Main / Faculties and Departments / Smagulova Mirgul Esengalievna
Smagulova Mirgul Esengalievna

Smagulova Mirgul Esengalievna


Candidate of Chemical Sciences,

Senior lecturer of the Department "Technology

of Food and Processing industries"

Office 4309, tel. +7 (778) 5317890



Sphere of scientific interests

Physico-chemical methods of analysis, chemistry of natural compounds, study of the structure and properties of new bioorganic compounds, improvement of dairy production technologies, vegetable oil production technology.

Scientific qualification

Academic degree - 2010 Candidate of Chemical Sciences, 02.00.04 "Physical chemistry"

Subjects to be read

Methods of scientific research, commodity science of food products, technochemical control of grain processing enterprises with the basics of management, technochemical control, quality assessment and safety of meat and dairy products. 

Supervision of master’s students

Defended thesis

Undergraduates-Akhatova A., 2018; Sarskulova A, 2018; Orynbasar A., 2018; Kashkynbai K., 2019; Amantai V., 2019; Kulakhmetova B., 2019; Ablasan A., 2020.


Torebek M.


2000 - 2005 Faculty of Chemistry, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Specialty: Chemical, forensic and environmental expertise. Qualification – "chemist-expert".

2005 - 2008 A.B.Bekturov Institute of Chemical Sciences, postgraduate course. Specialty - 02.00.04 physical chemistry.

Work experience

2008-2010 Junior researcher at the Laboratory of Physico-chemical methods of Analysis of JSC "A.B. BekturovInstitute of Chemical Sciences", Almaty.

2010-2011 Junior researcher of the research laboratory "Laser technology of technological processes" of JSC "ATU", Almaty.

2011 Head of the testing laboratories of the branch of the Republican Research Center for Atmospheric Air Protection LLP, Astana.

2011 - 2017 Senior lecturer of the Department of Physics and Chemistry of S. Seifullin KATU, Astana.

Since 2017, Senior lecturer at the Department of Technology of Food and Processing Industries of S. Seifullin KATU, Nur-Sultan.

Research projects

  1. Contractor of contractual topic No. 1 "Development of formulation and technology of energy bars of therapeutic and preventive direction", Caspian Logistic and Procurement LLP, 2018
  2. Project contractor BR06249419-OT - Development of technology for the production of citric acid from sugar beet processing waste. 01.01.2018 - 01.01.2020/

Advanced training

Name of the topic

Place and period of training

Name of the organization where the training took place

Completion form







«Professional Development in Education and orgazinatial skills in high Education Institution».

18.11.2013-26.11.2013. Lisbon, Portugal.

Training on the basis of the Higher Engineering Institute of Lisbon (ISEL)



Training on chemical-analytical equipment 797 VAComputrace, Metrohm with the qualification "operator".

7.11-14.11.16 Nur-Sultan.

Distritich LLP



Instructed to work on the capillary electrophoresis system "Drops 105M" in the amount of 72 hours

24-28.10.2016. Ust-Kamenogorsk.

Lumex-Vostok LLP



Seminar "Instrumentation and methodological solutions of the LUMEX Group of Companies for the analysis of environmental objects, food products, feed, compound feeds and raw materials for their production".

21.11.2018, the city

of Nursultan.

Lumex-Vostok LLP



"Commercialization of technologies – a tool for the integration

of science and business"


, Nursultan.

JSC "Science Foundation"



Certificate of completion of the course "ST RK ISO/IEC 17025-2018. General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories"



Management System Astana LLP




Author of more than 30 scientific publications in scientific journals of RSCI, KKSON, including 3 textbooks, 2 innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The most important in the presented areas over the past 5 years:

  1. Kashkynbaj K., Altajuly S., Kucova A.E., Smagulova M.E. Razrabotka tehnologii varennyh kolbasnyh izdelii s ispol'zovaniem semjan kunzhuta. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Pedagogicheskie nauki.2019. №3-3, str 52-56
  2. Sataeva Zh.I., Mashanova N.S., Smagulova M.E. Saflorovoe maslo, obogashhennoe mikronutrientami jagod Godzhi. Materialy VI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-tehnicheskoj konferencii «Innovacionnye tehnologii v pishhevoj promyshlennosti: nauka, obrazovanie i proizvodstvo». Voronezh, 11 nojabrja 2019 g., s. 79-84.
  3. Smagulova M.E., Zhakupova G.N., Mashanova N.S., Sataeva Zh.I. Primenenie jekstrudirovannyh zeren v pishhevoj promyshlennosti. Materialy VII Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «novejshie napravlenija razvitija agrarnoj nauki v rabotah molodyh uchenyh» (15-17 oktjabrja 2019 goda, g. Novosibirsk) str. 325-327.
  4. Kulahmedova B., Smagulova M. Өsіmdіkterden alynғan komponentterdі қosu arқyly eshkі sүtіnen zhұmsaқ іrіmshіk өndіru tehnologijasy. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoteoreticheskoj konferencii «Sejfullinskie chtenija – 15: Molodezh', nauka, tehnologii - novye idei i perspektivy», priurochennoj k 125 letiju S. Sejfullina. - 2019. - T.І, Ch.1 - B.171-172.
  5. Kulahmedova B.D., Altajuly S., Smagulova M.E. Razrabotka bezothodnoj tehnologii proizvodstva mjagkogo syra iz koz'ego moloka. European scientific conference. Cbornik statej XIV Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, Chast' 1. Penza, 2019. 66-68 str. .
  6. Mashanova N.S., Smagulova M.E., Sataeva Zh.I. Badam sүtіnen balmұzdaқ zhasaudyң zhaңa tehnologijasy. Almaty tehnologijalyқ universitetіnің habarshysy, 2020. №3.
  7. Kulahmedova B.D., Smagulova M.E., Kalemshariv B. Razrabotka tehnologii mjagkogo syra iz koz'ego moloka s dobavleniem komponentov rastitel'nogo proishozhdenija. Pishhevye tehnologii budushhego: Innovacii v proizvodstve i pererabotke sel'skohozjajstvennoj produkcii. Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija v ramkah Mezhdunarodnogo nauchno-prakticheskogo foruma, posvjashhennogo Dnju Hleba i soli Sbornik statej, Saratov, 2020. str. 39-42.
  8. Abilasan A.O., Smagulova M.E. Razrabotka tehnologii i receptury kislomolochnogo napitka s dobavleniem rastitel'nogo jekstrakta.  Tehneologii i produkty zdorovogo pitanija XII. Nacional'naja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem Sbornik statej (g. Saratov, 17-18 dekabrja 2020 g.). str 12-17.

Received innovative patents:

  1. Patent No. 20486. Beketov K.M., Smagulova M.E., Faskhutdinov M.F., Baramysova G.T., Dzhiembayev B.ZH., Irismetov M.P. Method of purification of gliderinine. MPC A61K 36/484.

  2. Sataeva Zh.I., Mashanova N.S., Smagulova M.E. Blended vegetable oil of functional purpose. CopyrightcertificateNo. 11405 dated 21.07.2020