Master of economic sciences,
Senior lecturer of the Department «Higher Mathematics»
Office 2418, phone: +7(7172)38-87-72
E-mail: g.kuttayakova@kazatu.edu.kz
Sphere of scientific interests
Computer technologies, modeling, forecasting of economic processes, econometric methods
Delivered disciplines
Economic and mathematical modeling, econometrics for business solutions, Information and communication technologies
1997–2001 Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute of I. Altynsarin, physics – mathematical faculty, on the specialty «Mathematics and Informatics»;
2013–2015 Master's degree in Humanities and Technical Academy, on the specialty «6M050600 - Economy»;
Work experience
2001-2006 Secondary Schoolof B. Koldasbayev, a teacher of "Informatics";
2006-2012S.SeifullinKATU, assistant of the Department of “Economic and Mathematical Modeling”;
2012-2017S.SeifullinKATU, assistant of the Department "Marketing and Service";
2017-2022S.SeifullinKATU, Senior lecturer of the Department of "Marketing";
Since 2022S.SeifullinKATU, Senior Lecturer of the Department of "Higher Mathematics".
Advanced training courses
- Course "Economic growth and structural transformation in the country's economy", L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian national University, Astana, 2018.
- Seminar "New academic policy of S. Seifullin KATU JSC in the context of expanding academic and managerial independence", S. Seifullin KazATU, 2018.
- English language course "an English fluency level equivalent to A1", DynEd the smart way to English, California, USA, April 15, 2019.
- Course «Trends in Public Administration re Forms & Expanding the Knowledge Horizon» and «Publishing in top academic journals», Lecturer: Mr. Ali Farazmand, Certificate of Participation, Nur-Sultan, 12 june 2019
- Course "Distance learning technologies in higher education", Association of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 14.02.2020
- Seminar "Distance learning technologies and platforms for the implementation of educational services", S.Seifullin KATU, 16.11.2020
- Research Design: Inquiry and Discovery Course authorized by European Academy of Sciences and Research, 10 hours, European academy of sciences & research, Hamburg, April 2022
- Seminar "Search for scientific and educational information in electronic books and journals available at the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken Seifullin", S.Seifullin KATU, 27.09.2022
- Courses "Data Mining", S.Seifullin KATU, 28.11-09.12.2022
- Courses "Modern trends in the use of innovative technologies in the educational process of the university", KATRU Saken Seifullin, 29.03-31.03.2023
- Courses "Data analysis based on Python object-oriented programming", KATRU Saken Seifullin, 24.04-05.05.2023
Published works
The author of many scientific papers. More important among them close to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are:
- Kuttayakova G. Zh. Роль и значение управления затратами в рыночных условиях, scientific journal of GTA, Kokshetau, 2015.
- K.K. Abuov, A.K. Shaimerdenova, G.Zh. Kuttayakova Ақмола облысының астық өндірісінің тұрақтылығына әсер ететін факторлар, The problem of the agricultural market, Theoretical and scientific-practical journal, Almaty, July-September, 2015, P. 85-89.
- Kuttayakova G. Zh. Проблемы создания эффективных систем управления затратами и расходами, The conference materials of the international scientific – practical conference dedicated to 70th anniversary of doctor of Economics, Professor, academician, honored worker of education of Kazakhstan K.K. Abuov, volume 2, January 15, 2016, P. 10-13.
- Kuttayakova G. Zh. Қазақстан Республикасында кластерлік бастамалардың қалыптасуы, бүгінгі жай-күйі, International scientific and practical conference of students, undergraduates and doctoral students "Market and production efficiency-14", Kokshetau, 20.04.2017
- Altaibaeyva Zh., Mutallyapova Sh., Bekhozhin S., Daripbayeva S., Kuttayakova G. «Current state and development trends of the flour-milling industry in the Republic of the Kazakhstan», Revista ESPACIOS. ISSN 0798015, Vol.38 (№46), 2017
- Kuttayakova G. Zh. Проблемы управления затратами на предприятии и пути их решения, Proceedings of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Topical issues of Law, Economics and Management", Part 2, ICNS "Science and Education", Penza, 2018