Main / Faculties and Departments / Igilmanov Zhangeldy Abdrakhmanovich
Igilmanov Zhangeldy Abdrakhmanovich

Igilmanov Zhangeldy Abdrakhmanovich


Ph. D., associate Professor in the

Department of Land Management and Geodesy

Cabinet 6213 Phone number: 8(7172) 39-79-47



Sphere of scientific interests

Monitoring of geodetic support for the construction of high-rise buildings and underground structures 

Delivered disciplines

Geodesy, Engineering geodesy, Applied geodesy, Higher geodesy, Cartography, Photogrammetry 


1967 - 1972 –V.I Lenin Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Alma-Ata.

1979 - 1982 – Fellowship. Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute, Department of Geodesy, Moscow.

Specialty - mining engineer-mine surveyor 

Work experience

09.1972 – 12.1980. Lecturer of the Department of Engineering Geodesy of CSII

12.1980 – 12.1983.Post-graduate student of the Department of Geodesy of the V.V. KuibyshevMoscow Institute of Informatics

01.1984 – 06.2001. Teacher, art.the teacher, the senior lecturer of faculty of a geodesy of L.N. GumilevENU

10.2001 – 08.2010.Engineer - geodesist in construction organizations LLP Elitstroy, Stroy-Contract Corporation, AyselInshaat, TSENTRKAZENERGOMONTAZH, SembolInshaat.

08.2010 – 07.2017.Professor of the Department of Geodesy and Cartography of L.N. GumilevENU

11.2017. The senior lecturer of faculty «Geodesy and cartography» S. Seifullin Kazakh agrotechnicaluniversity 

Advanced training courses

Twice in 1978, 1985.was on 3 month training courses at the Moscow Institute of Geodesy and Cartography. 


Has a copyright certificate for an invention, prepared and published a "Guide to geodetic work in the installation of underground communications" Moscow: Stroiizdat, 1983, and, also in different years, published three textbooks "Engineering geodesy", "Geodesy", "Kurylystagy geodesy" . Published more than 50 scientific articles in domestic and foreign publications.Amongthem:

  1. Применение лазерных геодезических приборов при строительстве подземных коммуникаций. «Геодезия и картография», «Недра». Москва 5 «май» 1984г.
  2. К вопросу о готовности выполнения разбивочных работ в градостроительстве. М. «Геопрофи». (13 января 2014г.)
  3. Исследование влияния температуры на стабильность лазерного излучения пучка. М «Геопрофи». (22 октября 2015 г.)
  4. Исследование влияния внешних условий на стабильность лазерного излучения. Russian Journal of construction science and technology. 2015, № 1 Ural Federal University.
  5. Геодезический контроль устройства самотечных трубопроводов способом продавливания. Труды международной научно- практической конференции. «Наука, техническое регулирование и инжиниринг в строительстве: состояние, перспективы». 29-30 апреля 2016г. Караганда