Main / Faculties and Departments / Ibzhanova Ainur Alimbaevna
Ibzhanova Ainur Alimbaevna

Ibzhanova Ainur Alimbaevna


PhD, Assistant

Office # 3102, tel +7(7172)38-80-90



Sphere of scientific interests:

Standardization, introduction of quality management system on the enterprises, accreditation, metrology

Delivered disciplines

Standardization, Accreditation, Quality management system, 

Quality management system with bases of the principles of HASSP, Professionally-oriented russian language




S.Seifullin KATU ,  specialty 1602-Standardization  and certification of agricultural production, qualification the expert  auditor



S.Seifullin KATU, qualification Master of economic sciences


Work experience:



S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, assistant at  the department  of ''Standardization, metrology and certification”, Technical faculty



Specialist at quality service department S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University



Head at the Department of postgraduate education S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

since Jan. 2009


S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, assistant of the chair "Standardization, metrology and certification"


Awards and Honours



Certificate of honor for the fruitful work and for making a significant contributions to the preparation of highly quantified specialists improvement of  teaching and research, educational processes rector


Advanced training courses



Seminar  The introduction of international standards in the organization for ISO 14001-2015 "Environmental management system” and ISO 22004: 2014 “Food safety system”



Seminar according to Thomson Reuters recourses for scientific researching



Seminar Training and professional development in the field of technical regulation metrology and management system



Business administration (MBA) program at the higher school Weihenstephan, Germany


Republican and international meetings

  1. The theme of seminar «Training of specialists and advanced training in the field of technical regulation, metrology and management system»- Astana, 2015
  2. The theme of seminar «implementation of the international standards ISO 14001-2015 “enviromental management system” and ISO 22004:2014 “Food industry security system” - Astana, 2016

Published works

More than 25 works were published. More important among them close to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are:

  1. «Аккредиттеу» tutorial, 2015
  2. «Өнімді сынау, бақылау және өнім қауіпсіздігі» tutorial, 2015
  3. Methodical instructions for laboratory work on "The study of the optical research microscope and the preparation for the study of the microstructure of microsection" on course "Metrology", 2016 у.
  4. «Система менеджмента качества и метрологическое обеспечение производства» // Messenger ENU named after L.N. Gumilyev, №6(97) 2013