Main / Faculties and Departments / Bulashev Aitbay Kabykeshovich
Bulashev Aitbay Kabykeshovich

Bulashev Aitbay Kabykeshovich


Doctor of Veterinary Science, Professor

Department of microbiology and biotechnology

Office 2207, Mobile phone +7701-516-84-06


Area of research interests

Improving methods for diagnosing infectious diseases and food safety.

Courses lectures on disciplines

Microbiology; Veterinary Immunology; Modern problems of Biotechnology in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry. 

Current research projects

- the leader of the Scientific and technical program within the framework of program-targeted financing of the Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Kazakhstan: "Improving food safety" for 2024-2026;
- the leader of the project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Republic of Kazakhstan: “Development of an IHA kit based on recombinant proteins for the diagnosis of brucellosis” for 2023-2025.


Master's and doctoral students studying under the guidance of Professor Aitbay Bulashev

- master students of specialty 6M070100 – “Biotechnology” Anara Kukaeva and Aruzhan Zharmakhanova;
- doctoral student of specialty 8D09 “Veterinary Medicine” Asem Dzhangulova.



Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, Veterinary Faculty.


Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine


Postgraduate studies at the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute (TACI) and  N.E. Bauman Kazan State Veterinary Academy (KSVA).


Internship at M.M. Shemyakin Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow.


English courses at the Ministry of Agriculture, USSR, K.I.Skryabina Veterinary Academy, Moscow.
1991 Internship at the National Animal Disease Center, Iowa, USA.

Work experience

1978-1980 Сompulsory military service
1980-1982  Assistant of Veterinary Medicine Faculty, TACI
1982-1984  Post-graduate student at  TAI and KSVA
1984-1986   Assistant of the Department of Animal Hygiene and Microbiology,  TACI
1986-1988   Research intern at M.M. Shemyakin Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow
1987-1989 Associate Professor of the Department of Animal Hygiene and Microbiology,  TACI
1989-1992 Head of Immunochemistry Laboratory of  Biotechnological Center,  TACI
1992-1993 Head of Department of Biotechnological Center, TACI
1993-2004 Vice-rector for Research and international relations of  Akmola Agricultural Institute (former TACI)
2004-2011  Rector of  S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University
2011 –  по наст.время Professor of the Department of  Microbiology and Biotechnology, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro-Technical Research University

Awards, certificates of honor

  • Order “Kurmet”, 2007
  • Gratitude from President N. Nazarbayev 2005 and 2010
  • Laureate of  academician A.I. Baraev State Prize,  2002
  • “Excellence in Education”, 1997
  • “For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2002
  • “For contribution to the training of followers of big sports”, 2008
  • “10 years to the Constitution of Kazakhstan”, 2005
  • "10 years to the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan", 2006
  • "10th anniversary of Astana", 2007
  • "20 years of Independence of Kazakhstan", 2011
  • "30 years of Independence of Kazakhstan", 2021 
  • Excellence in Agriculture, 2020
  • Labor Veteran, 2022
  • Recipient of the State Grant "The best university teacher", 2014
  • Recipient of the State Scientific Scholarship, 2022.

Advanced training

- VIP-seminar “Research universities and innovations - opportunities to use British experience in Kazakhstan”, British Council Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2011.
- European Union Erasmus-Mundus Program: “Credit learning technology used in the educational process at Genova University”, Italy, 2013.
- Advanced training courses of 72 hours on the discipline “Veterinary Microbiology, Virology and Immunology” at N.E. Bauman Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Kazan, Russia, 2022.
- Seminar: “PCR, ELISA from preanalyst to result”, Astana, 2023.
- Seminar: “Modern trends in the use of innovative technologies in the educational process of a university”, Astana, 2023.

Published works

Professor A.Bulashev is the author of more than 300 original research papers and educational and methodological works. The most important articles published in journals from the Scopus/Web of Sciences database:

