Main / Faculties and Departments / Musalimov Temirzhan Kumhametovich
Musalimov Temirzhan Kumhametovich

Musalimov Temirzhan Kumhametovich


Doctor of  Education, Professor of the technical mechanics faculty

Office 4413, tel 8(7172) 39-74-46



Sphere of scientific interests

Theory and practice of vocational training in the system of higher and postgraduate education. Theory and methods of solution of graphic tasks. Theory and technology of students training descriptive geometry and engineering graphics.

Deliverd disciplines

Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics. Engineering graphics.





Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai, qualification - teacher of drawing.

The research fellow at the Research Institute of the higher school problems of the Academy of Pedagogical sciences of the USSR Moscow city


Graduate school of the Moscow State Pedagogical University


Doctorate school of the Moscow State Pedagogical University




Assistant, Senior Teacher of the Department "Engineering Graphics" Institute of Railway Transport Engineers in Almaty (branch in Aktobe).


1990 -2004

Head of the Department of Drawing in Aktobe State University named after K.Zhubanova


Dean of the professional and creative Faculty of Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute.

2006 -2007


2007 - 2008                   


2008 – 2016

Head of the Department of Art at L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University


Vice- rector   of pedagogical work at L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University


Professor of the Department "Design and Engineering Graphics" at L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

2016- till now

Professor of the Department "Technical Mechanics" at S.Seifullin Kazakh AgroTechnical university


Awards and certificates of honor

2008 -    Letter of gratitude from akim of Astana

2011 -    State grant owner: "The best teacher of high school"

Professional Skills Development                                     

     Professional Skills Development- Teaching Staff  (Germany, Dusseldorf city, 2012 y.)

Interkulturelle  Weiterbildungsgesellschaft e. V. ZERTIFIKAT Weiterbidungskurs:Fuhrungspsychologie und Qualitatsmanagement im Bildungswesen.  Fachlicher Schwerpunkt:  « Geometrie und Gravik».

     Professional Skills Development- Teaching Staff  (Portugal, Porto city, State Technical University, 2015 y.) The ISEP – Instito Superior de Engenharia do Porto certifies that.                          

     Certificate of professional skills development, JSC "National Centre of professional skills development", Almaty, 2015.

     Certificate of participation in "New trends in the application of computer technology in the engineering drawing and design-engineering" seminar , Astana, 2012

     Certificate of professional skills development  on "Innovative software engineering graphics" "Descriptive geometry and computer graphics" at the Summer School program, Astana, 2011;

     Certificate of participant of the Republican seminar with authors-developers of textbooks and teaching aids for special disciplines of technical and vocational education, Astana, 2014.

     Certificate of professional skills development at Kazakhstan quality organization of the program "The basic requirements of the international standard ISO 9901: 2008, the procedure for documentation of quality management system", Astana, 2014.


     Author of over 200 scientific papers. The most important for a submission:

  1.  Musalimov T.K. Visualization of 3D-objects using augmented reality technology. Journal of L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University. 2016. №2 (111), 251 - 255.
  2. Musalimov T.K. The value of communication of key competences in the educational process of students. Reports of Kazakh Academy of Education. 2016. №2, 22 - 29.
  3. Musalimov T.K. Experimental study of preparedness for professional work of students by means of engineering graphics. Reports of Kazakh Academy of Education. 2014. №5, 158- 163.
  4. Musalimov T.K. Studies of spatial thinking of students by means of graphical problems in the study of engineering graphics. Reports of Kazakh Academy of Education. 2011.№3. C 7 -13.
  5. Musalimov T.K. Graphic images as an important means of understanding reality in the training of the future expert. Reports of Kazakh Academy of Education. 2009. №4, 27 -32.