Main / Faculties and Departments / Sadenova Miram
Sadenova Miram

Sadenova Miram


Сandidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Office 8215, tell. 8 7172-297-657



Sphere of scientific interests

- Goat breeding, technology for the production of goat breeding products

- Beekeeping

Subjects taught

Goat breeding, technology for the production of milk, meat, wool and fluff, Beekeeping, Camel breeding, shubat, meat and wool production technology, Fundamentals of animal husbandry.


1980-1985 уу.

N.V. Gogol Kyzylorda Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Natural Sciences, specialty "Biology and Chemistry"

2006-2010 уу.

Applicant for the branch "Research Institute of Sheep Breeding" LLP "Kaz Research Institute of Livestock and Forage Production", specialty 06.02.04-Private animal husbandry; technology for the production of livestock products.

Work experience

1985-2006 yy.

Teacher of biology and chemistry, deputy director for innovative scientific and methodological work in secondary school No. 30 of the Kyzylorda region.


teacher, Senior Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology, Agroindustrial Faculty, SKSU named after M.Auezov.

Since 2015 yy

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Production and Processing of Livestock Products, S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University.

Professional advancement

 ‒ «Management of the breeding process in dairy cattle breeding» refresher course, LLP «Scientific and Innovative Center for Livestock and Veterinary Medicine», LLP "TAURUS" USA, Astana, 2018y.  

‒ Course on the topic «Табын жасақталуын жоспарлау, сүт бағытындағы тауарлы шаруашылықтағы өндіріс пен ветеринарлық қызмет көрсету технологиялары».  National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Competence Center.   2018у.

‒ seminar on "Production of baby food based on goat milk" National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Competence Center.   2018у., Nur Sultan. 2019 y.

‒ «Distance learning technologies and platforms for the implementation of educational services ”workshop, S. Seifullin KATU. Nur-Sultan, 2020

‒ Course on the topic "Innovative methods for genetic assessment of the breeding value of dairy cattle"   «LLP «Scientific and Innovative Center for Livestock and Veterinary Medicine»,  Nur-Sultan, 2020y.

‒ Theoretical and practical onlain-course "Artificial insemination of sheep", MSX RK    «Research Institute of Sheep Breeding» named after K.U. Medeubekov, city Almaty., 2021y.

‒ Theoretical and practical course of the seminar on the topic "Bonitization of sheep meat-lard and meat-wool direction of productivity" in the direction of "Sheep breeding" NJSC "West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan",  Ural city, 2021 y.

‒  seminar on "Using Index Breeding for Profitable Milk Production", LLT «Gri-GENEX Kazakhstan»  LLT «Republican Chamber of Dairy and Combined Cattle Breeds», Nur-Sultan, 2021y.

‒ "Beekeeping", Center for advanced training and additional education "Galymnur", Turkestan, 2022 y, 72  hours, Certificate № 0913.

‒ «Kozovodstvo, technology production of products kozovodstvo», Center for advanced training and additional education "Galymnur", Turkestan, 2022 y, 72  hours, Certificate № №0915.

‒ «Molecular genetic methods of diagnosis of diseases of farm animals and marker-assisted selection», "Russian State Agrarian UniversityMoscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev", 2022y.  72 hours, Identity card №771803128935.


Author of 20 scientific papers. The most important in the presented areas are:

  1. «Species composition and injuriousness of stranger xylophilous fauna affecting indigenous urban dendroflora of Central Asia», - Asian Jr. of  Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc. Vol. 18, No. (2) : 2016 : 359-366 © Global Science Publications. ISSN-0972-3005.
  2. Goat breeding: workshop. (kaz) Omarkozhayly N., Shurkin A.I., Sultanov O.S., Sadenova M.K.   – Аlmaty: LLT «Lantar Trade». 2018. – Р.188
  3. Goat breeding: workshop. (rus) Omarkozhayly N., Shurkin A.I., Sultanov O.S., Sadenova M.K.   – Аlmaty: LLT «Lantar Trade». 2018. – Р.206
  4. "Milk productivity of goats of the Saanen breed in Kazakhstan", - Selection and technological aspects of the intensification of production of sheep and goats: a collection of proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference / Publishing House of the RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy, 2019.-215p.
  5. "Chemical composition of feed and feeding rations for dairy cows in the conditions of Kamyshenka LLP, Akmola region", - Reports of the TSKHA: Collection of articles. Issue 291. Part V. M .: Publishing house of the RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy, 2019. - P. 364-368.
  6.  «Exterior performance and feeding conditions of the Saanen goat breed raised in the Akmola region», - Scientific and practical journal WKATU im. Zhangir Khan "Science and Knowledge"  № 2 (51) 2018 ,P.51-55.
  7. "Reproductive ability of cows and heifers of «Kamyshenka» LLP, Akmola region", - Science Bulletin of the S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University №3(102) 2019, P.141-149.
  8. "Basics on the study of the calving process to improve the safety, methods of care and maintenance of calves in commercial herds of Akmola region": Recommendation. - Nur-Sultan: Publishing house of S. Seifullin KazATU - 2020. – 24p.
  9. "Milk productivity of the Saanen breed of dairy goats in the conditions of the Akmola region"/ B.Zh.Kalkamanov, M.K.Sadenova // Innovatsionnyye podkhody v sovremennoy nauke: sb. st. po materialam LXVII Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Innovatsionnyye podkhody v sovremennoy nauke».– № 7(67). – М., Publishing «Internauka», 2020. – P. 162-168.
  10. "Productive qualities of the third generation of the Aberdeen-Angus breed in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan"/ N.N.Shakenov., N.Zh. Kazhgalyev, M.K.Sadenova // Innovatsionnyye podkhody v sovremennoy nauke: sb. st. po materialam LXVII Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Innovatsionnyye podkhody v sovremennoy nauke».– № 7(67). – М., Publishing «Internauka», 2020. – P. 135-143.
  11. K.Kh. Shaikenova, A.Zh. Bekkozhin, S.A. Isabekova, M.K. Sadenova, K.M. Omarova, G.K. Doldasheva // Recommendations are based on the study of the calving process to improve the safety, methods of care and maintenance of calves in commercial herds of Akmola region, Publishing house of S. Seifullin KazATU– Nur-Sultan, – 2020, 25 p.
  12. Shaikenova K.Kh., Sadenova M.K., Gorelik O.V. «Milk yeld and milk composition of technological groups of cows in the dairy farm LLP «Kamyshenka»» - Science Bulletin of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin № 1 (108), Nur-Sultan, – 2021, P.116-125.
  13. Shauenov S.K.. Omarova K.M.. Sadenova M.K.. Sultanov O.S.   "Weight and linear growth of young Zaanen goats in the conditions of the Akmola region." Scientific and production journal "Sheep, goats, wool business". №2, Моskow– 2021, P. 18-20.
  14. Sultanov O.S., Omarova K.M.. Sadenova M.K., Seytkazhy ZH. "Symbols of sheep and goats in heraldry" Scientific and production journal "Sheep, goats, wool business" №2, Моskow – 2021, P. 48-52.
  15. Omarova K.M. Shauenov S.K. Sadenova M.K. «Determination the effect of feeding on the milk productivity of the zaanen breed of goats bred in the akmola region», - Science Bulletin of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin №4 (111).  Nur-Sultan, – 2021–  P. 4-12.
  16. Nuraliev M.T, Yuldashbaev Y.A., Kenzhebaeva T.E., Omarova K.M., Sadenova M.K. «Assessment of the class composition and milk productivity of herds of dairy goats, depending on the origin», Science Bulletin of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin №1 (112), Nur-Sultan, – 2022, – P. 352-360.