Main / Faculties and Departments / Esekeshova Maral Duiseneyevna
Esekeshova Maral Duiseneyevna

Esekeshova Maral Duiseneyevna


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Vocational Education

Office 2707, tel. +7(7172)38-35-29


Field of scientific interests
Higher school pedagogy, pedagogical innovation, science studies, history of education, methods of educational work

Subjects to be read
Ethnopedagogics, Psychology of higher school, Professional pedagogy, Professional psychology, Pedagogical skills, Methods and technology of educational work, Pedagogical activity of a teacher in higher school.

The main directions of research
Higher school pedagogy, pedagogical innovation, science studies, history of education, ethnopedagogy, methods of educational work


Current research projects

Initiative theme "Theoretical and methodological bases of the organization of the pedagogical process in Agro - Tehnical University  in the conditions of transformation into the Research University"


Masters and doctoral students working under the supervision of

Auezhanova A., Baymbet B., Manapova N., Alshynbaeva J., Tashkenbaeva J., Tastanbekova N,. Isakova G.




K.K. Zhubanov Pedagogical Institute, Specialty -  “Pedagogy and psychology of preschool education”


Postgraduate studies in the specialty 13.00.01. – "Theory and history of pedagogy"


Work experience

1993-1995 years

Aktobe Pedagogical Institute, teacher of the Department of General Pedagogy

1998-2007 years

Senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy, Aktobe State University named after K. Zhubanov.

2007-2009 years

Senior lecturer of the Department of Vocational Education, S.Seifullin KazATU, Astana.

Since 2009 

Head of the Department of  Vocational Education , S.Seifullin KazATRU,  Astana.


Awards, certificates of honor
- 2010Winner of the state grant "The best teacher of the Year".
- 2012 Altynsarin medal.
- 2013 Z. Freud medal.
- V. I. Vernadsky Badge 
-2016 diploma of S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University in the nomination "textbook and textbook-2016".
-2017 - medal "Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in honor of the 60th anniversary of S. Seifullin Katu".
- 2017 a letter of thanks in the nomination of the contest "The Best textbook" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of S. Seifullin KATU and a diploma in the nomination "The best author of a textbook/textbook».
- 2017 a letter of thanks for long-term cooperation from the Rector of the Grodno Regional Institute for the Development of Education of the State of Belarus
-2017 a letter of thanks from the akim of the village of Saksaul for charity to the children of his native land.
- 2018 participation in a seminar at the Higher Technical College of the Polish State of Walbrzych, obtaining a certificate.
- Winner of the republican contest "The best Candidate of Sciences-2019".
- 2019 letter of thanks for the preparation of a 3rd year student who took part in the republican contest "100 best student leaders of Kazakhstan" of the National Innovative Research Center "Bilim orkenieti».
- 2019 letter of thanks for the preparation of a student who took 2nd place at the International Scientific and Theoretical Conference ”Seifullin Readings-15 youth, science, technology: new ideas and prospects"
- 2020 December 16 letter of thanks in honor of the celebration of the independence of the country Chairman of the Public Association "Kyzylorda Regional Society of the Disabled"
-2020 awarded in the nomination "Best Social Assistant" of the International Volunteer of the Year award.
– 2021 awarded for contribution to the socio-economic development of the district in the nomination "Patron-2021" on behalf of the akim of the Aral district                        S. Sermagambetov
- 2021 3rd place in the nomination "Textbook, author of the textbook".
- 2021 awarded with a Letter of Thanks from the Astana Daryny Center.
- 2021 in honor of the 85th anniversary of K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University, awarded with a Letter of Thanks and the K. Zhubanov medal.
- 2021 awarded with a Letter of Thanks from the Nur-Otan party.
– 2022 awarded with a Letter of Thanks from Kalyuzhny for participating in a conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of her birth.

Professional development 


" Technical and vocational education system for professional development of teachers and the interregional center" M. Auezov MP state University


Centre of International of the Warsaw unіversity of  Technology


Scientifically-methodical bases of teaching the subject self-knowledge" "Orleu" National centre


Modern management models innovative educational practices, the Republic of Belarus


«Egitim bilimleri kongresi. Katilim belgisi» Nidge universitesi


Republican  and international meetings

  1. Meeting with professors and teaching staff of Grodno State University named after Ya.Kupaly, Belarus 2015
  2. Meeting with professors and teaching staff of  ENU  named after L.N. Gumilev 2016 


Advanced training
-    «Образование XXI века: тренды, новые модели эпохи цифровизации», 72 hours,  Grodno Regional Institute for Educational Development ,  2021 y.
-    «Development services for Individuals with Disabilities – DECIDE», 72 hours,  S.Seifullin KATU, 2021 y.
-    «Инклюзивное профессиональное образование:современный взгляд и подходы», 72 hours, Educational online platform SKLAD, 2022 y.
-    «Educational spaces: international approaches and sustainable solutions for creating a prosperous educational», 72 hours, Educational online platform SKLAD,  2023 y.
-    «Innovations in the educational process: theory, methodology, practice of higher education», 72 hours, S.Seifullin KATRU, 2024 y.


The author has more than 350 scientific papers. The most important in the presented areas:

1.    Evaluation of professional competencies of Kazakhstan university students // Opcion. – 2019 VOL. 35,  - Iss. Special Issue 23. - Page 850-875, ISSN 1012-1587 
2.    On the systemic approach in dual training // Espacios. – Vol.40 (Number 44), 2019 year, Page 16, ISSN-0798 -1015
3.    On the Formation of Critcal Thinking of Students of a Higher Educational lnstitution // Jounal of lntellectual Diagnosis and Tueatment,  2020 year, Page 388-395, ISSN-2292-2598 
4.    DeveIopment of Professional SkiIIs in the Context of Higher School Dual Education // iJET – Vol.16, №10, 2021 year
5.    Дуальды оқыту жағдайында білім алушылардың кәсіби біліктілігін жетілдірудің педагогикалық шарттары, BULLETIN Of Abai  Kazakh National Pedagogical University “Pedagogical sciences” Series № 3 (59), 2018 y., р. 139-145
6.    Вопросы формирования критического мышления на основе системного подхода, International science JOURNAL “Science and Life of Kazakhstan”  №4 (60) 2018 y.,  р.122-126.
7.    Білім алушылардың кәсіби біліктілігін дуальді оқыту жағдайында жетілдірудің теориялық негіздері, International science JOURNAL “Science and Life of Kazakhstan”  №5(65), 2018 y., р. 107-110 
8.    Проблема формирования и развития критического мышления студентов в условиях вуза, International science JOURNAL “Science and Life of Kazakhstan” №5(2),  2019 y., p. 209-214.
9.    Моделирование процесса формирования профессиональной компетентности будущего специалиста: системного подход, International science JOURNAL “Science and Life of Kazakhstan”  №6/3,  2019 y., р.96-101
10.     Жоғары оқу орындары студенттерінің қаржылық сауаттылығын дамыту, Bulletin of L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University “PEDAGOGY. PSYCHOLOGY. SOCIOLOGY” Series №2 (131) / 2020 y., p. 73-81 
11.    «Қазақ отбасындағы имандылық тәрбие», Monograph. Nur-Sultan, 2021 y., 243 page.