Main / Faculties and Departments / Ismailova Aliya Sabirzhanovna
Ismailova Aliya Sabirzhanovna

Ismailova Aliya Sabirzhanovna


Candidate of Economic Sciences,

Associate Professor

оf Accounting and Finance,

Office 1401 phone. +7 (7172) 39-58-07



Sphere of scientific interestsSphere of scientific interests

Improving the competitiveness of agriculture, the social and economic potential of different organizational forms of agribusiness entities in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan. 


Delivered disciplines

Statistics, Economic Analysis, Analysis of Economic activity of Agricultural enterprises, Project Analysis. 



1980 - 1985  - Tselinograd Agricultural Institute. Economics and organization of agricultural production Economist - organizer of agricultural production

2001 - Candidate of Economic Sciences

2008 - Associate Professor


Work experience

1987-2004 - Tselinograd Agricultural Institute. Assistant of the department of statistics  Associate Professor of "Accounting and Auditing" department.

2004 – 2018 - S.Seifullin  Kazakh Agro Technical  University. Dean of the Faculty of Economics

2019 - S.Seifullin  Kazakh Agro Technical  University. Associate Professor of "Accounting and Finance" department

2019-2022 - Associate professor of the department "accounting and audit"

From 2022 to the present – associate professor of the Department of Accounting and finance


Advanced training courses:

1. Certification of professional accountants. 2020.

2. Modern methods of scientific research. 2021

3. Trans disciplinary research methods in the interests of sustainable agriculture. 2022

4. Statistical methods and techniques of business process analysis. 2022.Rurallnnest Introductory Training Course: Introduction to Formufntioo and Jtnslysis of Business Plans for Smnll and Medium Investment Projects. 2023г.


Published works (last 5 years)

1. Sarud – A Project For Implementation Of Master Studies In Russia And Kazakhstan. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Efficiency and Responsibility in Education 2018. 7th - 8th June 2018 Prague, Czech Republic, EU - p. 36-44 (SCOPUS)

2. Methodological approaches to accounting and analytical support of cost controlling in dairy cattle breeding// Economics and Statistics, ISSN 1608-2192. No. 4, 2019, pp.78-83

3. Improving the cost management of reducing the cost of agricultural products// Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. No. 4,2019 ISSN 2224-5294, pp.181-185

4. Features of the development of educational programs in the field of accounting and auditing// Bulletin of the EAGI, No. 2, 2020.

5. Formation of accounting and analytical support for controlling business processes in agriculture// "Scientific Journal Management Accounting" No. 5 2021, pp.343-349.

6. On the role of block seminars and training trips in building the capacity of universities participating in the SAGRIS project // Materials of the final conference "Modern trends in the development of postgraduate education in the Republic of Kazakhstan in an international retrospective", 2022, Almaty, pp.4-7

7. Improvement of postgraduate education in the field of sustainable agriculture and agricultural systems of the future (within the framework of Erasmus+ projects) // Materials of the International scientific and Practical Conference "Economy and society in a new reality" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin, May 25, 2023, Part I.  Pp. 133-138