Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Associate Professor, Department of
Microbiology and Biotechnology
Office 2111, tel. +7(7172)38-39-01
E-mail: kucharev@mail.com
Sphere of scientific interests
Immunobiotechnology, veterinary biotechnology, cellular biotechnology, veterinary and medical mycology, veterinary microbiology, biotechnology, biologics (to increase productivity, diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic), herbal medicines with fungicidal activity, identification of micromycete.
Delivered disciplines
Biotechnology of microorganisms, medical and veterinary biotechnology, fungi biotechnology, fundamentals of bioinformatics and biostatistics, bioinformatics.
Master and doctoral students working under the guidance
Bailyna G., Mukhanbetzhanov N.A., Zhamantayev R.M., Asanbayev M.E., Umirzakova S.A., Dautkhan U., Imbaeva D., Saulebekova V., Muhaddi B.
Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, qualification - a veterinarian
internal postgraduate, S.Seifullin Akmola Agrarian University, specialty 16.00.03, thesis topic "The antigenic properties of cell wall components of the pathogen Trichophyton and their use in the development of ELISA test systems," Candidate of Veterinary Sciences
doctoral thesis "Biotechnological bases of perfection of diagnostic products with ringworm", Doctor of Biological Sciences, specialty 03.00.23 - Biotechnology
Work experience
1986-1987 Novoishimsky farm-technical school, a teacher of special disciplines
1987-1989 District Veterinary Laboratory, vil. Krasnoznamensk –a veterinarian chemist toxicologist
1989-1995 High school, vil.Krasnoznamensk, a teacher of biology
1995-1998 Kostanai Agricultural Institute, senior lecturer in clinical disciplines
1997-2000 internal target postgraduate S.Seifullin Akmola Agrarian University
2001 Republic Veterinary Laboratory, a veterinarian-mycologist
2001 S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, Associate Professor
Awards and Honours
- Breastplate of the Komsomol "For excellent study",1985
- The winner of the contest "Shapagat - 2011", 2011
- Diploma of KAI Ministry of Agriculture devoted to the 55th anniversary of the KazATU named after. S.Seifullin and contribution to the development of scientific support for agriculture, education and science integration, 2012
- Diploma of JSC Kurmet " S.Seifullin KazATU " devoted to the 55th anniversary of the formation S.Seifullin KazATU, MES RK, 2012
Advanced training courses
- Internship at the Department of Biotechnology, K.I. Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia, 2002
- The genesis of the system of agricultural extension and implementation of technologies: the model of the system, the role and tasks of extension agent from the transfer of technology to the development of agriculture, the Institute of additional professional education "VSHU AIC" RGAU-ICCA them. A. Timiryazev, Moscow, Russia, 2009
- Technology and production of biological and chemotherapeutic veterinary biologics, KazNAU, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2009
- English courses, Englich Language Company Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2013
- Ecology and Experimental Biology, University of Central Bohemia, Prague, Czech Republic, 2014
- "Apparatchik servicing pressure vessels" (80 hours), Astana, 2016
- Multilingualism and Foreign Language Teaching (72 hours), Astana, L. N. Gumilyov ENU, 2017
- Industry-specific features of agribusiness analysis. LLP "national center for training and consultancy". Nursultan, 2019
- Current problems of cattle in dairy and meat farming. Zoetis, DeLaval. Kokshetau, 2019
- Basics of Dairy Farming: TOT Programme in Kazakhstan. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Nursultan, 2019
- Practical aspects of laboratory serological studies as a tool for a veterinarian in industrial production (animal husbandry). LLP "Algined". Nursultan, 2019
Published works
Author of more than 300 scientific papers, including 2 scientific monographs, 1 textbook, 8 manuals, 9 recommendations for production, 22 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2 Eurasian patents. More important among them close to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are
- Kukhar, A. Smagulova, V. Kiyan. Biological properties of Phoma macrostoma related to non-dermatophyte onychomycosis // Medical Mycology Case Reports, Vol. 27, P. 55-58, March 2020. (Q3, Latest IF 1.47), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mmcr.2020.01.005. Q3
- Кухар Е.В., Киян В.С., Глотова Т.И., Глотов А.Г. Фенотипические и молекулярно-генетические свойства Microsporum canis // Сибирский вестник сельскохозяйственной науки. – 2020. – Т. 50., № 1. – С. 48-56.
