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Candidate of technical sciences, senior lecturer Head of the Department "Technology of food and processing industry" Office 4309, tel. 8 7024787978 E-mail: a.nurtayeva@kazatu.edu.kz |
Sphere of scientific interests
Improving the technology of processing food products and training scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of technology and technology for the production of food products.
Scientific qualifications
Academic degree - 2010 candidate of technical sciences, 05.18.01 "" Technology of processing, storage and processing of cereals, legumes, cereals, fruits and vegetables and viticulture "
Subjects to be read
Milk and dairy products technology; Bread and Pasta Technology
Undergraduates and doctoral students working under the supervision of
Protected under the guidance of
Master students - Begaly M.N., Begdildaeva N.Zh., Esirkepova G.M., Tolenbaeva M.N., 2015; Mural G., Sataeva Zh.I., Abenova D.G., Makanova A.N., 2016; Satybaldieva J., Bekbosynova G., Asemova A., Muratkhan M., Ramazan J.; Kushkumbaeva S.N., Naimanov E.N., 2017; Isagalieva Zh.M., Layik A., Tokbai A., Saparova N.S., 2018; Tұrkynbay E, Nurmakhanova A., 2020.
PhD doctors - Utarova N. B.;
Undergraduates - Tanirbergenova A, Myktabaeva M, Gabduluakhit Ә.G., Kyrykbaeva DT, Bekbai S.
1996-2001 Almaty Technological University, specialty "Technology of grain, flour, cereals and feed", qualification engineer - technologist;
2005-2007 South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezova, specialty 6M072700- "Technology of food products", Master of food products;
2007-2010 Almaty Technological University, postgraduate study in specialty 05.18.01 - "Technology of processing, storage and processing of cereals, legumes, cereals, fruits and vegetables and viticulture".
Work experience
2002 - Engineer-laboratory assistant "Refrigeration Engineering and Technology" at SKSU named after M. Auezov;
2004-2007 - Assistant of the Department of Refrigeration Engineering and Technology at SKSU named after M. Auezov;
2007-2009 - Senior Lecturer, Master of the Department "Standardization and Certification", KazATU named after S. Seifullin;
2009-2010 - Head of the laboratory "Bioprocessing of grain crops" - KazNII of agricultural processing of grain;
2010-2012 - And about. Associate Professor of the Department of Standardization and Certification, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov;
2012-2018 - Senior Lecturer of the Department "Technology of food and processing industries", KazATU named after S. Seifullin;
Since 2018 - Doctoral student of Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, China, for the degree of Doctor (PhD) in the specialty "Food Processing", Education 4 years 2018-2022.
Main directions of research
2013 - Researcher of the initiative group for the research work "Technology of processing combined grain products with the use of fermented milk products"
Since 2015, has been actively involved in state-funded research work
Research projects
Participation in the implementation of research within the framework of the state order:
2021-2023 "Development of resource-saving technology for economy-class dairy products from whey (whey cheese, refreshing and tonic drinks)"
Awards, certificates of honor
- Diplom of the II degree "2011 zhyldyk uzdik zhas metrologists" Committee on technical regulation and metrology of MIIT RK (Gosstandart), 2011
- Alys khat “ENU 15 zhyl L.N.
- Alys khat "S. Seifullin atyndagy KATU 65 zhyl" university rectors of atynan, 2017
Professional development
№ |
Name of the topic |
Place and period of training |
Name of the organization where the training took place |
Completion form |
1 |
On the study of international standards "ISO / IEC 9000: 2000; 9000: 2000; 19011: 2002 ". No. 005. |
Shymkent 2006 |
Institute for advanced training in the field of standardization, metrology, confirmation of compliance and accreditation |
Certificate |
2 |
“Development and improvement of the quality management system. Basis of ST RK ISO 9000 ". No. CM-30. |
Astana, 2008 |
Limited Liability Partnership "Implementation Center" Sapa ". |
Certificate |
3 |
"The Role of Measurements in Chemical Technology". No. G-2/139, No. 000714. Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of MIIT RK (Gosstandart), |
Astana, 2008 |
RSE "Kazakhstan Institute of Metrology". |
Certificate |
4 |
Language internship |
Malaysia (Kualalumpur city) 2013. |
«English Language Company» |
Certificate |
5 |
Internship under the educational program UNISWORK XIII "Food laboratories, management, accreditation and practice" |
Turkey, Istanbul 2014 |
Turkish Science and Technology Research Institute (TUBITAK) |
Certificate |
6 |
Training seminar on agricultural management and technologies |
Germany Weihenstephan-Trizdorf 2015 g. |
Weihenstephan-Trizdorf University of Applied Sciences |
Certificate |
