Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor Head of the department "Microbiology and biotechnology" Office № 8307 Contact phone: +7(7172)297-252 E-mail: |
Sphere of scientific interests
Veterinary pharmacology and toxicology, pharmaceutical biotechnology, food biotechnology, veterinary microbiology and virology, food microbiology, veterinary sanitation and hygiene.
Delivered disciplines
Pharmaceutical biotechnology, theory and experimental methods, food biotechnology, microbiology, microbiology and virology.
Master and doctoral students under the guidance
Katkeshova E.A., Abugalieva S., Maksutova E., Dosova A.D., Jaken B.M., Toktar A.B., Amirtai A.J., Aitanatov A.M., Zhaumitova N.N., Gabdullina D., Yesmagambetova T.
1990 - 1995 |
Akmola Agricultural Institute, Veterinary Faculty - Veterinarian |
1996 - 1999 |
Postgraduate study at Akmola Agricultural University |
2000 |
Defended thesis at the Ural State Academy of Veterinary |
Work experience
1995-1996 |
Assistant Professor of Microbiology and zoo hygiene |
1996-1999 |
Training in full-time graduate school with a break from production |
2000-2002 |
Assistant Professor of Veterinary Sanitation and certification of livestock products |
2000-2005 |
Senior Lecturer, of Veterinary Public Health Department |
2006-2017 |
Associate Professor of Veterinary Public Health Department |
2017 - present |
Head of the department "Microbiology and biotechnology" |
Awards, certificates of honor
• Gratitude of MES RK, 2010
• Diploma "The best teacher of KazATU-2016"
• Gratitude "The best curator- 2015"
• Certificate of Merit of the MES RK "For contribution to the development of the education system and improving the quality of education on the path of spiritual and social development of independence", 2020
• Diploma of the Akim of Nur-Sultan "For contribution to the development of the city of Nur-Sultan and the field of education", 2021
• Certificate of Honor of the MA RK "For contribution to the development of agriculture", 2022
• Certificate of Honor of the NASEC MA RK"For merits in work and contribution to the development of agricultural science and education", 2022
• Medal for the "60th anniversary of S.Seifullin KazATU"
• Medal for the "100th anniversary of Professor N.T. Kadyrov"
Advanced training courses
"Labor disputes, the causes of their occurrence. The procedure for resolving a labor dispute in the conciliation commission" 72h., Profi Center Kazakhstan, 2019
"Management of an educational organization for managers" 72 hours, Association of Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, 2020
"Distance learning technologies in higher education", Almaty, 72 hours, 2020
"Safety and Labor Protection", Almaty, 2021
Global Professional Development Training Center "Modern methods of teaching microbiology with virology and immunology and biotechnology", 72 hours, Almaty, 2022
Internship at Warsaw State University of Natural Sciences, 2013
Internship at the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I.Scriabin Moscow, Russia under the program "Biotechnology" 36 hours, 2019
Internship, Summer School" in Tbilisi, Georgia LTD BIOLOGICA "Microbiology, immunology, biochemistry, biotechnology, food quality and safety", 72 hours, 2023
Published works
More than 90 works were published. The author of 2 textbooks, manuals recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as more than 50 educational and methodical publications.
1. Copyright certificate No. 59395 “Use of the disinfectant Surfanios as an ovicidal and larvocidal agent against germinal forms of helminths”
2. Copyright certificate No. 66795 “The use of Jerusalem artichoke powder with vetglucosolan in the treatment of nutritional dyspepsia in calves.”
3. Author’s certificate No. 66506 “Use of the disinfectant GAN as an ovicidal and larvocidal agent against germinal forms of helminths.”
4. Quantitative Development and Distribution of Zooplankton in Medium Lakes of the Kostanay Region (North Kazakhstan Region). International Journal of Environmental science education 2016, vol.11, NO.15, 8193-8210 Q3.
5. Improving the technology of the national fermented milk product “kurt” Scientific journal Moscow 2020, No. 3(48) (ROSKOMNADZOR) PI No. FS 77-63075 international standard serial numbers: ISSN PRINT 2413-7081, ISSN ONLINE 2542-0801 (Russian impact factor 0.12) RSCI
6. Language training at school and university: systematization and generalization of the experience of using trilingualism Karaganda University Khabarshysy No. 3(107)/2022
7. Common health problems of the visual system of students at the University of Kyzylorda L.N. Gumilyov atyndagy EҰU Khabarshysy. Biology gylymdar series ISSN (Print) 2616-7034 eISSN 2663-130Х No. 2(135)/2021zh
8. ZOO-da biologist mugalimderdi dayarlaudyn bilim masmunina olkelik komponentti enderu erekshelikteri. Karaganda University Khabarshysy No. 1(105)/2022
9. Using the Possibilities of in Vitro Culture for the Preparation of Dietary Supplements from Alfalfa Tissues International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Nano Technology (IJAENT) ISSN: 2347-6389 (Online), Volume-9 Issue-11, November 2022
10. Problems and prospects of commercialization of innovative educational technologies in Kazakhstan Karaganda University Khabarshysy No. 1(109)/2023 z ORCID 0000-0002-6076-2061 ORCID 0000-0001-6114-397
11. Expression of recombinant Omp18 and MOMP of Campylobacter jejuni and the determination of their suitability as antigens for serological diagnosis of campylobacteriosis in animals, Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 Available at /27.pdf Q1 (80 pr)
12. “Shekara zhane koliktegi veterinary sanitary baqylau” KR BzhҒM Usyngan Okulyk, 2014zh, 474bet. 13. “Veterinary hygiene” KR BzhҒM usyngan oku kuraly, 2007zh.-240b.
14. “Veterinary and sanitary control at the border and transport: textbook. - Astana, 2015. - 149 p.
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.