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Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant of the Foreign Languages Department Office 2614, tel. +7(7172) 38 40 04 E-mail: l.yeleuova@kazatu.edu.kz
Sphere of scientific interests
Cognitive linguistics, investigation of lingua-cultural concept
Delivered disciplines
Foreign language (English)
2008–2012 yy. |
Y. Altynsarin Arkalyk State pedagogical institute, the Faculty of Pedagogics and Philology, Foreign language: two foreign languages. |
2012–2014 yy. |
Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University, the Faculty of Philology and Pedagogics, Master degree, Foreign language: two foreign languages |
Work experience
2012–2014 yy. |
Kazakh Lyceum, English Teacher. |
2014–2015 yy. |
Kokshetau medical college, Teacher of professional English. |
2015–2016 yy. |
Abai Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University, Assistant. |
2016 y. – till now. |
S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Assistant. |
Advanced training courses
“ICT technologies in education: basic level”, “ICT technologies in education: advanced level in the implementation of the concept of distance learning”, “Teacher’s Digital Literacy” Yekaterinburg, Russia; “Microsoft Digital Literacy”, AEO NIS CPM, courses, 2020 y.
“Distance learning technologies and platforms for the implementation of educational services” seminar, Institute of advanced training and distance learning at S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, seminar, 2020 y.
Published works
10 works were published. More important among them close to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are:
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.