Main / Faculties and Departments / Chernenok Valentina Grigorievna
Chernenok Valentina Grigorievna

Chernenok Valentina Grigorievna


Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the MSE
Office 5121 Phone: +7 701 591 67 38


Sphere of scientific interests

Development of methods of purposeful management of fertility of soils and optimization of food of the cultures providing realization of potential opportunities of culture, a grade at a high economic return

Delivered disciplines

Blok of agrochemical disciplines

Main research areas

Development of methods of purposeful management of soil fertility, ensuring the realization of the potential productivity of crops with a high economic return and environmental safety; realization of the potential productivity of promising varieties of oats on the basis of determining the optimal parameters of the main agrochemical properties of soil and optimization of mineral nutrition conditions


1954-1959 – Belarussian Order Academy of Agriculture in "Agronomy" (BACA) of the Red Banner order
1970 – defended Ph.D. thesis at the Novosibirsk Agricultural Institute;
1993 – doctoral dissertation at Omsk Agricultural Institute.

Work experience:  total length of service 64 years, including scientific and pedagogical – 57.
1959-1959 – Kursk district agronomist farm, Esilsky district of Akmola region;
1959-1962 – Chief agronomist of Kursk farm, Esilsky district of Akmola region;
1962-1963 – Transferred as an agronomist of Regional Plant Protection Station, Tselinograd;
1963-1965 – transferred as a Chief agronomist of the experimental farms of the main management science of virgin land regional department of agriculture;
1966-1968 – Graduate student of agrochemical, Tselinograd Agricultural Institute;
1969-1971 – Assistant Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, Tselinograd Agricultural Institute; - 1972-1984 – Associate Professor of Agricultural Chemistry, Tselinograd Agricultural Institute;
1985-1997 – Head of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Tselinograd Agricultural Institute; 
1998-2000 - Professor, Department of Agriculture, Soil Science and Agricultural KazGATU named after S.Seifullin;
2001-2002 – The Head of the Department of Agro ecology and Agrochemistry, S.Seifullin KazGATU;
Since 2003 – Professor of Soil Science and Agricultural, S. Seifullin KATU.

Awards and Honors

1.    Medals: "For development of virgin lands" (1964), "For labor valor" (1981), "The veteran of work" (1989), MA RK "the Academician A.I. Barayev. 100 years since birth" (2008), the Russian Federation, VNIIU named after D.N. Pryanishnikov – "The honourable agrochemist" (2011); "С.Сейфуллин атындағы ҚАТУ 55 жыл" (2012); "Professor M.A. Gendelman 100 years since the birth of" (2013); "The honorary veteran" of the MA PK (2015)

2.    Breastplates: "Winner of socialist competition" (1979); "Excellent student of socialist agriculture" (1982); "Excellent student of education" of PK (1997); "The honorary employee of university" (2011); "ЕҢБЕК ДАҢҚЫ" I degrees (2012)

3.    Certificates of honor: The Ministries of Education and Science of RK –Құрмет грамотасы «Тəуелсіз Қазақстанның рухани жəне əлеуметтік дамуы жолында қол жеткен табыстары жəне оның гүлденуіне қосқан үлестері үшін», ҚР АШМ Құрмет грамотасы «Ауыл шаруашылығы ғылымын дамытуда қосқан үлесі жəне кəсіптік шеберлігі үшін», АОГ «Казагроинновация», in connection with the 55 anniversary of formation of KATU of S.Seyfullin and for a contribution to development of scientific providing agrarian and industrial complex gramotasa";

4.    Certificate of gratitude N60 The Union of agrochemists and agroecologists - "For active participation and fruitful scientific organizational work in NS Agrochemistryunion"

Advanced training courses

1975, 1981 – 3-month courses at Timeryazevsky SHA, Moscow;

1972-1990 – Annual participation in scientific and practical conferences, coordination meetings, methodical seminars at All-Union research institute of fertilizers and agrology (VIUA), zone scientific research institutes in the area of the All-Union agrochemical network of experiences with fertilizers;

2001-2014 – participation in coordination meetings at the Kazakh scientific research institute of soil science and agrochemistry of U.Uspanov and NPTs ZH of A.I. Barayev;

Since 2008 – the member of the common wealth of scientific agrochemists and agroecologists of "Agrochemistry union" of the CIS countries, participation in annual symposiums of the commonwealth of scientists.

19.04.12. – participation in a seminar of Thomson Reuters Scientific & Scholarly Research, KATU of S. Seyfullin;

10.05.13. – seminar "Exchange of knowledge and formation of the international partnership in science", JSC "National Center of the State Scientific and Technical Examination"

2013-2016 – participant of the Agrochemical forum of Asia

Certificate 03-12.12.2019. «Methods of soil quality analyses», 72 h. КАTU. Nur-Sultan

Cooperation with foreign scientists

1.    V.G. Sychev - Doctor of Science in Agriculture, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Chemistry named after N.Pryanishnikov
2.    V.V. Lapa - Director of the Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the NAS, Belarus; Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; Vice-President of "Agricultural Chemical Ecological Association" NPO

National and international meetings

  1. The International Symposium of Agricultural chemists and Agricultural ecologists of CIS countries, Minsk, 2014, Tatarstan, Krasnodar, 2015, 2016
  2. Agrochemical Asia Forum (KazAzot, Kazphosphate, 2014, 2015)
  3. 9th International Soil Science Congress on the Soil and Civilization, Turkey (Antalya, Sidi), 14-16 October, 2014
  4. International Conference on Emereging Trends in Academic Research (online conference), 25-26 November, 2014
  5. International Scientific - Practical Conference "Role of virgin lands and prospects of development of agriculture and crop production in Kazakhstan", devoted to 60th - anniversary of the development of virgin and fallow lands, 2014

Publiched works

Publications and articles, and a list of scientific works. Published more than 235 scientific works, including two books:

1.    Влияние условий фосфорного питания на продуктивность и качество чечевицы разновидностей сорта «веховская». Научно-методический журнал «Вестник Белорусской государственной сельскохозяйственной академии», №2, 2021, - С. 141-146. (в соат. Б. Ж. Жанзаков, В. Г. Черненок, Т. Ф. Персикова) 
2.    Zhanzakov B., Chernenok V., Persikova T., Nurmanov Y., Kuzdanova R., Serikpaeva Zh. The role of moisture conditions in the formation of yield and responsiveness of Lens culinaris (L.) to phosphate fertilizers. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 28 (No 5) 2022, 783–793 CiteScore – 1,2. 46%
3.    Жанзаков Б.Ж., Черненок В.Г., Кузданова Р.Ш., Серикпаева Ж.К. Влияние условий азотного питания на продуктивность и качество чечевицы. Вестник науки Казахского агротехнического университета им. С.Сейфуллина. - 2022. - №2 (113). – Ч.1. - С.145-154