “Inclusive professional education: modern views and approaches” International Center for Educational Technologies (ICET), online educational platform SKLAD, December, 2022
- "Panderdi oqytudagy jana adister men technology: Baskaru ekonomikasy, Halykaralyk ekonomika” kurstary 72 sagat, “Kazln Astana” Oku ortalygy No. 0600. Astana 2024
Participation in commissions at the international and republican levels
- Member of the editorial board of the international peer-reviewed scientific journal “Economics. Law. State”, Russia, since 2018
- Member of the Competition Commission on the selection of applications of private entrepreneurship applicants for the provision of state grants under the program "Business Road Map 2020" in Astana. 2017-2018.
Published works
Author of over 175 publications, including: Monographs - 4; Recommendations for production - 2, Web of Science, Scopus - 11, in the databases of Control Committee in the field of education and science (CCFES) - more than 58, in Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)- more than 45.
Of these, the main ones over the past 5 years:
- Macroeconomics: Textbook. - Publication S. Seifullin Kazakh Agricultural University, 2023. - 240 p.
- International economy: Textbook. - Publication S. Seifullin Kazakh Agricultural University, 2022. - 160 p.
- Microeconomics: Textbook. - Publishing House S. Seifullin Kazakh Agricultural University, 2021. - 260 p.
- State regulation of the economy: foreign experience: Educational tool. Almaty, Bastau. - 2020. - 392 pages.
- Development problems of social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Kazakhstan // Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. Volume IX, Issue 4(34), Summer 2019.
- Аграрлық саладағы әлеуметтік кәсіпкерлік: шетелдік және қазақстандық тәжірибе // Теориялық және ғылыми-практикалық журнал, № 4, 2019
- Formation and development of the concept of social entrepreneurship // Вестник Карагандинского университета, №4 (96)/2019, С.304-312
- The role of social capital in the innovative development of society// Opcion. Volume 36, Issue SpecialEdition26, 2020, (Scopus) Pages 1296-1313
- Assessment of the main economic indicators of tourism development in Kazakhstan //Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism. Volume 11, Issue 4, 2020, (Scopus) Pages 925-936
- Identification of investment objects for the development of territorial natural recreational systems// Вестник Карагандинского университета, №2 (94)/2019, С.196-205
- Оценка социально-экономического положения и уровня жизни населения Казахстана // Вестник Казахского университета экономики, финансов и международной торговли, №1 2020, С.31-39
- Information and marketing support competitiveness agricultural cooperatives// Теоретический и научно-практический журнал «Проблемы агрорынка», № 1, 2022, стр.160-169
- Development of corporate investment funds as a tool to achieve the goals of international treaties in the field of climate change// International environmental agreements – politics law and economics// Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics), 01-2023
- Relationship between the state of the countries logistics and perishable goods output: dairy industry// TQM Journal // Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index) 04-2023