Main / Faculties and Departments / Niyazbekova Rimma Kalmanbaevna
Niyazbekova Rimma Kalmanbaevna

Niyazbekova Rimma Kalmanbaevna


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

at the Department of "Standardization, metrology and certification"

Office 3102 , tel.: +7 ( 7172 ) 23-35-40



Sphere of scientific interests

Chemistry and Technology of silicate materials, nano-materials, technology of building materials, standardization, metrology

Delivered disciplines

Materials science and construction materials engineering Problems of creation of technological machines and equipment.

Main avenues of research:    

Composite materials technology, nano technology, standardization, metrology, engineering ecology

Current research projects

Supervisor of grant financing project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

"Scientific and technical basis for the creation of high-temperature thermal insulation composite materials based on aluminate cements and carbon nano-additives"

Master's Degree Students and PhD students under the authority

Konkanov M., Ayten A, Beldeubay N., Berdikhozhaev N., Mazbulov Zh., Mukhamedvali D., Aralbay K., Saparbay N., Naimantayeva A., Zharmagambetov A.


Higher education, engineer chemical engineer , specialty Chemical technology metallic , refractory and silicate materials (KazHTI);

c.t.s. (MChTI Mendeleyev.) - 05.17.11 - The technology of refractory non-metal and silicate materials;

d.t.s. 05.17.11 - Technology of refractory non-metal and silicate materials;

d.t.s. 05.02.23 - Standardization and product quality control (in the works)

Work experience - 32 years

research and teaching activities in technical universities and institutions of Kazakhstan (KazHTI, ENU, KATU), Russia (MChTI, NIICEMENT), Turkey (Karadeniz teknik Universitet);

Awards and Honours

  1. Medal Kultegin 2008
  2. Diploma CTRM Ministry of Industry and New Technologies, 2010
  3. Diplom 1 degree in the "Resource" in the competition "Innovative Kazakhstan», 2012

Advanced training courses

  1. Teoreticheskie training course for expert auditors. MINT, MINT, LLP «SPAS» Service of preparation for accreditation and certification with 18.0213 on 03/01/13, 80 hours, certificate number 001-a
  2. The process of development and application of standards, MINT DMI Associates the European Union, 8 November 2012 g, 18 h, Europe Aid 128-463
  3. Accreditation. Astana, NCOC, 05.02.14, Certificate №007


Republican and international meetings

  1. Round table of the Ministry of Investment and Innovation of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The introduction of technical regulations of the Customs Union "Safety of packaging"- Astana, 2014.
  2. Round table "Implementation of the international standards for packaging"- Astana, 2015
  3. Republican Conference: Equipment of heating and industrial boiler installations - Astana, 2016
  4. Republican Conference: Means of technological, instrumental, metrological maintenance production and technological processes - Astana, 2016

Published works

  1. Ниязбекова Р.К. Менеджмент качества строительных материалов, 2011 г, 2011. - 120с
  2. Ниязбекова Р.К., Михалченков В.Н., Бектурганова Г.К., Донбаева В.А. и др. Метрология.- Учебник с грифом МОН РК,
  3. Ниязбекова Р.К., Шаханова Г., Жалкенова С.Т., Сарсекеева Г.С., Альменова А.С., Усербаев М.Т. и др - - Развитие инструментов технического регулирования товарного рынка тары и упаковки. -Монография, 2015. - 145 с
  4. Negim E.S.M , Yeligbayeva G.Zh., Niyazbekova R., Rakhmetullayeva R., Mamutova A.A. , Iskakov R., Sakhy M. , Mun G.A. Studying physico-mechanical properties of cement pastes in presences of blend polymer as chemical admixtures. International journal of Basic and Applied science (Impact Factor 1.2) International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4 (3) (2015). - рр 297-302
  5. Ниязбекова Р.К., Жариева Г ЕВРОКОД 7- Европейские нормы геотехнического проектирования. - Труды Ш Международной научно- практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы транспортп и энергетики и пути их инновационного решения», Астана, 2015, С. 320-327.