Main / Faculties and Departments / Mussina Raushan Serikovna
Mussina Raushan Serikovna

Mussina Raushan Serikovna


Candidate of economic Sciences

senior lecturer of the Department of Economics

Office № 1423, phone: +7(7172)317588



Sphere of scientific interests

Specialization of agricultural enterprises, the analysis of marginal costs

Delivered disciplines

Foundations of economic theory,





S. Seifullin Agricultural University. Specialty "economist - Manager in agriculture"

2001 - 2010

S. Sejfullin Kazakh agrotechnical University 080005 "Economics and national economy management", awarded the degree of candidate of economic Sciences

Work experience


Senior lecturer, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University

Advanced training courses


Seminar-training "Personnel management" Turan-Profi Astana


Lectures course "Culture of business in economic development" L. N. Gumilev ENU.


A course of lectures "Marketing of tourism" ENU. L. N. Gumilev


Seminar-training "Innovative modelling of macroeconomic processes" Academy of Finance


Seminar «Институциональная экономика и ее практическое применение в ЕАЭС» ЕНУ им. Л.Н. Гумилева Astana

Awards and Honors

Medal dedicated to the 60th anniversary of S.Seifullin KATU, Astana

Advanced training courses

  • Courses “Innovative approaches and methods of teaching economic theory, microeconomics and macroeconomics”, Scientific and Methodological Center ZIAT, Astana 2021.
  • Internship “University 4.0. Digital transformation", Republican Institute of Higher Education, Astana 2021.
  • Courses “Introduction to Formulation and Analysis of BusinesPlansfoR Small and Medium Investment Projects” FAO, Astana 2023.
  • Courses “Modern methods of teaching economic disciplines: microeconomics, macroeconomics, fundamentals of economics, economic theory, fundamentals of economics and law,” Entrepreneur Development Center. Astana 2023
  • Trainings “International trade and export”, QazTrade academy, Astana 2023.

Published works

More than 30 works were published. The most significant to the mentioned sphere of scientific interests are:

  1. Инновации и их роль в современном International scientific and practical  conference «Прорывные инновационные исследования», г. Пенза,  2016, pages 22-27
  2. Направления исследования в сфере пространственной экономики International scientific and practical  conference «Наука и образование 2015/2016. » (Publision Holse «Education and Scince» Прага, Чехия ), pages 63-65
  3. Инвестиционная привлекательность Республики Казахстан VII International scientific and practical  conference «INTERNATIONAL INNOVATION RESERCH » Пенза: МЦНС «Наука и Просвещение»  2017 г, pages 66-68
  4. Человеческие ресурсы и их роль в развитиии современного общества International scientific and Practical Conference «World science: problems and innovations», Penza,  2017 y, pages 77-79
  5. Analysis of Migration Processes and Recommendations on Regulation of Internal Migration from Southern to Northern Regions of Kazakhstan// Space and Culture, India 2020,number 2 pg 194-206
  6. Main implementation directions of agrarian policy in the republic of kazakhstan// Academy of Strategic Management Journal Volume 20, Special Issue 1, 2021
  7. "Measures of the state financial support for small and medium-sized agribusiness entities during the COVID-19 pandemic"// Bulletin of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumileva number 4, 2021
  8. Influencing Factors for Employability of University Graduates in the Tourism Industry// Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism  Quarterly Volume XIII Issue 8(64) Winter 2022
  9. Ауылшаруашылығынсубсидиялау: проблемаларыжәнеонытиімдіұйымдастыружолдары// Bulletin of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumileva. number 2 . 2023

Методические разработки

  1. Textbook "Fundamentals of economic theory" for students of non-economic specialties. Astana 2016
  2. Textbook "Fundamentals of economic and law" for students of non-economic specialties. Astana 2017 
  3. Textbook "Microeconomic". Astana 2018
  4. Textbook for the discipline “Fundamentals of Economic Theory” Astana 2017
  5. Textbook for the discipline “Fundamentals of Economics and Law.” Astana 2018
  6. 3.Textbook for the discipline “Micro-macroeconomics” Astana, 2023