Main / Faculties and Departments / Yensepov Bauyrzhan Berdikozhaevich
Yensepov Bauyrzhan Berdikozhaevich

Yensepov Bauyrzhan Berdikozhaevich


Candidate of  Historical Sciences,

Associate professor

Office 2715, phone number  +7(7172)38-23-30



Sphere of scientific interests

Social and political processes, culture, spiritual life.

Delivered courses

The Modern history of Kazakhstan.

Main directions of researches

National liberation movements, historical figures, the history of education and science in 20th century


1998-2002 Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, specialty “History, law and economy”;

2010 defended dissertation, Shakarim Semipalatinsk State University.

Work experience

2002-2014-Senior lecturer, the Kazakhstan History Department, Kyzylorda State University

2014-present - Senior lecturer, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University.

By order of the Chairman the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 28, January 21, 2021 - awarded Associate Professor 07.00.00 - History


2012 - Certificate of honor devoted to the 75th anniversary of Korkit Ata KSU.

  1. - Korkyt Ata Gold medal.

Republican and international meetings

1. 22-23 May, 2015 - Fund of First President Republic of Kazakhstan – The leader of nation and Institute of state history KN MON RK in GU «Назарбаев центр». International scientific-practical conference «От казахского ханства к независимому Казахстану», dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate.

2. Scientific seminar in memorial museum of ALZHIR with professor, doctor of historical sciences of ENU named after L.Gumilev A.S.Musagalieva and professor of Tokyo University named after Ivane Takakhashi.-May 19, 2016.

3. Сollection of materials international scientific and practical conference EASTERN COUNTRIES IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: PROBLEMS AND NEW APPROACHES RESEARCH 13 november, 2020


1. «The eternal state is the philosophy of the Great Steppe» international summer course, L.Gumilev ENU, June 20-25,2016.

2. 2019, education courses "Modern pedagogical technologies in higher education in the context of modernized educational content" (260 hours), the National Center for Professional Development "Orleu".

3. The International Winter School "Auezov University - 2022" in the direction "New research and development directions of archeology. Studies of the historical science of Kazakhstan in the context of global changes. Total duration of study: 90 academic hours

Scientific publications

More than 20 articles were published.

1. Қазақстанның қазіргі заман тарихы оқу құралы Аstana: Tutorial. Printed at KazATU named after S.Seifullin, 2018 ж. 230 б.

2. Қазақстанның қазіргі заман тарихы оқулық Нur-Sultan: Tutorial. Printed at KazATU named after S.Seifullin, 2021 ж. 273 б.

3. «History of Kazakhstan as an Image of an Independent State» T-ANTH-SV-021 CHECK LIST OF REFERENCES CAREFULLY Anthropologist, 00(0): 0000 (2016)

4. History of german diaspora in Kazakhstan (ХІХ-ХХІ) Румыния. Краево университеті. История журналы. Scopus. импакт-фактор. №1. 2020.

5. Features of Kazakh-Russian Relations: Strengthening the Political Influence of Russia in Middle Zhuz in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries. Bylye Gody. 2020. Vol. 56. Is. 2

6. History of studyinq and development of the scientifically research establishments of Turkestan. «The Fourth International conference on development of historical and political sciences in Eurasia». Proceedings of the Conference (May 11, 2015). «East West» Association  for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH. Vienna. 2015. 72 P.  ISBN–13 978-3-903063-33-4 ISBN–10 3-903063-33-9

7. Перовскийдің сыр бойындағы әскери жорығы (Ақмешіт түбіндегі шайқас мысалында) //Bagdar-Orientir military-theoretical magazine. №3, 2016. 76-81 бб.

8. Т.Жүргеновтың Тәжік еліндегі қызметі // Journal of Kazakh history №2, 2017. - 4-б

9. Түркістан халық университеті (Мұсылман секциясын ұйымдастыру тарихынан) Қазақ тарихы журналы №1, 2018. - 27-28 бб.

10. Халел Досмұхамедовтің ғылыми-ағартушылық қызметінің Ташкенттік кезеңі // Journal of Kazakh history 2019, №3. - 20-21 бб

11. Ағартушы Қоңырқожа Қожықов қоғамдық-саяси және ағартушылық қызметі // Journal of Kazakh history №1, 2020. - 54-58 бб.

12. Мұхтар Әуезовтың Ташкенттегі қызметі // Journal of Kazakh history №3, 2020. -18-19 бб.