Master of Psychology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Professional Education Office 2713, tel.+7(7172)38-35-29 E-mail: |
Sphere of scientific interests
The study of pedagogical conditions of vocational training of students based on the acmeological approach, the application of theoretical and methodological foundations of the organization of the pedagogical process at the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin.
Subjects to be read
Culturology and psychology, higher school pedagogy, management psychology.
Courses taught
PKI and distance education for teachers of KAZATU named after S.Seifullin
The main directions of research
Psychological, pedagogical and acmeological research.
Current research projects
Initiative theme: "Theoretical and methodological bases of the organization of the pedagogical process in Agro-Tehnical University in the conditions of transformation into the Research University"
1984 - 1998 |
Frunze Pedagogical Institute of Russian Language and Literature. Teacher of Russian language and literature. |
2008 – 2010 |
Turan "Astana" University. Bachelor of Psychology. |
2012 - 2015 |
Kyrgyz State University named after I.Arabaev, Master of Psychology |
2018 - 2021 |
Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin. PhD student Specialty 6D012000 "Vocational training |
Work experience
1988 – 1989 |
teacher of Russian language and literature at the May School. |
1989 - 1995 |
Teacher of Russian language and literature at school # 64, Bishkek. |
27.06.1995 - 23.10.1995 |
Senior laboratory of the Department of history and philosophy at the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after. K. I. Skryabin. |
1995 - 2004 |
Lecturer of the Department of History and Philosophy at the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I.Scriabin |
2004 - 2007 |
Senior Lecturer of the Department of History and Philosophy at the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I.Scriabin |
2007 – present |
Senior lecturer of the Department of Vocational Education at the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin |
Awards, postal certificates
- Blessed pussy - in connection with the 55th anniversary of education of KATU im.S. Seifullina (2012);
-Republican scientific and methodological Center for the development of technical and professional education and qualification (2015);
- Certificate - in connection with the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Grodnensky State University. The Yankees. (2016);
- Certificate of Honor-Grodnensky Institute of Education Development.(2017);
- Postal certificate-in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Ksipo faculty (2017);
- Postal certificate-in connection with the 50th anniversary of KATU im.S. Seifullina (2017);
- Postal certificate-in connection with the 60th anniversary of education of KATU im.S. Seifullina (2017)
- Letter of thanks Center for talent development and psychological support” Astana daryny".Nur-Sultan, October 2021;
- Letter of credit in the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan from NAO "NANOC", December, 2021
Professional development
- MES RK, JSC "national training center "Orleu" under the program "Scientific and methodical bases of teaching the subject "Self-knowledge" (2014 )
-Kyrgyz National Agrarian University "Modern psychological and pedagogical problems of teaching in higher school and secondary special school of vocational and technical education" (Bishkek-2015);
-Grodno Regional Institute of Education Development "Modern management models of innovative educational practices"-19.03.2015 (Grodno-2015);
-Online seminar at the Research and Teaching Center of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University "Peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in the conditions of 3 languages" February 19-28, 2018;
-Republican online seminar at the EAGI-Bilim Center -"Innovative methods of teaching the content of the updated education program"-April 16-27, 2018;
-"The use of electronic educational resources in the educational process".GUO " Grodno Regional Institute of Education Development 09.09.2019-01.11.2019;
- MES RK JSC "National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu" under the program "Scientific and methodological foundations of teaching the subject "Self-knowledge". 06.02.2020- 06.32.2020 (Astana -2020);
-APNC "Bilim beru sapasyn koterudin gylym-praktikalyk negizi", Astana, 06.12-07.12.2018;
-"Pedagogical conditions of professional training of students based on the acmeological approach", Moscow, 25.03-07.04.2019, RGAU-MSHA named after K.A.Timiryazev;
- "Education of the 21st century: trends, new models of the era of digitalization"
Online internship, Belarus, Grodno, 11.10-06.11.2021 GUO "Grodno Regional Institute of Education Development;
-"Inclusive Vocational education: a modern view and approaches", Online internship, December 9 – December 20, 2022
-"Innovative educational technologies in the system of vocational education",LLP "Institute of Psychology of Social Sciences", 31.10-05.11.2022, Astana
Republican and international meetings
Training seminar with the developers - authors of textbooks and teaching aids on the disciplines of technical and vocational education specialties. Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan Astana RNMC development of VET. October 2013
Author of more than 100 scientific papers. The most important in the areas presented:
1. Motivation and stimulation of learning as a way to increase the effectiveness of the educational process of the university // SCIENCE AND LIFE OF KAZAKHSTAN International Popular Science Journal.- 2017. - №6 (50)
2acmeological approach to innovative activity of a teacher // SCIENCE AND LIFE OF KAZAKHSTAN. International Popular Science magazine. - 2018.- №4(60) - P.126-128
3. A systematic approach in the process of organizing dual education at a university // SCIENCE AND LIFE OF KAZAKHSTAN. International Popular Science Journal 2018.- No.4(60) - p.133-137
4. Acmeological technologies in the educational process of higher education. Scientific journal "Bulletin" of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute 2019. - No. 4. - p.126-131
5. On the issue of the acmeological approach in the education system. 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference - "Acmeology of Vocational Education" Yekaterinburg, 2019. p.11-14
6. Acmeological orientation of personality as a professorially significant quality of future teachers. Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists and specialists dedicated to the 150th anniversary of A.V. Leontovich, Moscow, June 3-6, 2019. Collection of articles/M.- Publishing House RGAU –MSHA, 2019. - p.169-173
7. Training as an acmeological technology of professional and personal development. Materials of the international scientific conference of young scientists and specialists dedicated to the 160th anniversary of V.A. Mikhelson, Moscow, June 9-11, 2020. Collection of articles. Volume 1. Moscow: Publishing House RGAU–MSHA, 2020. - p.340-343
8. "Analysis of the content of the concept of "pedagogical conditions" Reports of the Kazakh Academy of Education Quarterly journal. 2020. - No. 4. - p.164-172
9. "Psychological and pedagogical conditions for improving the quality of vocational training of students" // SCIENCE AND LIFE of KAZAKHSTAN International Popular Science Journal. - 2020. – No.12/2. – p. 99-105:
10. On the issue of vocational training of students - future teachers of vocational training. MATERIALS OF the International scientific and Methodological journal "GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2021: CENTRAL ASIA"
Training manuals:
1. Stress in the professional activity of a teacher. Study guide.Publishing House Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin, Astana 2016-114 p.
2. Pedagogy. Study guide. Publishing House Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin, Astana 2016-198 p.
3. Psychology. Study guide. Publishing House Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin, Astana 2017-198 p.
4. Ethnopedagogy. Study guide.International Book Market Servise Ltd., member of OmniScriptum Publishing GroupAll rights reserved. Beau Bassin 2017-68р.
5. Mental health prevention and suicide prevention.Study guide. Publishing House Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin, Astana 2017-117р.
6. Pedagogy. Study guide. Publishing House Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin, Astana 2017-117 p.
7. "Digital pedagogy in the educational space". Study guide. Publishing house – Almaty: "Bastau", 2020-388 р.
8. "Digital didactics in higher education"". Study guide. Publishing house – Almaty: "Bastau", 2021-464 р.
9. "Acmeology:zheke zhane aleumettik zhetikte negizi". International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Turkistan, "Turan" 2020 -296 р.
10. "Acmeology" Textbook. – Nur-Sultan: KazATU named after S.Seifullin, 2021-164р.