Main / Faculties and Departments / Gorbunov Boris Nikolaevich
Gorbunov Boris Nikolaevich

Gorbunov Boris Nikolaevich


Ph.D., associate professor

of the technical mechanics department

Candidate of technical sciences

office 4413, phone 8(7172) 39-74-46



Sphere of scientific interests

Improving the design and reliability of farm machinery operating in the Northern Kazakhstan

Delivered disciplines

Details of machines and bases of designing, automating the drawings



Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, Qualification - Mechanical Engineer


The Graduate School at. S.Seifullin

Work experience


Researcher, Department of Strength of  Materials and Machine Parts Tselinograd Agricultural Institute


Assist the department  Strength of Materials and Machine Parts S.Seifullin Agrarian Institute


Senior lecturer in Technical mechanics  S.Seifullin KATU


Head of the department Technical Mechanics S.Seifullin KATU


dean of the Faculty of distance learning  S.Seifullin  KATU


associate professor of the department Technical Mechanics

Awards and honors 

- Gratitude - the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the management of scientific work of students in 1995;

- Letter of thanks for the work contributed to the conduct and organization of a unified national testing in the education system in 2010 CNT MES;

- Jubilee Medal - For contribution to the development of the university in honor of the 55 anniversary of the S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University.

- Letter of appreciation for the contribution to the spiritual and social development of independent Kazakhstan and for achievements in the field of education in 2012, the MES.

Advanced training courses

  • Internship at Sinzyans Agricultural University , China Urumqi, 2010.
  • Seminar "Thomson Reuters and Springer for scientific studies", S.Seifullin  KATU, 2016.
  • Certificate of courses "DOT and platforms for the implementation of educational services". KATU them. S. Seifullina, 2020.
  • Certificate of courses "Modern technologies of education and upbringing", Moscow, Moscow International Academy, RF, 2021.
  • Certificate of courses "Machine parts" No. 1359407 OGTU, Omsk, Russian Federation, 2022.

Published works

Author of more than 70 scientific papers . The most important for a submission:

  1. Есхожин Д.З. Нукешев С.О. Адуов М.А. Горбунов Б.Н. СТ РК 3.36-2003 ГСС РК. Порядок сертификации машины для внесения минеральных удобрений РГП «КазИнСт» Госстандарта № 022/347 23.12.03.г. – 31 с.
  2. Ахметов Е.С., Горбунов Б.Н., Мамырбаева И.К., Суюндиков А.А., Тлеумбетов К.М. Результаты экспериментальных исследований вибро-штифтового туковысевающего аппарата //Журнал Science and world. 2015. № 7 (23). Волгоград, 31-38с. (Импакт-фактор 0,325).
  3. Кусаинов Р.К., Нукешев С.О. Муращенко В.И., Горбунов Б.Н., Жунусова А.Е, Шамганова А.А., Культиватор-глуборыхлитель с регулировкой положения рабочих оргонов, Евразийский патент №020547. Евразийское патентное ведомство 30.12.2014 г.
  4. Горбунов Б.Н., Алижан А., Системы автоматизированного проектирования в машиностроении. Типография КазАУ, Астана 2017, -148 с.
  5. Есхожин Д.З., Нукешев С.О., Ахметов Е.С., Кусаинов Р.К., Горбунов Б.Н Тлеумбетов К.М.  и.др. Зернотукотравяная сеялка. Патент на изобретение РК. №35155, 25.06.2021г.