Main / Faculties and Departments / Kairat  Zhadyra
Kairat  Zhadyra

Kairat  Zhadyra


Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant

departments of Kazakh and Russian languages

tel. 8702 966 91 96




Sphere of scientific interests

Methods of teaching the Kazakh language, Abai studies.

Taught disciplines

Kazakh language

The main directions of research

Words of edification of Abai, the study of the Kazakh language and literature

Education: higher

2015-2019 -L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Faculty of Philology.

2019-2021 - Master of Pedagogical Sciences. L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Faculty of Philology.

Qualification category: teacher


  1. Morality in the words of Abai's edification. Materials of the international scientific and practical online conference “Language and intercultural communication" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, KAZUMO named after Abylai Khan, the 80th anniversary of the University and the 60th anniversary of corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, excellent student, corresponding scientist, Doctor of Philology, Professor YesenalievaZhanarZhorabekovna - - Almaty: Kazumo named after Abylai Khan, 2021. - 424 p. (pp. 265-268) ISBN 978-601-270-511-9. 0.18 pp.
  2. Allah, the Lord in the words of Abai's edification.. «GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2020: CENTRAL ASIA» № 1(12). December 2021 SERIES "PHILOLOGICAL SCIENCES" : - Nur-Sultan – 2021. (18-23 l.) ISSN 2664-2271. 0,31p.l.