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Karbaev Nurlan Kazhkenovich

Karbaev Nurlan Kazhkenovich


Technical sciences candidate

of «Transport Equipment and Technologies» department

Office # 4308



Advanced training courses

Sphere of scientific interests Metrological support of technological processes and production; theoretical foundations for calculating and improving the operational efficiency of concrete mixer trucks; substantiation and selection of the design and optimal parameters of self-propelled concrete mixers for the construction industry. 

Disciplines read

Transport service, transport planning of cities, freight forwarding services for clientele, logistics, cargo handling and vehicle safety. 


1979 - Omsk Polytechnic Institute (now OmSTU), Technology of mechanical engineering, metal-cutting machines and tools. Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.05.04 - "Road, construction and hoisting-and-transport machines" (2006) Dissertation Council at the Kazakh University of Railways 

Work experience

1988 -1989 Head of the laboratory of the department "Machine-tool building and automation" KazPTI named after IN AND. Lenin (now KazINTU named after K. Satpayev) 1989 -1992 Postgraduate student of the Almaty Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering (now KazGASA) 1992 -1993 Assistant of the Department "Road machines" of the Almaty Automobile and Road Institute " 1993 -1998 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Road Construction Machines and Equipment of the Almaty Automobile and Road Institute (now KazATK named after M. Tynyshpayev) 1998 -2001 Senior lecturer of the Akmola branch of KazATK them. M. Tynyshpaeva 2001 -2004 Head of the Department of Repair and Restoration Systems and Certification of Agricultural Machinery, Ministry of Agriculture 2004-2007 And about. Associate Professor of the Department of Transport Technology, Kazakh University of Railways (KUPS) 2007 -2009 Acting Associate Professor of the Department "Transport Technology" Kazakh Engineering and Technical Academy 2009-2021 Acting Associate Professor of the Department "Standardization, Certification and Metrology" of the Transport and Energy Faculty of the ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov 2021 To the present day Senior Lecturer of the Department of Transport Engineering and Technology, Technical Faculty, Agrotechnical University. S. Seifullina 


National Certificate of Continuing Education at the Institute of Continuing Education and Continuing Education of the Eurasian National University. L.N. Gumilyov according to the program - Innovative educational and methodological support in the university. (October 2012). 

Advanced training courses

 Institute for Advanced Studies and Additional Education of ENU named after LN Gumilyov according to the program - Digital skills of modern teaching in the conditions of distance learning at the university. (October 2020). International Certificate for participation and presentation as "Distinguished Speaker" on the Global Engineering Education (IEOM, Bali, Indonesia, January 2018); 

Published works

  1. Прогнозная оценка микропрофилей дорожного покрытия для автобетоносмесителей. Карбаев Н.К, Булатов Н.К. Труды университета КарГТУ. 2016-№2. С.89-95

  2. Выбор критериев оценки технического и технологического совершенства процесса доставки бетона автобетонасмесителями. Карбаев Н.К, Абсеитов Е.Т. XIII INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE  CONFERENCE / г. Шеффилд. 30 января- 07 февраля 2018.

  3. Воздействие дорожного покрытия на эксплуатацию автобетоносмесителя при перевозке бетона. Карбаев Н.К. Абсеитов Е.Т. MEZINARODNI VEDECKO- PRAKTICKA KONFERENCE. DNY VEDY. Прага. 22 – 30 марта 2018

  4. К вопросу о волнистости дороги на колебания самоходного бетоносмесителя. Карбаев Н.К., Шонтаев Д.С. Научный журнал ПГУ им, С. Торайгырова №4-2018

  5. Состояние мониторинга выбросов загрязняющих веществ транспортными средстами в атмосферу в РК. Карбаев Н.К.,Ахметов М.Ж. Международный журнал «Гуманитарный трактат» 18 выпуск,18.02.2019г.