Main / Faculties and Departments / Imanberdiyeva Saule Kurmanbayevna
Imanberdiyeva Saule Kurmanbayevna

Imanberdiyeva Saule Kurmanbayevna


Doctor of Philological Sciences,

Associate Professor  of the Department of

the Kazakh and Russian languages

office 2603

Phone: +7701 375 19 28


Sphere of scientific interests

Methods of teaching of the Kazakh and Russian languages, onomastics, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, social linguistics, ecolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, linguoculturology.

Delivered disciplines

Kazakh and Russian languages; Professional Kazakh language, Research methods.


1990-1995  Zhambyl Pedagogical Institute, philological faculty. Specialty: teacher of Russian language and literature in the  national schools

Work experience

03.09.2012 - 07.09.2017 - Professor of  Almaty  Management University;
02.08.2011 - 06.08.2012 - Deputy Director, Republican Coordination and Methodological Center for the Development of Languages named after Sh. Shayakhmetov of the Committee on Languages of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
01.10.2009 - 29.07.2011 - Scientific secretary, A.Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics  of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
01.10.2002 - 01.10.2009 - Senior Researcher, A.Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics  of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
16.07.2001 - 01.10.2002 - Junior Researcher, A.Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics  of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Awards and diplomas

  1. Letter of Gratitude for active participation in the scientific and organizational work , Baytursynov Institute of Linguistics.
  2. Medal to the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Advanced training courses

  1. "The structure of the lesson and the student's knowledge assessment system" (72 hours). Research Center of Education and Information Technology , Almaty 30.09 -10.10.2015;
    2. ALMAU, PUPM (72 hours) 28.02 - 16.06.2015;
    3. KIMEP, "Ways to improve the training of professional Kazakh language". 11/13/2015
    4.ALMAU, "Winter School for the development of professional skills and personal growth" (30 hours) 12 - 15.01.2016.
    5. Abylaykhan KazGUMOI"New directions in linguistics 72 hours.) 16-18.03. 2016
    6.University of Nijde (Turkey), Al-FrabyKazNU "New directions and studies in teaching" (72 hours).23-27.02.2016
    7.Almaty Management University Training on the module program «Action Research», Research in action (16h.) 11-14.05.2016
    8.Traditions and innovations of English poetry of the XVII century,Al-Farabi KazNU. 3-7.10.2016.

Published works

There are 150 scientific papers. The most important are :

  1. Time and space harmony (Medieval Turkic written historical monuments // Social Sciences, № 15. September, 2015. People's Republic of China.
    2. Precedent name in semantic predicate // Scientific Magazine of the University of Niida, № 2. 2015 Turkey
    3. Problems of the proper delivery of Kazakh Onyms on the basis of the Latin script // Sh.Valihanov KMU№ 2/2016
    4. Linguistic Conceptual Expression of the Creator Concept (on the basis of the Kazakh and Turkish Parem) // Herald ZKGU № 2 (62) - 2016
    5. Effectiveness of Case Study Methods // Materials of the International Symposium on "Eternal Language of the Eternal Earth". 23-24.10.2016
    6.Onomastics: Theory and Practice. Teaching materials ,Al-FarabiKazNU.
    Historical onomastic space. - Almaty, 2010. - 378 p.
    8. Dictionary of the Kazakh literary language.10 vol. The -Almaty, 2009 (author).
    9. Dictionary of the Kazakh literary language. 15 volumes. - Almaty, 2011 (author).
  2. A comparative analysis of the headlines of newspaper articles (based on Kazakh newspapers) // Collection of the II International Scientific Conference "National language and national culture: aspects of interaction". - Minsk, 2011.
  3. 11. Proverbs and sayings with an onomastic component in Russian and Kazakh languages ​​// Collection of the International Conference "The Russian Language and Literature in the International Educational Space: Current State and Prospects". Granada University (Spain). May 7-9, 2007 12. The Lord - the demiurge of everything that is happening // Idenės - Search № 4, 2009. 
  4. The four food names in paremia are the National Code.Penetration Bulletin, philology series.   No. 2, 2023. pp. 3-12.;
    The influence of biotoponyms on ethnography "Kusainov readings" science and education in the XXI century: trends and trends  prospects " international scientific and practical conference.2023, December 8, - p. 257-260.    ;    
  5. Language learning based on biotoponym related to four foods. Actual problems of modern phiolology. International scientific and methodological Online Conference of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nukus, April 20-26, 2023;                     
  6. The main biotoponyms are the main names of domestic life and innovative research. International scientific and methodological Journal. 2023, No. 7, pp. 30-35.;    
  7. Biotoponyms related to four species international scientific conference" independent Kazakhstan; language and onomastics", Taraz, 2023. pp. 14-18.;
  8. Zootoponyms in the diachrony of toponyms of Kazakhstan (based on four foods). XXVII International Conference" Turkic world:language, history, culture"," Akhanov readings".Taraz, 31.05.2024.