Main / Faculties and Departments / Khamzina Botagoz Erkenovna
Khamzina Botagoz Erkenovna

Khamzina Botagoz Erkenovna


Doctor of pedagogical sciences,

associate professor

Phone: +7 (702) 588 46 63



Sphere of scientific interests

Theory and methods of teaching of natural and technical disciplines; Electronics.

Delivered disciplines

Methodological bases of scientific research; Professionallyoriented foreign language; General Physics Course; Fundamentals of Electronics.

Main areas of research

Theory and methodology of higher education

Current research projects

Member of the International Educational Consortium: "Industrial and Scientific Center for Information Technology and Security" R&D of subproject No.APP-PSCP-1-17/009P "Universal multi-vendor training complex «Network technologies and security».


1980-1984 Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Sh.Ualikhanov KSU,

specialty "Physics"

1998-2001 applicant of E.A. Buketov KarSU.


2019- to the present time, an associate professor of the Department of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, S. Seifullin KATU, Nur-Sultan

2014-2019. Head of the department "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications" S. Seifullin KATU, Nur-Sultan

2013-2014. Research assistant, Brunel University, London, England

2012-2013 Research assistant, Warsaw Polytechnic University, Warsaw, Poland

2012 (concurrently). Trainer of courses for teachers at the Center of Pedagogical Excellence, Kokshetau, Branch of the CPM

2011-2012. Dean of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Sh.Ualikhanov KSU, Kokshetau

2009. An Associate Professor of Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Sh.Ualikhanov KSU

2008-2012 (concurrently). Senior Researcherof Research laboratory "Didactics of higher and secondary schools" Sh.UalikhanovKSU, Kokshetau

2005-2010 (concurrently). Engineer NTST MES RK, Sh.Ualikhanov KSU, Kokshetau

1995-2009 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physics, Sh.Ualikhanov KSU, Kokshetau

1984-1995 School physics and mathematics teacher, Kokchetav region

Awards, honorary diplomas

• Certificate of honor, MES RK, 2018

• Medal "Malik Gabdullin", ROO, 2016

• Presidential grant "Bolashak", MES RK, 2013

• European grant Erasmus Mundus, EU, 2012

• Member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, 2012

• State grant "The best teacher of 2009", MES RK, 2009


Courseracourses (Write Professional Emails in English; Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python);Методологиянаучныхисследований; Business English: Networking; Digital Signal Processing 1: Basic Concepts and Algorithms; Digital Signal Processing 2: Filtering; Digital Signal Processing 3: Analog vs Digital.)

English courses(ImperialEnglishUK), 2021.  

English courses, 2019-2020.

Courses "Theory and teaching methods", UK, London, Brunel University, 2014


      Author has over 100 scientific papers. The most important in the areas presented:

  1. Determination of Cyber Security Issues and Awareness Training for University Students. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. ‒ Vol. 17, No. 18, 2022. (Scopus)
  2. Инженерлікбілімжүйесіндегіғылыми-техникалықболжау. Вестник Карагандинского университета. Серия «Педагогика». № 2(106)/2022. - С.77-82. (CQASEE)
  3. Уақыттық қатарды қолдана отырып, желілік трафикті болжау үшін модельдеу. Вестник ПГУ. Серия энергетическая. №1, 2022 год. (CQASEE)
  4. Применение волоконных брегговских решеток. Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. – 2021. – № 4. – С. 58-62; (RussianScienceCitationIndex).
  5. Моделирование беспроводной сети в СupCarbon. Вестник ПГУ. №2, 2020. (CQASEE)
  6. The development of critical thinking in English lessons. Международный научно-популярный журнал «Наука и Жизнь Казахстана», №4 (61), 2018. (CQASEE)
  7. Электроника в системе точного земледелия. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Современные тенденции в образовании и науке: состояние и перспективы», 16 Март 2018, стр 179-183.
  8. К вопросу классификации технологий электронного обучения. Международный научно-популярный журнал «Наука и Жизнь Казахстана», №6 (50) 2017, С.209-213. (CQASEE)
  9. Слагаемые инновационного вуза. Наука и жизнь Казахстана. Международный научно-популярный журнал. №3 (46) 2017, С.231-235.(CQASEE)
  10. Modeling and analysis of computational resources of information system.  International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications, SIBCON 2017 – Proceedings 31 July 2017. DOI: 10.1109/SIBCON.2017.7998452. (Scopus)
  11. Selection of parameters for Cube Sat nano-satellite stabilization magnetic system. International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications, SIBCON2017–Proceedings 31July 2017. DOI: 10.1109/SIBCON. 2017.7998574. (Scopus)
  12. Разработка слухового аппарата на основе микропроцессора с индикатором уровня входного сигнала. НаучныйжурналПГУ «НаукаитехникаКазахстана». №1-2, 2017, С.43-49.  (CQASEE)
  13. Experience Of Using Of Social Networks In Education. The European Proceedings of Social &Behavioural Sciences EpSBS Future Academy ISSN: 2357-1330. 8th ICEEPSY 2017 The International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology(Web of Science)
  14. Слагаемые профессионально-ориентированного обучения студентов в системе высшего образования. «Наука и Жизнь Казахстана», Международный научно-популярный журнал №6 (50) 2017, С.213-217.(CQASEE)
  15. Experience of using of social networks in education. The European Proceedings of Social &Behavioural Sciences EpSBS Future Academy ISSN: 2357-1330. 8th ICEEPSY 2017 The International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology. (Web of science).
  16. The impact of self-regulation of students' educational activity on success in the learning process. KARSU Bulletin, No. 1. BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KARAGANDA-PHYSICS Volume: 1 Issue: 77, Pages: 101-106, 2015. (ККСОН, Web of science, Q4)  
  17. Self-regulation of students ’as a factor influencing the success in the learning process. Bulletin of KARGU, No. 2, 2015. BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KARAGANDA-PHYSICS Volume: 2 Issue: 78, Pages: 99-103, 2015.(КOКСОН, Webofscience, Q4) 
  18. Высшее образование в Казахстане и Польше: реалии, проблемы и перспективы. Журнал «Успехисовременногоестествознания», №6, 2015. (Russian Science Citation Index)
  19. Organization of professional activity in  the process of training teachers in using ICT. Вестник ЗКГУ, №2(54), 2014, С.9-16. (CQASEE)
  20. Білім беру үдерісіндегі әлеуметтік желілер: қолдану тәжірибесінің талдануы,  дамудың үрдістері мен болашағы. Международный научно-популярный журнал «Наука и жизнь Казахстана», №5(26), сентябрь 2014, (CQASEE)