Main / Faculties and Departments / Sautpaeva Shynar Eleusizovna
Sautpaeva Shynar Eleusizovna

Sautpaeva Shynar Eleusizovna


Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Office 1405, phone: 87019984524



Sphere of scientific interests

Innovation, innovative theory of progress and innovation of service

Delivered disciplines

innovation management, Organization behavior and culture

Master and Doctorate students working under her supervision

  1. Nurseit Kabden – thesis theme:  «Development management of innovational activities of agricultural enterprises»
  2. Asem Talipova – thesis theme:  «Innovational activities of  Kazakh companies: strategic and organizational aspects»
  3. Karina Urazova – thesis theme: «Increase of innovational activeness of enterprise by increasing its economic effectiveness»


Karaganda state university namеd after Е.Buketov Speciality marketing and commerce

Work experience

From 1995 to 2005 had worked as a senior teacher on the Department "Marketing and management, East Kazakhstan state University of S. Amanzholov. Since 2005, she has  been working as assistant Professor KATU

Awards and Honours

-Certificate of attendance «Regulatory impact assessment of legal harmonization of technical regulations», 2013;

-«Bases theory and methodology of the pedagogical measuring»,SE «Siberian association of consultants», 2013.

Advanced training courses

1 «Некоторые проблемы экономики Казахстана». КАТУ «Ғылым жаршысы» No2 (77) май, 2013 г.

2 Проблемы управления персоналом в государственных органах, КАТУ Сборник статей, 2014 г.