Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Departments of Microbiology and Biotechnology office 8306, tel. +77023825007 E-mail:, k.talgat, |
Sphere of scientific interests
Animal biotechnology, integrated biotechnology. Scientific application of biotechnological methods for increasing agricultural products, increasing animal productivity, improving and creating new animal breeds and plant varieties based on the use of modern biotechnology achievements.
Delivered disciplines
Animal biotechnology, integrated biotechnology in animal husbandry, industrial biotechnology, agricultural biotechnology.
1974- 1979 |
Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, qualification "Zootechny" |
1982-1985 |
Full-time postgraduate studies at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry, Podolsk, specialty – 06.02.04 - technology of production of animal products |
1986 |
Defense of the candidate's dissertation on the topic: "The influence of different feeding levels of heifers of the Holtino-Frisian breed on the milk productivity of the first heifers." |
1986 |
Awarded the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences |
1991 |
Awarded the academic title of associate professor |
Work experience
1979-1990 |
Assistant of the Department of Private Animal Husbandry of the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute |
1991-1996 |
Associate Professor of the Department of Private Animal Husbandry of the Akmola Agrarian University named after S.Seifullin |
1996-2008 |
Service in the Department of Internal Affairs. School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a teacher |
2009-2019 |
Associate Professor of the Department of Hunting and Fisheries of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin. |
Since Jan. 2020 |
Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, associate Professor |
Advanced training courses
Advanced training course on the topic: “Modern methods of teaching biotechnology in animal husbandry” , 72 h., 2022.
Advanced training course on the topic “Inclusive professional education: modern approaches”, 72 h., SKLAD, 2022.
Participation in the seminar “Features of raising pigs for meat and lard, business development opportunities”, 2022.
Participation in a series of webinars on the topic: “Modern trends in the use of innovative technologies in the educational process of a university”, 36 h., 2023.
Awards, honorary
Certificate of honor in honor of the 60th anniversary of S. Seifullin KazATU, 2017
MA RK Certificate of Honor “For contribution to the development of the agricultural industry”, 2017
Letter of gratitude from the National Agrarian Research and Education Center, 2022
Published works
The author has more than 60 scientific and educational works , including the most important ones in the presented areas:
1. Кажгалиев Н.Ж., Кульмагамбетов Т.И., Шуркин А.И., Ибраев Д.К. Рост и развитие помесных бычков, полученных путем породного преобразования в рамках программы «Сыбага» в Северном регионе Казахстана. Астана қ. Ғылым Жаршысы (пәнаралық) // Вестник Науки Казахского агротехнического университета имени С. Сейфуллина. - 2018. – № 4(99). - С.28-38
2. Н.Ж.Кажгалиев, Кульмагамбетов Т.И, Ж.Е.Титанов, М.К.Абдоллаев, Н.Қ.Әкімжан Абердин-ангус тұқымының үшінші генерация ұрғашы бұзауларының өсіп-жетілуі және жерсінуі. Нұр-Сұлтан қ. Ғылым Жаршысы (пәнаралық) // Вестник Науки Казахского агротехнического университета имени С. Сейфуллина. - 2020. – № 1(104). - С.29-40
3. Кажгалиев Н.Ж., Кульмагамбетов Т.И. Адаптивность и продуктивные качества импортированного мясного скота в условиях Северного региона Казахстана (монография). г. Нур – Султан. НАО Казахский агротехнический университет им. С.Сейфуллина, 2020.- 122 с.
4. Титанов Ж.Е, Қажғалиев Н.Ж., Кульмагамбетов Т.И. Қазақстанның солтүстік өңірі жағдайында импортталған етті абердин-ангус тұқымы ҥшінші генерация бұқашықтарының ет өнімділігі. Жәңгір хан атындағы Батыс Қазақстан аграрлық-техникалық университетінің ғылыми-практикалық журналы. № 4-1 (61) 2020. 108-115б.
5. Nyrlybay Kazhaliyev, Dulat Ibraev, Kulmagambetov Talgat, Saule Bostanova and Zhanat Titanov Adaptation Traits of Second Generation Aberdeen-Angus and Hereford Heifers in Norten Kazakhsan. Pakistan joural of Zoology, 2020
6. Zhanat Titanov, Nurlybay Kazhgaliyev, Talgat Kulmagambetov, 1Saltanat Amantay and David Arney Adaptation of the Third Generation Aberdeen Angus Heifers in the North Kazakhstan Region. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences/ 2023? 23 (2), с. 133-141.
Почетный профессор Казахского национального аграрного университета. Карьера. 1979 г. — Кайрат Айтуганов начал работать оператором цеха перевозки Кокчетавского почтамта. 1984-1985 гг. — ассистент кафедры почвоведения Целиноградского сельхозинститута. 1987-1989 гг. — агроном, старший агроном, главный экономист совхоза Карабулакский Зерендинского р-йона Кокчетавской обл.