Main / Faculties and Departments / Seitova Zhadyra Adilbekovna
Seitova Zhadyra Adilbekovna

Seitova Zhadyra Adilbekovna


Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior Lecturer

at the Department of Heat Power Engineering


Office 1242, tel. +7 (7172) 39-76-08

Sphere of scientific interests

Agricultural sciences, environmental protection, environmental technologies at thermal power plants

Delivered  disciplines:

Thermal measurement, scientific research fundamental

Main research areas

Environmental technologies at TPPs.


2001-2006 yrs. – Engineering and Environment Faculty of KSU Korkyt Ata, specialty “Land improvement, restoration and protection of land”

2006-2009 yrs. Aral Sea region Research Institute of Agro ecology and Agriculture - graduate school, majoring 06.01.02. - Land improvement, restoration and protection of land.



2009-2011 yrs. – Junior Researcher, "Kazakh Research Institute of Rice."

2011-2014 yrs.   – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Natural Sciences, oil- gas and technical disciplines of the University "Bolashak" Kyzylorda.

2014-2021 yrs.   –Senior Lecturer of the Kazakh Agro-Technical University named after S.Seifullin.

Advanced training

  1. Center for retraining and further training in the field of environmental protection and natural resources. Topic: "Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan." 24 h. Certificate of 11.04.2014 yr
  2. The seminar training on "Science direct and Scopus Training". Kazakh Research Institute of rice cultivation, 28.07.2014-02.08.2014 years. 72-hr.
  3. Courses of improvement of pedagogical skills of teachers. 160 hr. 10.11.14-10.06.15
  4. "Environmental audit. Enforcement. The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 24-hour. 25-27 November 2016.

Published works 

  1. Perzadayeva А., G. Satybaldiyeva, N. Auyezova, Zh. Seitova. Monitoring of soil pollution byheavy metals inroadside areas of Astana city , AAbstracts/Journal of Biotechnology 256S (2017) S44–S116.
  2. Seitova Zh.A. Experimental and theoretical research in modern science: collection of articles. by mater. VII int. scientific-practical conf. No. 7 (7). - Novosibirsk: SibAK, 2017 .-- S. 48-51
  3. Seitova Zh.A., Manataeva M.A. Astana kalasynyk eco-polygonynda katty tormysty kaldyktardy zalsyzdandyru zhyesi. "Seifullin oulary - 13: dәstлерrlerdі saқtai otyryp, bolashakty uru" atta Respublikalyқ ғylymi-theoryly conferences. Astana, 21.04.2017, 329-331
  4. Seitova Zh.A., Abdykerova G.Zh., Aykupesheva D.M. Strategy for increasing the investment attractiveness of the agro-industrial complex // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 3. Almaty, 2019 p. 92-97.