7 |
Seminar on organic farming with the participation of Chinese trainers |
Astana 2016 |
Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullina |
Certificate |
8 |
Intra-university education quality assurance system |
Astana 2017. |
IAAR independent Agency for accreditation and rating |
Certificate for years |
9 |
Biotechnology in the food industry |
Yekaterinburg 2020 |
Ural State Economic University |
Certificate |
10 |
Chinese for HSK-І- ІІ an online course authorized by |
Powered by Coursera in English: 2020 |
Peking University and offered through Coursera, |
Certificate |
11 |
Professional development BA No. 04366 "Innovations in the educational process of higher education" 120 hours |
Nur-Sultan 2021 |
Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullina |
Certificate |
12 |
How to use Scopus for your research at KazATU |
Nur-Sultan 2021 |
Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullina |
Certificate |
13 |
How to write a literature review with Scopus at KazATU |
Nur-Sultan 2021 |
Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullina |
Certificate |
14 |
How to write and publish article with Scopus at KazATU |
Nur-Sultan 2021 |
Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullina |
Certificate |
Author of over 150 scientific publications in domestic and foreign scientific journals indexed by Scopus, RSCI, KKSON, including 8 textbooks, 5 preliminary and innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Hirsch index (Scopus) - 1
The most important in the areas presented over the past 5 years:
Publications in Web of Science, Scopus:
1. Means of quality and safety enhancement of national food nutrition on milk foundation // Республиканский научно-теоретический журнал «Товароведение пищевых продуктов» ISSN 1016-8055, №3 (14), 2012 г. Москва, С.-76-80, Процентиль 10%
2. Creating Fodder Basis and Methods of Improvement of Feed Nutritional Value in Central Kazakhstan // Biosciences biotechnology research Asia, September 2015. Vol.12 (Spl.Edn.2), p. 577-584, Процентиль 31%
3. Research to improve the quality of food products // Известия Известия Национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан // ISSN 2224-5278 Серия геологии и технических наук. № 4. 2018. Стр.28-37. Процентиль 40%
Publications in COXON:
1. Сүтқышқылды сусындардың тағамдық және биологиялық құндылығын арттыру жолдары // Научно-теоретический и практический журнал "Оралдың ғылыми жаршысы", №5 (136), 2015 г. с.61-65
2. Комплексное использование вторичного сырья –сыворотки и семян льна в хлебопечении // Шәкәрім атындағы Семей мемлекеттік университетінің «Жаршы» ғылыми журналы, 2016 г.
3. Өсімдік қоспасымен байытылған сүтқышқылды сусынды жасау технологиясы // Научный журнал "Вестник" Алматинского технологического университета, ISSN 2304-5681, №1(110), 2016 г. Алматы, с.-63-69;
4. Разработка технологии кисломолочных продуктов с обогащением злаковыми культурами // Научный журнал «Вестник» Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева, №4 (77), 2016 г. Астана, с.-177-185;
5. Исследование и разработка сывороточных напитков для функционального питания // Научный журнал «Вестник» Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева, №4(77), 2016 г. Астана, с.-97-105;
6. Жылқы ет өнімдерін тағамдық қоспалармен байыту арқылы технологиясын жетілдіру // Алматы технологиялық университетінің хабаршысы, №1 (114), Алматы қаласы,б.2017 г. 57-62.
7. Композиттік ұнның физикалық-химиялық құрамын талдау // Ғылыми журнал «М.Х. Дулати атындағы Тараз мемлукеттік университетінің «Механика және технология»» ISSN 2308-9865, 2021. №2 (72), Тараз. Б.
8. Өсімдік қоспасымен байытылған жұмсақ ірімшік жасау технологиясын жетілдіру // Ғылыми журнал «М.Х. Дулати атындағы Тараз мемелекеттік университетінің «Механика және технология»» ISSN 2308-9865, 2021. №1 (71), Тараз. Б.
9. Сүзбе, ірімшік сарысуының физикалық-химиялық қасиеттерін талдау және зерттеу // Ғылыми журнал «М.Х. Дулати атындағы Тараз мемелекеттік университетінің «Механика және технология»» ISSN 2308-9865, 2021. №1 (71), Тараз. Б.
Received innovative patents:
1. Copyright certificate "Technology of preparation of yoghurt based on mare's milk (Balsaumal)" No. 290, 19.09.2018
2. Copyright certificate "Technology of making ice cream based on mare's milk (Balsaumal)" -№2903 09/19/2018
3. The standard of organization of JSC "Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin "ST 27738-1901-AO-002-2017 TECHNICAL CONDITIONS for" Ice cream based on mare's milk "Balsaumal".
4. The standard of organization of JSC "Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin "ST 27738-1901-AO-002-2017 TECHNICAL CONDITIONS for" Fermented milk product based on mare's milk "Balsaumal".
5. The standard of organization of JSC "Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin "ST 27738-1901-AO-002-2017 TECHNICAL CONDITIONS for" Chocolate based on mare's milk "Balsaumal".