- Yelena Kukhar, Vladimir Kiyan, Ainur Smagulova, Anastassiya Nikulina. Identification of Dermatomycetes Isolated from People and Animals with Dermatophytoses on the Territory of Kazakhstan. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 7(s1): 21-27. SJR – 0,15, Q4. Http://dx.doi.org/10.17582/journal.aavs/2019/7.s1.21.27
- Smagulova A.M., Kiyan V.S., KukharV. Microsporum canis isolate 376Kz internal transcribed spacer 1, partial sequence; 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene and internal transcribed spacer 2, complete sequence; and large subunit ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequencehttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/MN661346. GenBank: MN661346.1
- Кухар Е.В., Даугалиева С.Т.. Даугалиева А.Т. Микробиом слизистой оболочки носовой полости жеребенка/Вестник КАТУ им. С.Сейфуллина. – №1(96). – Астана, 2018. – С. 94-102
- Кухар Е.В.Биотехнология микроорганизмов: учебник. – Астана, 2017. – 446 с.
- Кухар Е.В. Экология микроскопических грибов, патогенов животных и человека. В сборнике: Эколого-географические проблемы развития регионов и городов Республики Казахстан // сб. статей. – Москва, 2017. – С. 119-130.
- Кухар Е.В. Фенотипическая и генотипическая характеристика дерматомицетов, плесневых грибов и дрожжей, возбудителей дерматомикозов в республике Казахстан // Успехи медицинской микологии 2016. Т. 15. С. 140-150.
- Кухар Е.В., Глотова Т.И., Глотов А.Г. Серологическая диагностика микроспории у собак и кошек // Российский ветеринарный журнал. Мелкие домашние и дикие животные. – 2016. – № 4. – С. 6-9.
- Elena V. Kukhar, Sharipova A.M., Shevtsov B. Identification of Dermatomycoses Pathogens by Multilocus Sequence Typing Method // Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. – 2015. – Vol. 9, №3. – р.p. 2041-2047.
- Пат. 30025 Республика Казахстан, МПК7А61D 1/06. Препарат для химической кастрации бычков / Кухар Е.В., Курманов Б.А., Суминов А.А.; заявит. и патентообл. Кухар Е.В., Курманов Б.А., Суминов А.А. – №2014/0711.1; заявл. 23.05.14; опубл. 15.06.15, Бюл. №6. – 4 с.
- Кухар Е.В., Киян В.С., Шапекова Н.Л. Характеристика возбудителей онихомикоза и создание коллекции микроорганизмов– продуцентов специфических антител. Научная монография. – Астана: Изд. ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева, 2014. – 137 с.
- Кухар Е.В. Фенотипическая и генотипическая характеристика дерматомицетов, плесневых грибов и дрожжей, возбудителей дерматомикозов в Республике Казахстан // Успехи медицинской микологии. – М.: НАМ, 2016. – Т. XV, С. 140-150.
- Кухар Е.В., Паламарчук А.В., Ситников А.Г. Оценка перспектив коммерциализации иммуноферментной тест-системы для диагностики дерматомикозов животных // Вестник науки КАТУ им. С. Сейфуллина // Астана, 2015. – №3(86). – С. 10-20.
- Кухар Е.В. Результаты генотипирования и классических методов идентификации в диагностике дерматомикозов // Проблемы медицинской микологии. – Том 17, №2. – 2015. – С. 96-97.
- Кухар Е.В., Киян В.С., Шарипова А.М., Глотова Т.И., Тугунова Т.Б., Паламарчук А.В. Способ серологической диагностики микроспории плотоядных. Патент на изобретение KAZ 029205. опубл. 27.12.2013.
- Кухар Е.В., Киян В.С. Биотехнология грибов. Учебное пособие. – Астана: КазАТУ им. С. Сейфуллина, 2012. – 289 с.
- Кухар Е.В. Биотехнология препаратов для диагностики дерматомикозов. Монография. – Астана, 2010. – 189 с.