Main / Faculties and Departments / Bukeeva Akbota
Bukeeva Akbota

Bukeeva Akbota


Candidate of chemical sciences, associate

professor of  Physics and Chemistry department

Office 2305

Phone  38-96-46



Sphere of scientific interests

Organic chemistry, Chemistry natural compounds

Delivered disciplines

Chemistry,  Inorganic chemistry, Organic chemistry

Teaching courses

Chemistry,  Inorganic chemistry, Organic chemistry

The main research directions

Chemistry natural compounds,  Organic chemistry



A.Baitursunov KSU, Biology and Chemistry faculty, chemical department


E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University, posgraduate study


 Work  experience


Institute of organic synthesis and coal Chemistry, Karaganda Junior scientist of laboratory  for the synthsesis  of  biologically active substances


S. Seifullin KATU, Senior lecturer of  Physics and Chemistry department

Since 2011

S. Seifullin KATU, associate professor of Physics and Chemistry department



  • 2008 - «Modern methods of distance learning», Seifullin KATU
  • 2013- JSC «National centre of  professional development  «Orleu», Almaty

Published works

  1. Bukeeva A.B., Kudajbergenova S.Zh. Obzor sovremennyh metodov vydelenija bioaktivnyh veshhestv iz rastitel'nogo syr'ja // Vestnik ENU im.L.N.Gumileva, 2012, № 2, str. 190-197
  2. Nurkenov O.A., Bukeeva A.B., Gazaliev A.M. Sintez i gidroliz N-ljefedrinil-l-cian-1-n-metoksifenilmetana // Zhurnal obshhej himii, 2001, T.71. Vyp. 1 s.167-168
  3. Mustafina R.H., Majkanov B.S., Bukeeva A.B. Sposob   opredelenija fal'sifikacii meda saharom // Innovacionnyj patent RK № 31173 ot 16.05.2016
  4. Bukeeva A.B., Nurkenov O.A., Gazaliev A.M. i dr. Vzaimodejstvie l-jefedrina i d-psevdojefedrina s serouglerodom // Izvestija NAN RK, Ser.him., 2003. №4 (340), Pp.109-114
  5. Isabaeva M., Nurkenov O.A., Bukeeva A.B., Gazaliev A.M. Sintez proizvodnyh tiazolidina na osnove jefedrinovyh alkaloidov// Al-Farabi QazNU Zharshysy, 2003. №4 (32), Pp. 11-12.