Main / Faculties and Departments / Mashanova Nurbibi Sovetovna
Mashanova Nurbibi Sovetovna

Mashanova Nurbibi Sovetovna


Doctor of Technical Sciences, senior lecturer

Department of "Technology of food and processing industries"

Office 4309



Sphere of scientific interests

Meat and meat products technology; Milk and dairy products technology; Product technology and catering organization; Food quality and safety

Scientific qualification

Academic degree - 2005 Candidate of Technical Sciences, 05.18.04 "Technology of meat, dairy, fish products and refrigeration industries"

Academic degree - 2012 Doctor of Technical Sciences, 05.18.04 "Technology of meat, dairy, fish products and refrigeration industries" 

Subjects toberead

Catering technology, TheoryofFood Technology, Academic Writing

Supervision of master’s and doctoral students

Defended thesis

Undergraduates - 13


PhD doctors- 1

Undergraduates – 1


1993-1998 Almaty Technological University, specialty "Technology of public catering products", qualification - engineer-technologist of public catering;

2001-2004 Almaty Technological University, postgraduate degree in specialty 05.18.04 - "Technology of meat, dairy, fish products and refrigeration industries"

Work experience

1998-2000 - chef in the catering department of "Rahat Palace Hotel", Almaty.

2000-2004 - Cook in the catering department of Continent LLP, Dickens district, Almaty

2004-2006 - Lecturer of the Department "Technology of food production" of Almaty Technological University, Almaty

2006-2009 - Lecturer of the Department "Technology of food processing" of Zhangir KhanWest Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University

2009-2010 - Expert of the Department of Development and Forecasting of Scientific and Technical Activities of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2010-2015 - Chief Expert of the Department of Scientific and Technical Policy of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2015-present senior lecturer of the Department of Technology of Food and Processing Industries at S.Seifullin KazATU

Main directions of research 

Development of recipes and technologies for the production of therapeutic and preventive food

Research projects

2018-2019: Head of the contractual topic on the provision of services for the development of the formulation and technology of energy bars of the therapeutic and preventive direction by order of Caspian Logistic and procurement LLP

Since 2021, a researcher of the scientific and technical program within the framework of the program-targeted financing of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Development of technologies using new strains of beneficial microorganisms, enzymes, nutrients and other kits in the production of dietary food"

Awards, certificates of honor

- Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013

- Certificates of the Chairman of the Science Committee of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2011, 2014

Professional development

- Courses of strategic planning and risk assessment in

education. From 9 to 16 November 2014. Certificate No. 9/28. London 2014.

- New academic policy of JSCS.Seifullin KATU in the context of expanding academic and managerial independence, Astana, 2018

- Intra-university Education Quality Assurance System, NAAR Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating, Astana, 2018


Author of more than 100 scientific publications in domestic and foreign scientific journals indexed by Scopus, RSCI, CCSES, including 4 textbooks, 7 preliminary and innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The most important in the presented areas over the past 5 years: 

Publications inWeb of Science, Scopus:

  1. Effect of brine and electrical stimulation on nutritive value of the cooked smoked mutton products, EurAsian Journal of Bio Sciences, 2019, 13(2), стр. 1467-1473,, Процентиль 22%
  2. «Separation and identification of ayran on the molecular genetic level for making new fermented milk products» Asian Jr. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc. Vol. 17, No. (3) : 2015, р.751-755
  3. «Mineral Composition of Kazakh National Milk Product: Kurt» Research Journal jf Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, November-December 2016, RJPBCS 7(6), Page No.1968
  4. «Heavy metal content in meat from Astana city, Kazakhstan»Международный журнал Research Journal jf Pharmaceutical, Biological andChemical Sciences, July-August 2018, RJPBCS 9(4), Page No.1365

Publications in CCSES:

  1. «Совершенствование технологии производства деликатесных продуктов из мяса птицы» // Вестник Евразийского национального университета им. Л.Н. Гумилева №6(115), 2016 г. С. 392-396
  2. «Стратегия для улучшения функционального значения продуктов из куриного мяса» // Вестник Евразийского национального университета им. Л.Н. Гумилева №6(115), 2016 г. С. 396-400
  3. «Теоретические основы совершенствования технологии национальных молочных продуктов с добавлением растительного сырья» Вестник государственного университета имени Шакарима города Семей, 2016,. № 3 (75), С. 33-37.
  4. «Применение пищевых волокон в производстве колбасных изделий лечебно-профилактического направления»// Вестник Евразийского национального университета им. Л.Н. Гумилева №6(121), 2017 г. С.167-172
  5. «Бие сүті негізінде балмұздақ өндіру технологиясын жетілдіру»// Вестник Алматинского технологического университета Выпуск 3(120) 2018, стр. 17-20
  6. «Бадам сүтінен балмұздақ жасаудың жаңа технологиясы» Вестник Алматинского технологического университета, Выпуск 3(128), Алматы 2020, стр. 84-89

Text books:

  1. «Meat and meat products technology» Учебник, -Астана: 2013.-250 р.
  2. «Научные основы пищевых производств» - Учебное пособие. КазАТУ им. С. Сейфуллина, 2021, -164 стр.
  3. «Тағам өндірісінің ғылыми негіздері» - Учебное пособие.КазАТУ им. С. Сейфуллина, 2021, -164 стр.

Received innovative patents:

  1. «Жылқы етінен дайындалған ет өнімі» Патент №2742 от 12.06.2017 г.

  2. Авторское свидетельство полезной модели №104436 «Творожный десерт функционального назначения»

  3. Машанова Н.С. и др. Авторское свидетельство полезной модели №100166 «Способ производства вареных колбасных изделий», 06.12.2016 г

  4. Свидетельство о внесении сведений в государственный реестр прав на объекты, охраняемые авторским правом №11405 от 21 июля 2020 года «Купажированное растительное масло функционального назначения»