Main / Faculties and Departments / Begarisheva Gulshara Ganievna
Begarisheva Gulshara Ganievna

Begarisheva Gulshara Ganievna


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior
Lecturer of the Department of Higher Mathematics
tel. +7 701 422 07 24


Sphere of scientific interests

Problems of the use and application of information technologies in education.

Delivered disciplines

Information and communication technologies, Methods of artificial intelligence.


1973 – 1978y.y. Astrakhan State Pedagogical Institute named after S. M. Kirov, specialty "Mathematics and Physics"


Work experience

1978-1983 y.y. Serdobsk, Penza region, Russia, a teacher of mathematics at a technical school.
1983-1989 y.y. Shevchenko city, Mangyshlak region, Computing center of the regional state administration, Bureau of algorithmization and programming, programmer.
1989-1998 y.y. Mangystau Regional Institute for the Improvement of Pedagogical Personnel, head of the office of "Informatics and Computer Technology".
1998-1999 y.y. Sh. Esenov Aktau State University, lecturer, senior lecturer.
1999-2000 y.y. Mangistau Regional Boarding School for Gifted Children, Director.
2000-2017 y.y. Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenova, teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor, head of the department.
С 01.09.2021 – up to the present Senior Lecturer, " Higher mathematics ", S. Seifullin KATU

Awards and Honours

- Badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Excellent student of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 1995.
- Badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2011.
- Certificate of Honor of the NTC of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for fruitful work on the organization and conduct of the UNT, 2012.
- For contribution to the development of higher education in the Mangistau region with the certificate of honor of the Akim of the Mangistau region, 2010
- International Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak", 2013.
- Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2016

Advanced training courses

- Training courses for programmers in Alma-Ata (1983, duration of 6 months);
- Full course of the Institute of Advanced Training of University teachers of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in the specialty "Information Systems" (2010, 1 month);
- Scientific internship at the Federal State Scientific Institution "Institute of Education Management" of the Russian Academy of Education in the direction of "Management in Education" (2013, 5 months);
- Databases in Python, № 04464, Nur-Sultan city, Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin (29.11-10.12.2021y.,72 hours);
- Statistical analysis and data visualization, № 04632, Nur-Sultan city, Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin (02.05-13.05.2022 y., 72 hours.)
- Introduction to neural networks, №10154140, Moscow, Intuit, National Open University (02.09-16.05.2022y.,72 hours);
- Machine learning, №101569792, Moscow, Intuit, National Open University (30.11-14.12.2022y., 72 hours);
- Intelligent data analysis, Ба№04903, Nur-Sultan city, Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin (28.11-9.12.2022y.,72 hours)
- Information technology, №101640752, Moscow, Intuit, National Open University (11.01-25.01.2024г., 72 hours);
- Participation in seminars, conferences, etc.    

Published works

Author of more than 50 scientific works. The most important in the presented directions

  1. Basics of the C++programming language. Training manual. Almaty. 2009.;
  2. Basics of the C# programming language and the .NET platform. Training manual. Almaty. 2018.; 
  3. Databases in information systems. Training manual. Almaty. 2017;
  4. Factors of formation of a teacher's readiness to use information and communication technologies in professional activity, scientific and methodological journal "Informatics and Education", Russia, Moscow, No. 4 ' 2013, pp. 75-78;
  5. Competence-based approach in the system of continuing education, Bulletin of the Peoples 'Friendship University of Russia, series "Informatization of Education", No. 1, 2012;
  6. Gulshara Begarisheva, The Peculiarities of the Use of Electronic Course Books in the Process of Specialists’ Training at the University, Open Journal of Social Sciences, ISSN  2327-5952, 30 July, №2, 2014, p. 50-55. access:
  7. Koksegen A.E., Begarisheva G.G. Python language and data analysis: textbook. -Astana: Typography of S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University, 2024.-96p.
  8. P.E. Maryashin (author, student), G.G. Begarisheva (supervisor) Chat-bots in education: personalized assistants for students. International Scientific Journal «Global Science and Innovations 2024: Central Asia» Astana, Kazakhstan, April 2024, p.85-88. ISSN 2664-2271
  9. Kosegen Ә.E. Begarisheva G.G., Shurakhanova K.Sh. Examples of sorting data in dataframe columns in Pandas library. International Scientific Journal «Global Science and Innovations 2024: Central Asia» Astana, Kazakhstan, April 2024, p.19-22. ISSN 2664-2271