1.Mussakhmetov A., Kiribayeva A., Daniyarov A., Bulashev A. , Kairov U. and Khassenov B. Genome sequence and assembly of the amylolytic Bacillus licheniformis T5 strain isolated from Kazakhstan soil //BMC Genomic Data (2024) 25:3.-Р.1-6., 
2. Amanzholova M.,  Shaizadinova A.,  Bulashev A. and Abeldenov S. Genetic identification of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from cultured milk samples of bovine mastitis using isothermal amplification with CRISPR/Cas12a-based molecular assay // Veterinary Research Communications, Vet Res Commun. 2024 Feb;48(1):291-300. doi: 10.1007/s11259-023-10212-z. ; Q1.
3. Bulashev A.K., Eskendirova S. Brucellosis detection and the role of Brucella spp. cell wall proteins // Veterinary World. -2023.-16(7): 1390–1399, doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2023.1390-1399, citations -0, percentile-79, Q2;  
4. Bulashev, A., Eskendirova, S; Ingirbay, B., Syzdykova, A., and Zhagipar, F. (2023) "Validation of a chimeric proteins-based ELISA for the diagnosis of brucellosis in Kazakhstan," Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences: Vol. 47: No. 6, Article 10.
5. Shaizadinova A., Amanzholova M., Kirillov S., Bulashev A., Abeldenov S. Rapid and highly sensitive LAMP-CRISPR/Cas12a-based identification of bovine mastitis milk samples contaminated by Escherichia coli // Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. ‒ 2023. ‒ №14. ‒ С. 100721, DOI: 10.1016/j.jafr.2023.100721, citations -0, percentile-78, Q1;
6. Mendybayeva A., Abilova Z., Bulashev A., Rychshanova R. Prevalence and resistance to antibacterial agents in Salmonella enterica strains isolated from poultry products in Northern Kazakhstan  // Veterinary World. - 2023. - Vol. 16(3). - P.657-667. DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2023.657-667 , citations -0, percentile-80, Q2;  
7. Baymenov B.M., Bulashev A.K., Сhuzhebayeva G.D., Aliyeva G.K., Beishova I.S., Kokanov S.K., and Raketsky V.A. (2023) Phenotypic and genotypic resistance to antibiotics in Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from cattle milk in Northern Kazakhstan // Veterinary World. – 2023. - Vol. 16(9). - P. 1815-1820. DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2023.1815-1820. CiteScore 2022 - 3.2, citations -0, percentile-80, Q2;  
8. Bulashev A.K., Ingirbay BK, Mukantayev KN, Syzdykova AS Evaluation of chimeric proteins for serological diagnosis of brucellosis in cattle // Veterinary World.-2021.- 14(8): 2187-2196, doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2021.2187-2196, citatuions-4/3,percentile-80, Q2; 
9. Ryskeldinova S., Zinina N., Kydyrbayev Z., Yespembetov B., Kozhamkulov Y., Inkarbekov D., Assanzhanova N., Mailybayeva A., Bugybayeva D., Sarmykova M., Khairullin B., Tabynov K., Bulashev A., Aitzhanov B., Abeuov Kh., Sansyzbay A., Yespolov T., Renukaradhya G., Olsen S., Oñate A. and Tabynov K. Registered Influenza Viral Vector Based Brucella abortus Vaccine for Cattle in Kazakhstan: Age-Wise Safety and Efficacy Studies // Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology// published: 01 July 2021, Volume 11, Article 669196, doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.669196, citations-2/1, percentile 72, Q1;
10.  Bulashev A.K., Akibekov O., Syzdykova A., Suranshiyev Zh., Ingirbay B. Use of recombinant Brucella outer membrane proteins 19, 25, and 31 for serodiagnosis of bovine brucellosis // Veterinary World. - 2020.- Vol. 13(7). - P.1439-1447, DOI:; citations-7/5, percentile 80, Q2;
11. Kiyan V., Bulashev A., Zhumalin A., Smagulova A., Lider L. Immunogenicity and antigenicity of Opisthorchis felineus proteins // Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci.-2020.- Vol.8(9)/-P. 933-939; DO I:; citations-0, percentile 31, Q3. 
12. Bulashev A.K., Akibekov O., Suranshiyev Zh., Ingirbay B., Eskendirova S. Serodiagnostic potential of Brucella outer membrane and periplasmic proteins // Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences.- 2019.-V. 43.-P. 486-493; DOI:10.3906/vet-1902-75; citations-4/1, percentile 51, Q3.
13. Bulashev A.K., Jakubowski T., Mukantayev K.N., Tursunov K., Kiyan V., Zhumalin A. Using combined recombinant protein in the diagnosis of bovine brucellosis // Medycyna Weterynaryjna.- 2018.- Vol. 74 (3). – P.193-198; DOI:; Q4. 
14. Bulashev A.K., Jakubowski T., Tursunov K., Kiyan V., Zhumalin A. Immunogenicity and  antigenicity of Brucella recombinant outer membrane proteins// J. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika (Vet Med Zoot).- Vol. 76 (98).- 2018.-P.17-24; Q4.
15. Kiyan V.S., Bulashev A.K., Katokhin A.V. Opisthorchis felineus and Metorchis bilis Metacercariae in Cyprinid Fish Leuciscus idus in Nura-Sarysu River, Kazakhstan// Korean Journal of Parasitology. - 2018. - Vol.56, No.3. - P.267-274; https:// DOI: .org/10.3347/kjp.2018.56.3.267; Q3.
16. Bulashev A.K., Suranshiev Z.A., Akibekov O.S., Akanova Z.Z., Abulgazimova G.A. 2017: Serological diagnosis of cystic echinococcosis in cattle // Folia Parasitol. 64: 005; DOI:10.14411/fp.2017.005; Q3.
17. Bulashev A.K., Akibekov O, Tokpan S, Serikova S, Abulgazimova G. Hematological and Serological Investigation of Dogs during Experimental Echinococcosis // Cardiovascular and  Hematological  Agents in Medicinal Chemistry.-2016.-Vol.14, №1.-P.59-67; DOI: 10.2174/1871525714666160509130539; Q3.
18. Bulashev A.K., Borovikov S.N., Serikova S.S., Suranshiev Z.A., Kiyan V.S., Eskendirova S.Z. 2016: Development of an ELISA using anti-idiotypic antibody for diagnosis of opisthorchiasis. Folia Parasitol. 63: 025; DOI:10.14411/fp.2016.025; Q3.
19. Shenzhanov, K.T., Bulashev, A.K., Bakirova, G.A. . Using monoclonal antibodies in developing ELISA for diagnosing bovine tuberculosis //Veterinarski Arhiv, 2003, 73(2), pp. 81–93.
20. Karalnik, B.V., Studentsova, V.K.,  Bulashev, A.K., Dmitriev, A.F., Mukanov, K.K. Brucellar antibody erythrocyte diagnosticum prepared from monoclonal antibodies //Zhurnal Mikrobiologii Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, 1991, 68(4), pp. 63–66.