Main / Faculties and Departments / Serekpayeva Mira Amangeldinovna
Serekpayeva Mira Amangeldinovna

Serekpayeva Mira Amangeldinovna


PhD, teacher

at the department of «Standardization,

metrology and certification»

Office 3102,  tel. +7-(701)-536-60-36      



Sphere of scientific interests

Improving the quality of animal and plant products, standardization, environmental management.

Delivered disciplines

Standardization and quality control of animal products, labour safety.Education


1999 - 2004  S.Seifullin Kazakh Agricultural University, Technical Faculty, specialty «Standardization and certification of agricultural products».

2013 - 2015  S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, master of Technical sciences, specialty «Standardization and certification».

Work experience

01.07.2004 – 10.07.2005 Manager in  LLP «Galamdyk Tehnologiyalar»

01.07.2005 – 01.09.2015   Manager in LLP «Mark 2000»

01.09.2015  -  Assistant at  the department of «Standardization, metrology and certification»

Advanced training courses

Internship «Quality Management System based on international standards ISO 9000», «Тhe State Regional Center for Standardization, Metrology and Testing in the Republic of Bashkortostan», Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa 2014.

Seminar «Training and retraining of workers in the field of technical regulation, metrology and management systems», RSE «Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization», 2015.Seminar «Thomson Reuters for scientific research», S.Seifullin  KazATU, 2015.

Seminar «Implementation of management systems in enterprises», RSE «Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization» 2016

Republican and international meetings

  1. The theme of seminar «Training of specialists and advanced training in the field of technical regulation, metrology and management system- Astana, 2015
  2. The theme of seminar «implementation of the international standards ISO 14001-2015 “enviromental management system” and ISO 22004:2014 “Food industry security system” - Astana, 2016
  3. The theme of seminar «Metrology in Industry 4.0» «RSE KazInMetr»-Astana, 2016
  4. The theme of seminar «Higher education and modernization of the economy: innovation and entrepreneurial universities», Nazarbayev University-Astana, 2016
  5. Republican Conference «Innovative trends in modern education», Al-Farabi KazNU-Almaty, 2016

Published works

  1. M.A Serekpaeva, A.I. Shurkin, S.B. Hametova, SH.K. Mukasheva, A.A. Ibzhanova «Improving the environmental safety of the use of municipal solid waste in the city of Astana», L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University. Scientific journal «Herald», a series of (technology) №4 – Astana, 2014. - p.112-114.
  2. M.A. Serekpaeva, A.I. Shurkin «Evaluating the effectiveness of separate collection of solid waste in Astana». Materials of the XI International scientific and practical conference «Science and civilization», - 2015. Volume 22. Ecology. Geography and geology. Agriculture. Sheffield. – 2015.
  3. M.A. Serekpaeva, G.T. Yusupovа «Analysis Management System Occupational Health and Safety»//Materials of the XII International scientific conference «Actual scientific development» - Sofia - 2016. - P. 58 - 60.