Main / Faculties and Departments / Murzabekova Leyla Mazhitovna
Murzabekova Leyla Mazhitovna

Murzabekova Leyla Mazhitovna


Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, senior lecturer,

Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology

Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the University

Office: 2110, phone: +77011482537



Sphere of scientific interests

Morphology, Histology

Delivered disciplines

Animal morphology, morphology 1, cytology, embryology and histology, Latin language, animal physiology, Latin language



Kazakh State Agrotechnical University named after S.Seifullin, Faculty of Veterinary and Livestock Technology, Department of  Veterinary Sanitation


postgraduate study at JSC «S. Seifullin KATU», specialty 16.00.02. - «Pathology, oncology, morphology»

Work experience


Assistant of the Department of Morphology, microbiology and biotechnology


Deputy Dean for academic and educational affairs of the Faculty of  «Veterinary and Livestock Technology»


Senior Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences


Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, acting associate professor

Awards and Honours

Diploma of the II degree of the Republican competition «Innovative teaching methods and technologies» Scientific and methodological center «ZIAT», 2015.

Certificate. Application of innovative methods in the education system of higher education // Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference «Innovations in education: Search and solutions» volume 2., 05.12.2015 Astana. pp. 81-84.

Diploma, as a supervisor, of the Republican competition «Young Scientist» among schoolchildren and students. Scientific and methodological center «ZIAT», May 2019.

Letters of thanks from the «VETERINARY SCIENCES & ANIMAL HUSBANDRY» faculty.

Certificate of honor for the 60th anniversary of S. Seifullin KATU, 2017

Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2022

Advanced training courses

The program «Scanning probing and electron microscopy», Aktobe Regional University named after K. Zhubanov.  Laboratory of nanotechnology. Aktobe, December, 12.12.2016 – 24.12.2016.

“Modern methods of teaching morphology and physiology of animals in veterinary medicine” training center "Global Professional Development" Almaty, 08/01/2022-08/12/2022 in the amount of 72 hours, Registration number No. PC/AU/312235 (at our own expense);

2. “Certificate of advanced training No. 0127”, “Animal Morphology” Omsk, 02/01/2023-02/22/2023 in the amount of 72 hours (at our own expense)

Published works

Author of more than 60 scientific papers. More important among them close to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are

  1. Скрипник В., Татаев А., Каймаков Ж., студенты 1 к Газизова А.И., д.б.н., профессор, Л.М. Мурзабекова. Характеристика лимфоидных органов хищных в сравнительно морфологическом аспекте/Материалы  республиканской научно- теоретической конференции Сейфуллинские чтения - 12 «Молодежь в науке – инновационный потенциал будущего» том II, часть - I «Казахского агротехнического университета им С. Сейфуллина». Астана-2016 г.
  2. Авхадов Ш., Сейпульдинова Г., Химышев А., студенты 1 курса Газизова А.И., д.б.н., профессор, Л.М. Мурзабекова. Морфология лимфатических узлов у крупного рогатого скота/Материалы  республиканской научно- теоретической конференции Сейфуллинские чтения  - 12 «Молодежь в науке – инновационный потенциал будущего» том II, часть - I «Казахского агротехнического университета им С. Сейфуллина». Астана-2016 г.
  3. A.I Gasisova, A. B. Atkenova, N. B. Ahmetzhanova, L.M. Murzabekova, A.S. Bekenova Morphostrukture of immune sistems organs in cattle of different age // Anatomia, histologia, embriologia. Germania. (i.f. 0,615).
  4. Газизова А.И., Ахметжанова Н.Б., Тожыбаева А.С., Мурзабекова Л.М. Иммуноморфология тимуса в возрастной динамике // Вестник государственного университета имени Шакарима города Семей. Научный журнал. № 1 (85) 2019. С.353-357. Город Семей.
  5. Газизова А.И., Ахметжанова Н.Б., Тожыбаева А.С., Мурзабекова Л.М. Morphological Structure of the Lymphatic System of Sheep Abomasum Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 2019 | Volume 7 | Special Issue 1 | Page 15. ISSN (Online) | 2307- 8316; ISSN (Print) | 2309 - 3331. Скопус.
  6. Gazizova A.I., Murzabekova L.M. Macro micromorphology of lymph nodes in the age aspect in cattle as an organ of the immune system POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE No. 63 (2023) Wojciecha Górskiego 9, Warszawa, Poland, 00-033 ISSN 3353 -2389(pp. 14-17). 2023
  7. Gazizova A.I., Murzabekova L.M. Application of interactive and active technologies as a means of optimizing the study of disciplines at a university No. 116 (116) (2023) The scientific heritage (Budapest, Hungary) P. – 34-36 RISC DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8129068
  8. Gazizova A.I., Murzabekova L.M. Psychological and pedagogical support in the process of adaptation of students “Sustainable Future for Education - Quality and Competitiveness: Realities and Priorities” VII Central Asian International Forum: collection of materials. – Astana: IAAR, 2023. – 113 p. – Kazakh, Russian, English Pages 114 – 119, ISBN 978-604-7177-22-5